IRC logs for #trustable for Monday, 2020-02-10

*** lano has joined #trustable08:44
shaunmooneypaulsherwood: can you add lano to the av-stpa project please, I dont think I have those permissions?09:09
shaunmooneylano: what's your gitlab username? ^^09:09
paulsherwoodlano: are you sure?09:12
lanoit may be milan.lakhani ...09:13
* paulsherwood can't find tht user at gitlab.com09:13
lanoyeah actually looks like milan.lakhani sorry09:13
paulsherwoodack... done09:13
paulsherwoodnp :)09:14
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lanoshaunmoney: standup in 1410:46
lano*shaunmooney haha10:46
shaunmooneylano: just you for standup today (I'm away still). You can use the links from the last standups to see where to post your notes10:47
lanoaight i'll do that at 11. Thanks10:48
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lanostandup notes...11:08
lano# Notes11:08
lano## Milan Lakhani (lano)11:08
lano* Done11:08
lano    - It looks like the git commands may have suceeded since they fetch refs from the gitlab crash-stpa repo, need to look at the file system11:08
lano    - Read reiterative's suggestion to initially form a process using the existing gitlab ide before making the web interface, look into gitlab web ide11:08
lano* Doing11:09
lano    - Prioritise web IDE and start making formal documentation after this standup11:09
lanonotes here
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