IRC logs for #trustable for Friday, 2020-04-03

lanoStandup in 20!09:30
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lanostandup, who's here?09:51
lanoorder is lano -> lchlan_09:52
lano## Milan Lakhani (lano)09:52
lano* Done09:52
lano  - Add support for Controller Constraints to state and show Controller Constraints on Requirements page09:52
lano  - Planning with lchlan_09:52
lano* Doing09:52
lano  - Try and render images directly from the repo09:52
lano  - Add extra page for Controller Constraint editing to app09:52
lano  - Design of app with shaunmooney09:52
lano## Lachlan (lchlan_)09:52
lchlan_ * Done / For Review09:52
lchlan_    * Further discussion of web app issues.09:52
lchlan_    * Looked at web app local storage possibilities (IndexedDb)09:52
lchlan_ * Doing09:52
lchlan_    * We go back into Apollo code09:52
lchlan_# Discussion09:52
lanoany points?09:52
lanostandup ending in 509:53
lanomade it!09:53
lanohave a good weekend09:53
lchlan_Thanks lano09:53
lchlan_You to09:53
* lchlan_ is full of typos today09:56
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