IRC logs for #trustable for Tuesday, 2016-12-20

*** AlisonChaiken has joined #trustable03:49
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*** laurenceurhegyi has joined #trustable09:10
paulsherwoodlaurenceurhegyi: board not found09:18
paulsherwoodpls can you make it public09:18
laurenceurhegyiAh, I thought it was already. I'll sort that now.09:23
paulsherwoodlaurenceurhegyi: thanks. is there any way to create an alias/shortname for a board on trello?09:25
paulsherwoodalso dog-feeding =? dogfooding :)09:26
laurenceurhegyiI was never sure on the wording for that :)09:28
laurenceurhegyiRe the short-name - the board is currently called 'Trustable - Phase 1' which we can easily amend. But I'm not sure on an alias/shortname09:30
laurenceurhegyiI'll have a look now.09:30
* paulsherwood was hoping for or similar09:31
laurenceurhegyiYes, I'll see what can be done.09:33
laurenceurhegyiHmm - that string after appears to be the board ID, and it doesn't look like we can amend it.09:51
laurenceurhegyiI've shortened the board name to just 'Trustable', and I'll keep digging / ask on the user forum, but have a feeling it won't be available on the free version.09:53
paulsherwoodok thanks09:59
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* paulsherwood has spent some *hours* trying to recover the links in :/12:47
rjekpaulsherwood: What's the problem?12:50
paulsherwoodrjek: unclear. locally everything is fine. when i deploy, pelican seems to conclude PAGES is empty, or something12:53
paulsherwoodI've hacked around it for now12:54
rjekI'm in the office; do you want me to take a look?  I've no idea about Pelican at all really but some fresh eyes might help12:54
paulsherwoodrjek: well it's 'fixed' now by my hack. you're welcome to take a look though12:57
* rjek will continue with what he's doing if you're content for now :)12:57
paulsherwoodactually that was just a general link, not for ChrisPolin specifically14:57
ChrisPolinWill have a looksee.14:57
paulsherwoodChrisPolin: how are you getting on with the picture of the elephant? :)14:58
ChrisPolinOne ear at a time. =P There is a UML-rendered version of the workflow on the wiki page now, but it is still a png as I'm still trying to suss out how to get it to point to a renderer as you suggested.14:59
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ChrisPolinThe UML is in the repo now, so it can be changed as you like, but it's not as straightforward as changing it on the wiki page yet.14:59
persiaIf you're doing UML, please don't "paint" with it.  You've used a state diagram to represent things that aren't states.15:01
* persia tries to relearn enough UML to provide useful suggestions15:02
persiaI think you want a "Component Diagram"15:04
ChrisPolinI'll have a play with it now.15:05
persiaMuch more readable :)15:17
persia(extra points for defining interfaces, but that is presumably another interation)15:17
ChrisPolinCool. Still missing the components you suggested yesterday, I'm getting a better picture of that on paper and then I'll add them in, but it's now easily edited.15:18
persiaSure.  My review of the change from drawing->UML was based on the assumption that the content was still matching that from yesterday morning.15:19
ChrisPolinPretty much.15:19
persiaAlthough my desire to use a component diagram was informed by reading related to our discussions yesterday about folk who are having success with machine-processed UML.15:19
persia(apparently lots of folk "paint", which makes the machine-processing folk unhappy, because they cannot consume the UML)15:20
ChrisPolinHaha I see the problem.15:20
persiaHrm.  Reading more and thinking more, I wonder if the current diagram is a bit of a component diagram and a bit of an activity diagram, attempting to show both structural and behavioural elements of the expected systems.15:35
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persiaFrom interest, how was the choice of plantUML made?  Following the chain of inquiry from above, I encountered a lot of references to textUML, and to various explanations why one didn't want to use XMI or HUTN, but not much on why one might prefer plantUML to other solutions.16:06
paulsherwoodas with most things here, plantuml can be considered a strawman16:18
paulsherwoodif there's something obviously better, we'd love to hear about it16:18
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paulsherwoodtextuml seems to require eclipse, though16:20
persiaFrom the limited view I encountered, I think I like plantUML, but was hoping to find some reasoned comparison between it and textUML.16:20
persiaErr, well, it's more complicated than that.  plantUML has plugins for a wider range of display platforms and text editors.  textUML seems to have a wider number of code generators (both implementation code and template code).16:21
persiaFor both representations, the majority of useful tooling seems to be integrated with eclipse, although there are ways to not use Eclipse.16:22
persiaBut my UML experience is dated enough that I don't have a good grasp as to which provides a better DSL for writing modern UML.16:22
persia(although, having read the HUTN standard, I can understand why nobody adopted it)16:23
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paulsherwoodChrisPolin: i think your 'Trustable System Structure' should be something more like 'Trustable Software Process' or 'Trustable Software Workflow'?16:34
paulsherwoodi appreciate you're trying to describe infra for it also, but still, mentioning 'system' seems to lead to potential confusion - you're *not* describing a target system16:36
persiaThat confirms that it ought be an activity diagram, rather than a component diagram.16:38
persiaApologies for the misleading guidance previously.16:38
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persiaI find that the "Page History" links on the trustable wiki all return 404s.  Are the page changes stored somewhere else for review?17:13
jmacsSame here17:14
jmacsYou could clone and view the revisions with git17:15
ChrisPolinApologies, I've been scrolled up on the channel to reread yesterday's conversation and hadn't noticed the new posts.17:22
ChrisPolinpaulsherwood, I agree that 'workflow' is a better description.17:24
ChrisPolinI'm getting the page history ok?17:25
jmacsIt only appears to work if you're signed in. I suspect it's an error.17:27
persiaAnd git seems to be a sensible workaround17:29

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