IRC logs for #trustable for Friday, 2017-01-13

jmacsCould be worth us making a catalogue of engineering mistakes and the methods we could use to prevent them.00:30
persiajmacs: I've not yet found the article I remember reading before, but includes some discussion of git as a content-addressible filesystem vs. a traditional SCM (never mind a VCS).00:59
persiaOh, and I thought of a simple thought experiment to demonstrate the lack of real history.  Consider two developers, each working on multiple branches, and each regularly rebasing their branches against both their own master and each other's master, with all changes landed as fast-forwards.  Over the course of the development, as each developer has no control over when their counterparty chooses to rebase, the two histories may not match, especially01:06
persiaif both land changes on their master immediately after rebasing to each other.01:06
persiaOr, hrm, maybe it works better with three developers.01:07
persiaSo, yeah, developer A makes a tree available with patch Z.01:07
persiaDeveloper B rebases patch Y above patch Z, and makes that tree available.01:08
persiaDeveloper C rebases patch X above patch Z, and makes that tree available.01:08
persiaDeveloper A pulls developer B's tree, and then adds patch W.01:09
persiaDeveloper B pulls developer C's tree, and applies patch X.01:10
persiaDeveloper A pulls developer B's tree, and applies patch X.01:11
persiaDeveloper B pulls developer A's tree, with one of two results: either A) patch W is inserted between Y and X or B) patch W is applied over patch X.01:12
persiaIn the first case, Developer B's local history has changed, and the prior history is not trivially accessible.  In the second case, Developer A and Developer B have different histories in their trees.01:12
persiaAlthough the code is precisely the same in both cases (remember, we're assuming no conflicts), the difference in history makes it hard to assert that a given SHA1-marked commit occupies a given position in a version ordering.01:13
persiaOf course, one can work around this by having a central git repo and discouraging developers from pulling from each other directly, especially if one prevents any pushes to the central repository that would break history.01:16
* persia still thinks it is possible to create this problem with two developers, but hasn't thought it through properly. Something about using different branches in the local repos instead of more developers.01:16
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paulsherwoodrjek: omg10:37
rjekpaulsherwood: oyg?10:38
paulsherwoodthat aes article10:39
rjekOh the ruby one10:39
rjekyes, terrifying isn't it?10:39
persiajmacs: My apologies, but I think I will never find the interview where Linus explains git as a content-addressible-filesystem, rather than a VCS.  The search space for pages on the internet containing "git" and keywords that might help is too large.12:48
persiaThe mail linked above is about as close as I can reach.12:48
persiaThe git book, and some other explanations of git plumbing help underscore some of the key issues, like that a git repository can have an arbitrary number of parentless commits, each with a separate history (and no intertwining of histories).  That the nature of gc means that it is trivial to lose commits if they are not saved in some way, etc.12:49
jmacsI'm learning a lot about git this week; unfortunately I don't think I'll have time to become a master of it14:08
persiaFor the purpose of asserting criteria to determine whether sufficient metadata is present (and uncorrupted) in a given workflow, I don't think git mastery is required.14:21
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jmacsbtw, I've started a glossary at for people to disagree with15:18
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persiajmacs: How does version control imply branching and merging?  Most CVS users did without those features for years.15:31
jmacsI used CVS for years and used features analogous to branching and merging. They may not have been called that.15:32
* persia is hoping to discover something about the specific semantic mapping implied by the definition, rather than claim the entry is incorrect.15:32
jmacsI did say "usually implies"15:33
persiaAh, fair.  And if I pick another odd-VCS (the debian package archive), there are analogous constructs there as well.15:33
persiaSo, for the purposes of these discussions, we aren't making an explicit differentiation between Version Control and Source Code Management.15:34
jmacsI think I might, if I can pin down the difference.15:34
persiaTo me, the difference is entirely about version ordering.15:35
persiaOr, well, also an assertion that in a VCS, one is dealing with some particular thing, whereas in an SCM, one might be dealing with a variety of things (e.g. multirooted git repo with different branches corresponding to different projects with no shared history)15:36
jmacsSomething like Android's "repo" tool?15:36
* persia pauses to learn a bit15:37
persiaAt first glance, repo seems to provide management for multiple git reposiitories as a logical unit, which is the inverse of the example I gave above, but broadly, yes, I consider repo to be SCM, but not VCS (except that because it presumes upload to gerrit, centralised gerrit provides VCS-like guarantees for anything merged to managed branches)15:39
persiaConversely, is a VCS (it provides versioned source and authenticity guarantees for specific versions), but it doesn't have any of the features we expect from SCM.15:46
jmacsI can see how functions as a VCS, but I don't think anyone would call it one15:50
* paulsherwood thinks persia is being persia again15:55
persiaNot a lot of people call the Debian archive a VCS either :)  That said, there is tooling (mostly by GNU) that allows one to show changes between versions, upload new versions, verify that a given codebase is a specific version, etc.15:55
rjekI don't think persia can do much about being persia15:56
persiapaulsherwood: Well, yes, but that's why I specifically asked if it was interesting to differentiate VCS from SCM.  If it is, then I'm going to pick corner cases that demonstrate things that are one, but not the other.15:56
persiaMost tooling in the VCS/SCM area does a bit of both.  For all that I argue git isn't a VCS, most git hosting solutions do provide VCS (although some git folk argue against centralised git as "doing it wrong").15:57
persia(or stronger words, ad hominem attacks, etc.)15:57
persiaBut if evaluating tools for trust, the data model becomes important.  For example, in the case of git, cloning a git repo isn't enough to be confident in history: one also needs metadata from a centralised git hosting solution to audit that the history wasn't changed over time.  WIth something like Visual Source Safe, a copy of the repository is enough to be confident of history (at least until the last file rename of any given file).16:03
persiaTools like gitano and gerrit are more interesting than some of the alternatives, because they (do, may) store some of that crtiical metadata in git, so that one doesn't need to use alternate tooling to verify whether the git history is accurate.16:08
jmacsI feel like at some point on this project, someone is going to write a new version control system16:24
paulsherwoodoh please no16:25
persiaI hope not.  There are enough good VCS solutions that live atop git.16:27
persiaIt might be nice to have one formally part of git "porcelain", or at least agreement on metadata formats to allow transfer between systems, but that's as much as ought be done.16:28
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