IRC logs for #automotive for Thursday, 2015-07-16

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radiofreepersia: what's wrong with a maintainer? (as long as they are active)01:06
radiofreerstreif: i agree with your opinion on gerrit, but then my suggestion would be to use something like patchworks working on a mailing list, but i understand there's issues with that in a corporate environment (see the "Sending and reviewing patches (was: RE: [meta-ivi] Integrating the GDP)") thread on genivi-projects01:10
radiofreegithub is great, but i don't think we should be tying ourselves to a single, proprietary, solution here, better to look at something open source that we can contribute to and host ourselves?01:12
radiofreeI suppose you could say github is always going to be around, but then again one might have said the same thing about gitorious a few years ago (e.g
radiofreebetter example may have been
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persiaradiofree: The problem with a maintainer is that there it is a specific person or set of people tthat others become tempted to court.  Even explicitly non-maintainer systems often cause contributors to mistakenly court the set of core reviewers.  Such courting (e.g. being sure to buy the right person drinks at a conference) tends to weaken the technical review process.08:28
persiarstreif: Examples of FOSS projects without maintainers: the Ubuntu project (or the remaining community-accessible bits), the Tanglu project, the OpenStack project, the MediaWiki project.08:30
persiaOn GitHub: yes, mirroring repos to github to make them UI-accessible is a lovely thing, and should be done.  Using GitHub to process contributions is difficult because it makes it hard for multiple people to collaborate on a candidate patch.08:32
persia(it is the lack of an equivalent to the "Push to refs/for/refs/heads/*" permission that causes this)08:33
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rZrgla: hi15:18
rZrgla: got sabresd too ?15:19
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