IRC logs for #automotive for Tuesday, 2015-07-14

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stoffelooks like the test1 is resting ?01:45
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fredericocadetehello channel07:20
fredericocadeteQ: has anyone recently created an account in I tried today and am getting an error (Internal error [91a13e83] 2015-07-14 07:17:40: Fatal exception of type MWException)07:22
radiofreefredericocadete: i created an account a while ago, didn't see that07:26
fredericocadeteradiofree: thanks07:37
fredericocadeteA colleague also has this on another machine with a completely different set of browser, username, email, etc, so I am guessing it's not a client problme07:41
radiofreefredericocadete: i gave it a quick go just now, but apparently this IP is blocked07:41
fredericocadeteradiofree: which IP?07:42
radiofreethe ip of the network i'm on at the moment07:42
fredericocadeteah ok07:42
fredericocadeteI'll post something to genivi-projects07:42
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paulsherwoodagl layer design meeting is underway14:10
paulsherwoodkey points so far:14:10
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paulsherwood- tanikawa-san is working on minimal image recipes, aiming to have them in the git repos next week14:11
paulsherwood- munakata-san confirmed that there is porter board bsp support for 1.714:11
paulsherwood- discussion about access controls for gerrit14:13
paulsherwood- i proposed to write up some 'rules' for commit reviews, etc...14:18
paulsherwood- tanikawa-san: we need clear guidelines and criteria14:19
paulsherwood- let's aim to re-use guidance from existing projects14:20
paulsherwood- microchip is workign on recipes-automotive, eta 1-2weeks14:21
paulsherwood- possible face-to-face 20/21 August in Seattle?14:23
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Tanikawathank you for writing : )14:31
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paulsherwood- raised the topic of ci and automated test. munakata-san confirmed interest, noted that the tests are a key part of this, we should aim to bring in existing test cases where they can be made public14:31
paulsherwood- we expressed interest in Linaro LAVA. two attendees noted that it's quite hard to get started, documentation does not seem very helpful14:32
paulsherwood- i took an action to discuss this further directly with Linaro, hopefully they can help14:33
paulsherwoodTanikawa: thank you :-)14:33
paulsherwoodwaltminer: i anything from your notes i've missed?14:33
waltminerpaulsherwood I think you captured everything. Thanks14:37
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fredericocadetepaulsherwood: thanks for the live broadcast14:43
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jlrmagnusGood morning.15:21
jlrmagnusuwiger: Are you there?15:21
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jlrmagnusuwiger1 it is15:22
jlrmagnus* ulfwiger1 it is15:23
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paulsherwoodthis feels like the dayshift nightshift switchover....16:31
paulsherwooddayshift folks talk about stuff..16:31
paulsherwoodnightshift folk do software and test it :)16:32
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* paulsherwood hopes his previous comment didn't annoy anyone... 21:05
paulsherwoodwe have folks here from many timezones as far as i can tell :)21:06
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