IRC logs for #automotive for Wednesday, 2015-07-22

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westonGood morning al04:49
* persia hopelessly clings to the remaining 8 hours of Tuesday, noticing that apparently Wednesday is well under way04:55
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westonpaulsherwood: hello..hows going10:07
paulsherwoodweston: i'm typing emails, while watching builds, and getting my thoughts in order for some docs i need to write... so keeping busy :)10:56
paulsherwoodin other news my proposal for a panel session on 'Collaboration in Automotive Software'  has been accepted... so now i need to track down which interested engineers are attending that conference10:57
westonpaulsherwood: cool. thanks. if you dont mind , automotive software  mainly includes AUTOSAR specific software or infotainment specific software?11:20
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paulsherwoodin that context, all of it13:24
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jlrmagnusGood morning14:14
paulsherwoodjlrmagnus: i'm coming to bay area and portalnd late next week... is that anywhere near you?14:15
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jlrmagnuspaulsherwood: I'm in Los Angeles right now, but will be in Portland from Thursday onward next week.14:30
jlrmagnusJLR's office is in downtown Portland.14:31
jlrmagnusFeel free to swing by if you want to.14:31
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paulsherwoodcool! i'll try to14:42
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* rjek cries into his hands15:06
jlrmagnusSo they used a DAB transmitter. That was a novel way of doing it.15:07
paulsherwoodi did say in GENIVI a couple of years ago, that we needed to get serious about security. quite a few folks literally heckled me, telling me i was exaggerating the problem15:08
jlrmagnusI'm right now incorporating a first round of review into the RVI security document.15:08
* rjek has decided he never wants to be a passenger in a vehicle where the car radio is connected to the CANbus.15:09
rjekI think our old Passat's only connection to anything even remotely important is a wire whose voltage varies depending on value of speedo so it can do volume adjustment.  That's difficult to hack.15:10
jlrmagnusrjek: What year is your Passat?15:10
paulsherwoodrjek: could you take a look at magnus' doc? i'm assuming he'd appreciate feedback15:10
jlrmagnusWould be much appreciated.15:11
rjekjlrmagnus: 2006 I think15:11
jlrmagnusA new version will be out in a few hours.15:11
* paulsherwood does wonder why radio *needs* to connect to the CANbus at all15:11
rjekI suspect it is actually connected to the CAN because you can query the OBD-II for the radio's key code15:11
paulsherwoodso immediate security improvement... deprecate that dunction?15:11
jlrmagnusrjek: OBD-II port will have ISO 9141 (IIRC) or CAN. If somebody can access that, they have full access.15:11
rjekI would like to see no IVI ever connected to anything other than some speakers, tbh :)15:12
jlrmagnusrjek: CAN bus connectivity is needed for the IVI to control HVAC, and read vehicle data needed by apps.15:13
rjekjlrmagnus: I want to not have that.15:13
rjekWe've managed without for a hundred years.15:14
jlrmagnusTrue. However, that would be a very niche market.15:14
jlrmagnus May be the car for you.15:15
rjekI am content with an array of tactile knobs to control the AC, and to entertain the passengers with an iPad.15:15
FelixHjlrmagnus: for the OBD port you need a physical access, that another story that a full remote hack15:15
rjekI absolutely do not want 50 million lines of code interacting with both wireless networks and anything even remotely connected to the brakes or powertrain15:16
jlrmagnusFelixH: Yep.15:16
rjekGive me a knob over a greasy touchscreen anyday :)15:16
jlrmagnusrjek: Yes. There need to be a stronger component domain isolation inside the IVI.15:17
rjekjlrmagnus: It's called an airgap firewall :)15:17
rjekA V850 connected via a UART with a list of CAN messages that are permitted to be sent /is not good enough/15:17
jlrmagnusYes. Hard to sell a jag without a screen, though,.15:17
FelixHYou can disconnect the IVI system but anyway you need something connected to network and can for telemetry, remote access, etc.15:18
rjekAlso, knobs have the advantage that they're safer: you can use them without looking at them, which is pretty important while you're in a 2 ton projectile15:18
rjekFelixH: You need?15:19
FelixHI don't see a good way to secure that except a full electronic component that limit the CAN messages permited15:19
rjekYou cut the wire between them15:19
FelixHrjek: well that depends what you want for sure15:19
jlrmagnusrjek: If you are to sell the car you are building, then you need the connection.15:19
jlrmagnusWe would sell very, very few XJs if they had the  UI of a 1995 Honda15:20
jlrmagnusFelixH: A Firewall.15:21
rjekMy main concern with the whole industry these days is the massive growth in complexity: cars are getting features nobody considered essential or even advantageous only 10 years ago, and it's all a quagmire of security horror15:21
FelixHBut for security you could keep a real wire for the brakes and a mechanical link for the steering wheel I guess (but I don't do mechanic)15:21
rjekYeah, a CAN firewall ins't enough15:21
rjekI believe the Chrysler hilarity recently involves abusing a bug in the VIP's firmware such that they replace it with code that allows any message to be sent15:22
jlrmagnusrjek: Complexity increase is in all products today. Aerospace, banking, process control, medical, etc.15:22
FelixHjlrmagnus: yes but everything that is software could be breached a day or another15:22
jlrmagnusJust like those other industries, automotive has to learn to manage the risk that follows increased complexity.15:22
jlrmagnusWe are not the first people to develop safety critical software systems.15:22
rjekjlrmagnus: I don't see why we should endanger customers by adding millions of lines of complexity just because other industries are :)15:22
jlrmagnusrjek: Because, sadly enough, that is what the customer wants.15:23
rjekIf nobody did it, the customer woulnd't want it :)15:23
jlrmagnusTrue, but the customer would look at their iphone and say "I want to play my music through the car stereo", and the ball would be rolling.15:24
rjekYou can do that without connecting the car stereo to the CANbus15:24
FelixHCustomers already want weekly OTA updates15:24
jlrmagnusYes. But CAN bus connectivity will come very soon after that first car stereo feature.15:24
jlrmagnusFelixH: Correct, because that is what they get on their phones.15:25
jlrmagnusWhich is what we are competing against here.15:25
rjekFelixH: The reason they want weekly OTA updates is because the software is so huge, buggy, and important to keep up to date...15:25
rjekAdded Chrysler hilarity: the bug can't be fixed OTA; has to go into the shop for a firmware upgrade to the VIP15:25
FelixHYes but not every car company is Chrysler :]15:39
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DthiriezHello and good morning!15:53
jlrmagnusGood morning David.15:53
DthiriezHi Magnus15:53
radiofreegood morning!15:53
DthiriezMagnus, as mentioned yesterday, I wanted to go over the rvi_core release-0.4.0 build issue I'm encountering on my web server15:55
jlrmagnusPastebin the error codes15:56
jlrmagnusOne sec15:57
Dthiriezthanks! I tried a couple of workarounds too, not sure if they're kosher though15:57
radiofreedo you have bluez installed?15:57
radiofreedevel libs15:58
jlrmagnusIr rather: libbluetooth-dev15:58
Dthiriezyes, let me confirm versions15:58
jlrmagnusThat should have the necessary header files, although the #include <> bit seems to pass during compile.15:58
Dthiriezshould have libbluetooth-dev, that was the first thing I tried15:58
jlrmagnusOne sec.15:58
jlrmagnusDo you have the file /usr/include/bluetooth/hci.h?15:59
jlrmagnusCmagnus@t520:~/work/jlr/rvi_core/doc$ dpkg -S  /usr/include/bluetooth/hci.h16:00
jlrmagnuslibbluetooth-dev: /usr/include/bluetooth/hci.h16:00
jlrmagnusSo libbluetooth-dev should provide the file, unless it's been stripped by some EC2 procedure.16:00
Dthiriezk, checking.16:06
Dthiriez[ec2-user bluetooth]$ rpm -qf ./hci.h16:06
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Dthiriezthe other change I attempted was to comment out the bt package from the rebar.config and remove any bt parameters in the .config file used to build my node (i.e. dlink_bt_rpc)16:15
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jlrmagnusDthiriez: You need to update rebar.config as well.16:25
jlrmagnusTry that.16:25
Dthiriezshould I comment out the BT functionality since the node will only be using tcp?16:26
jlrmagnusDump the config files in pastebin if you want me to have a look16:26
Dthiriezk, adding to pastebin. I had attempted commenting the bt functionality earlier, but noticed I missed commenting out dlink_bt_rpc in the rebar.config16:29
Dthiriezrebar.config @
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jlrmagnusDthiriez: LGTM. Don't forget to comment out the corresponding apps from backend.config that you feed to rvi_setup_node.sh16:37
Dthiriezk, just finished make clean and make. Updating backend.config now16:39
jlrmagnusk16:43 failed, adding result to pastebin16:43
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Dthiriezerror on,
Dthiriezbackend.config used for,
jlrmagnusSkip sudo when you are setting up a node. It messes up $PATH.16:52
jlrmagnusYou probably need to do a sudo rm -rf prod_rel rel/prod_rel before trying again without sudo.16:52
Dthiriezk, trying that now16:58
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Dthiriezhmm... the 2 bt items are commented out in backend.config, but still seeing {error,"Release \"rvi\" uses non existing application dlink_bt"}
jlrmagnusCan you give me backend.config17:15
jlrmagnusYeah. I think I know what is wrong, but need to see backend.config17:15
Dthiriezbackend.config with updated bt functionality removed @
Dthiriez*i.e. backend.config with  { bt, load} and { dlink_bt, load } commented out17:21
jlrmagnusOk. Still build failure?17:21
jlrmagnusI assume you are building from release-0.4.0 branch?17:22
Dthiriezyes, still seeing and on * release-0.4.0 branch17:24
jlrmagnusLet me check out the same branch and see if I can recreate17:26
Dthiriezk, thanks!17:27
jlrmagnusCan you post the command you used? The pastebin page has been removed.17:29
Dthiriez./scripts/ -n prod_rel -c ./backend.config17:30
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Dthiriezk, think it's something hardcoded in the sertup_rvi_node process?17:33
jlrmagnusForgot that one.17:34
jlrmagnusComment out bt and dlink_bt17:34
jlrmagnusmake clean17:34
jlrmagnusThat worked for me.17:35
Dthiriezcool! thanks! Trying that now17:35
jlrmagnus./rel/prod_rel/bin/rvi console17:36
jlrmagnusWorked for me17:36
jlrmagnusUlf has cleaned up the config, making it easier to add and remove components without all the hassle.17:36
jlrmagnusWe have yet to integrate his work into our repos, though,.17:36
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Dthiriez_back! My wifi hotspot walked off17:40
Dthiriez_going through the changes mentioned and retrying the setup_riv_node17:41
Dthiriez_Awesome!! Node build worked fine. Thank you for your help, Magnus!17:49
Dthiriez_to clarify, with Ulf's updates, will the only spot to update be a single .config file?17:51
jlrmagnusHopefully, yes.17:51
Dthiriez_cool, I'll document the resolution steps in the thread I started last week. Thank you!17:53
jlrmagnusThank you.17:53
jlrmagnusI'll be out until about  13:30PST.17:54
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Dthiriez_np I should be set for today. I'll play around with the setup this evening and follow-up tomorrow AM in case I have any questions. Thank you again!18:02
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jlrmagnusulf`, Ulf Wiger, not you. Sorry.20:51
jlrmagnusrvi-test1 will be brought down for experiments.21:01
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ulf`jlrmagnus: ok ;)23:01
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