IRC logs for #automotive for Friday, 2015-09-04

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WalkerdineUgh my jetson is giving me issues01:43
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myselfwhat sort?03:50
myselfI tore my hair out with the GPIO example before realizing that pin 56 is output-only, and inputs worked perfectly as soon as I switched pins. This afternoon's adventure was figuring out which /dev/ttyWTF entry corresponds to which UART on the physical thing03:51
WalkerdineI cant get my sata drive to work on it04:31
myselfooh, that's one I haven't tried yet.05:05
WalkerdineIts been a hassle05:14
WalkerdineI've been stuck for a while05:14
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CTtpollardany objections on setting the genivi-demo-platform HEAD to the qemu branch?09:48
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CTtpollardjeremiah: do you know what git server software genivi is using? I'm looking into setting the head but it looks like it will need configuring server side10:53
CTtpollardahh gitolite11:09
CTtpollardlooks like I don't have enough privileges to use set-head going off my command list, or it is not enabled on the install11:14
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gunnarxCTtpollard:  No objections from me, wrt HEAD=qemu13:24
gunnarxyeah, I think you may have to log into the git server to set the ref.  I think jeremiah could do it.13:25
CTtpollardI can ssh in, but looks like I don't have enough cow powers for setting heads13:26
gunnarxI see.  ssh user  is something like "git" then?13:28
gunnarxdo you get shell access or not?13:28
CTtpollardssh git-genivi@git.projects.genivi.org13:29
CTtpollardshows if it knows your key and what permissions you have13:29
gunnarxah yes, and that puts you in some restricted shell implemented by gitolite right?13:30
CTtpollardyup, help shows a few commands, but set-head is a fatal unknown, it is documented though13:30
gunnarxit doesn't know me, I have no commit access to any repo13:30
CTtpollardI want to do something like ssh set-head genivi-demo-platform refs/heads/qemux86-6413:31
gunnarxjeremiah: Are you there?13:31
gunnarxset-head, is that some documented gitolite command?  I did not see it in the manual.13:33
CTtpollardit's generic git functionality, I'm pretty certain it's in gitolite13:34
gunnarxit's not a git command, afaik13:34
gunnarxoh, git remote set-head13:37
gunnarxthat makes a local modification only is my guess13:37
gunnarxyes it modifies refs/remotes/whatever13:38
CTtpollardthere is/was a set-head script in gitolite13:38
gunnarxwhat you need is to modify refs on the other repo, not refs/remotes in your own, if I'm not totally dreaming13:38
CTtpollardI might be outdated though13:38
CTtpollardyeh, ssh to the remote as the git user should allow you afaik13:39
CTtpollardI would presume i'm not an elevated admin user though13:39
gunnarxyeah, I could imagine gitolite provides it.  github has something similar, and so on.  But it's not git remote set-head as far as I can tell.13:39
gunnarxI bet jeremiah can log in with a real shell account and do it.13:40
CTtpollardssh set-head genivi-demo-platform refs/heads/qemux86-6413:40
gunnarxdoes it work?13:40
CTtpollardI only have 4 commands available13:40
gunnarxwhy do you keep repeating it then? :)13:41
CTtpollardto show I'm not trying to do a local remote head change :P13:41
CTtpollarddesc help info perms writable are my only remote commands I have access to13:41
gunnarxgot it13:42
gunnarxjeremiah: Can you enable set-head for CTtpollard inside gitolite (if such a command exists but I didn't find it in gitolite manual...)13:45
CTtpollardyeh, I think set-head has superseeded symbolic-ref, but again only applies locally13:46
gunnarxjeremiah: Can you log in, cd to genivi-demo-platform and run:   $ git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/qemux86-6413:46
gunnarxthat should do it I think13:46
gunnarxjeremiah:  Before you do it;a=tree is a 404.  After it should not be, if successful.13:47
CTtpollardalso, can clone without needing to specify branch13:47
gunnarxyup. I'm not yet convinced if that's a feature13:48
gunnarxafter all, it's good if people actively select a branch13:48
gunnarxbut it throws some people off...13:48
CTtpollardfunctionality wise, it's not a feature, but a random user could find the repo, try to clone without reading wiki / gitweb and get the error, which could lead them to presume the repo is dead / broken13:48
CTtpollardat-least this way they'll be able to get to the readme13:49
gunnarxyeah.  A fun alternative is to have the default branch only contain a README telling the user to actually checkout a branch.13:49
CTtpollardcould do13:49
CTtpollardI wouldn't oppose it13:49
gunnarxit's details.  We said we'd use qemu as main branch, works for me13:50
CTtpollardwas last night burger night?13:51
gunnarxnope, I got a home cooked meal :)13:51
rjekLast night was spicy pork scratchings night.  For me, at least.13:51
gunnarxnot cooked by me that is13:51
gunnarxoh right, I had a burger before that.  I forgot.13:53
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CTtpollardevening indeed15:07
rjekLate afternoon greetings.15:10
jlrmagnusWho is going to next week's AGL AMM?15:37
fredcadetenot me unfortunately15:46
paulsherwoodi am15:46
paulsherwoodjlrmagnus: will there be lots of jlr folks there?15:46
fredcadeteI'll be at the dublin linuxcon though, I guess I'll see some autolurkers over there15:47
fredcadetethat's it for today, have a nice weekend15:47
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waltminerjlrmagnus : I will be at the AMM15:48
waltminerlast time I looked there were five from JLR signed up15:49
jlrmagnusRudi. Anson Fan (from my team). Aaron Eiche. John Liehmann. Paul Wheller.15:51
jonathanmawI'll be at the AMM15:59
jonathanmawtaking over James Thomas' talk about cgroups15:59
* paulsherwood will be in the area on the monday, if any folks are interested in socialising 16:03
jlrmagnusI guess Pete Popov will show up as well, since he lives in the area.16:07
jlrmagnusRudi will present a few new projects on our behalf.16:08
CTtpollardis anything being streamed / recorded?16:08
jlrmagnusDon't know. waltminer?16:12
waltminerNot sure. I can check with Dan16:13
waltminerPopov is registered as Konsulko16:14
jlrmagnusYes. I know.16:14
waltminerI will arrive later on Monday, land in San Jose at 8:30 pm16:15
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waltminerpaulsherwood : it looks like the Baserock irc log site is down21:06
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jmacsThe urls in the topic are working for me at the moment22:12
waltminerthx jmacs  They are working again for me22:13
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