IRC logs for #trustable for Wednesday, 2020-04-22

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*** lano has joined #trustable07:45
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*** lchlan_ has joined #trustable08:19
lanostpa standup in 2009:30
lanostandup, who's here?09:51
lanoorder is lano -> lchlan_ -> shaunmooney09:52
lano## Milan Lakhani (lano)09:52
lano* Done09:52
lano  - Add optional patch of checkboxes to requirements page to show if tests have been made (these would retain / be saved to the yml files)09:52
lano  - Add proptypes to components09:52
lano  - Look at smaller screen resolutions, will leave it for now as Lachlan suggested09:52
lano* Doing09:52
lano  - See if there's any other small features09:52
lano  - Make all the pages fully editable and translate back into yaml09:52
lano  - Change JavaScript to TypeScript09:52
lano## Lachlan (lchlan_)09:52
lchlan_* Done09:52
lchlan_   * MR for re-ordering of CI pipeline09:52
lchlan_* Doing09:52
lchlan_   * Follow up on CI build failure09:52
lchlan_## Shaun Mooney09:52
shaunmooney* Done09:52
shaunmooney  - Merged MRs09:52
shaunmooney* Doing09:52
shaunmooney  - Add ci to build and deploy website automatically09:52
shaunmooney    - Bug fixing09:52
shaunmooney* Next09:52
shaunmooney  - Level 3 UCAs09:52
shaunmooney    - Provide example level 3 UCAs09:52
shaunmooney  - Review Lachlan's work and discuss with John Thomas09:52
shaunmooney# Discussion09:52
lanoany points?09:53
lanoif not standup ends in 509:53
lchlan_Thanks lano09:53
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*** shaunmooney has quit IRC17:52
*** shaunmooney has joined #trustable19:31
*** lano has quit IRC19:46

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