IRC logs for #cip for Thursday, 2022-01-27

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jki#startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting13:00
brloggerMeeting started Thu Jan 27 13:00:52 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jki. Information about MeetBot at
brloggerUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:00
brloggerThe meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting'13:00
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jkigreetings @all!13:01
jkilet's wait a bit longer, the circle is still small13:04
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jkiok, seems we don't get more today13:08
jki#topic AI review13:08
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jki1. Merge kernelci support in isar-cip-core - jan13:08
jkicurrently waiting on a question I had on patch 2 of alicef's series13:09
alicef_just replayed13:09
jkiok, great13:09
jkithen I will wait for v3, rebase my consolidation on top and post that as well13:10
alicef_As the v2 rebase was greately differing from the first patch series structure the installation script got lost in translation13:10
alicef_sending the v3 patch13:11
jkiI didn't find that in the history myself, but anyway13:11
alicef_where is your consolidation ?13:11
jkilocally only so far13:11
jkiwill send it out once rebased13:11
jkithen next topic13:12
alicef_jki: is all in the mail. just the first patch series is missing versioning13:12
alicef_as there is no contribution documentation on isar-cip-core13:13
alicef_and lacking which contribution version I should follow13:13
jkiright, that should be fixed13:13
jkiok - move on?13:15
jki2. Clarify with KernelCI whether CIP maintainers can get accounts - alicef13:15
alicef_this work is done in collaboration with patersonc13:16
alicef_patersonc[m] opened a issue on this 14days ago13:16
alicef_but the issue is still in the todo list13:17
jkihow needs to do something now?13:17
alicef_patersonc[m] said to write a PR but I didn't see it yet13:19
jkithen we should transfer the AI to him ;)13:19
alicef_jki: actually it was already13:21
jkiok, my bad13:22
jkianything else on this?13:22
alicef_please check last week meeting
jkilet's clarify the state with him in the next meeting13:23
jki#topic Kernel maintenance updates13:23
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ulireviewed 5.10.94 candidate patches13:24
pavelI was reviewing
masamithere was 4 new CVEs in this week.13:24
masamiI also replied to
masamiThis issue describes patch for CVE-2021-4203 needs a commit f06bc03 to avoid null pointer dereference bug if DEBUG_CREDENTIALS is enabled.13:25
masamistable kernels and cip kernels are already applied the commit.13:27
pavelShould we discuss self-maintainance of 4.4.X?13:30
jkiwhat aspects would require discussion?13:32
alicef_I thought that was the main discussion of this meeting13:32
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pavelWell... Do we maintain everything or just the hardware CIP boards have?13:33
pavelAnd if everything, should we attempt to be assigned 4.4-stable tree?13:33
jkiright, that needs a decision13:33
alicefwhat about commons parts ? memory, filesystem13:33
pavelalicef: We need to do common parts. No discussion neccessary there.13:34
jkiso far, the story was: everything that is enabled in the superset of our configs13:34
alicefpavel: I think so13:35
alicefbut "just hardware" is ambiguos.13:35
paveljki: yes, our configs are main focus.13:36
alicefjust wanted to be sure that also commons part are into "just hardware"13:36
paveljki: But we have basically just 2 boards in our 4.4.X testing. We build for a bit more.13:36
jkidoing more is one thing, committing on doing more is another13:37
jkimy concerns are about that commitment, explicit or implicit13:37
jkiwe need the manage our limited resources in the end13:38
pavelWell, we'd get implicit commitment, yes.13:39
pavelBut we can still ask people to bisect when they encounter problem, that's how stable works.13:39
pavelAnd we'd probably get testing from the community. (And some exposure/advertising).13:40
jkiwe'd PROVIDE implicit commitment by saying we host a complete 4.4.y-stable13:40
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jkibut I can't assess the effort13:40
pavelYes, agreed, we would.13:40
jkiwhile I would possibly have to provide answers to the members if they want to know that13:40
pavelWe'd have react to emails and if someone bisects bad patch we'd have to revert it.13:41
pavelOTOH we would get community testing.13:41
jkiI see the point13:41
pavel...we are currently testing on single arm board and x86 qemu.13:41
alicefkernelci is also testing 4.4 cip13:42
pavel...but people probably expect arm64 to work etc...13:42
jkiand there we already have a difference, right13:43
alicef187 builds13:43
alicefand testing on most of accessible kernelci boards13:44
pavelI see pros: more exposure, better testing, outside people more willing to help us.13:44
pavelAnd there are cons: more work.13:44
jkibefore asking the Linux community to give us the 4.4-stable tree in the name if CIP, we should ask our TSC for an approval13:44
jkiand they will ask us to provide at least an estimate on that13:45
jkithat "more work"13:45
jkior that "saved work due to contributions"13:45
paveljki: I guess so. But we have to ask fairly quickly as taking over 4.4-stable will be hard once the tree closes.13:46
jkiwhy will it be hard after that?13:46
jkithis is a complex question, and I'm concern we won't get a quick answer13:47
paveljki: I see two possibilities: a) Greg is right that noone cares about 4.4.X any more. I believe people will still test it if we provide it, but would not expect too much extra work.13:47
alicefon the other side we also have Gregkh opinion in merit13:47
pavelb) someone besides -cip still uses 4.4. We'll get bugreports but we are also likely to get external help.13:48
paveljki: Well, once tree closes, it will be marked at closed, and people will be hard-pressed to move away from it.13:48
pavelBacklog will accumulate, so it will not be easy "pick where Greg left" any more13:49
pavelTree will be marked as unmainained at
pavelAgreed this is a complex question :-(.13:49
pavelTesters will move away from the tree once it is marked as closed.13:49
jkipavel: did you already reach out to Greg and carefully ask whether he would hand over at all?13:49
jkinot saying that we decided to do that already13:50
jkithen we may gain time - or close the topic because he refuses to do that13:50
pavel(let me search that).13:50
alicefgreg replay on CIP maintainance: That is up to them to do, I wish them well, I think it is a loosing game13:51
alicefand one that is going to cost more money than they realize.13:51
alicefso if I understand the first part correctly. Greg say that is up to CIP to decide.13:52
pavelalicef: do you have links handy? I tried to "carefully ask", but have too much mail and can't find the right one now.13:52
jkiwas that on our CIP tree or on the official stable tree?13:52
aliceflink of the full Gregkh replay:
alicefalso twitter feed on the issue:
pavelThank you, that's the one. You can see my message in the parent.13:54
jkireading Greg's reply, he is only referrring to our tree and to our way of maintenance (narrow)13:54
jkiso, he is actually confirming the concerns regarding to promise "we just continue"13:54
jkiwhich we can't13:54
pavelWell, yes, it appears so. I did not want to do more explaining/discussion without checking with you.13:56
jkimy stomach says: better direct the remaining users to our tree and make them contribute there if they see value13:56
jkiwe can advertise that, but we should also explain the limited scope13:56
jkiwe could even provide a "vanilla" stable tree without backports as well13:57
jkibut under a different url to clarify that it is different13:57
pavelI believe that would be good idea, yes.13:57
jkidifferently maintained13:57
pavelBut I don't think we'll get people testing it the way they are testing 4.4-stable.13:58
jkiis that testing coupled to the URL or the scope of (committed) maintenance?13:59
alicefGentoo is actually removing 4.4 and also 4.9 kernel14:00
pavelIts just inertia, probably. They have always tested 4.4.x so they'll likely continue if it is on same url.14:00
alicefas they are already not enough used anymore14:01
pavelIt seems ~3 projects (+ us) are testing 4.4.X-rc candidates.14:02
jkiwe need active testers in the end, those who also report when the find something14:03
jkimake them aware of what we do, how we do that, and the active and interested ones should follow14:04
alicefjki: but on what boards ? cip is willing to accept bugs also amd64?14:04
pavelI agree it is not easy. I believe it will be easier to get people to cooperate if we act as stable maintainers.14:06
jkilet's say: if there are active testers on arm64 who are willing to submit reports and solutions for arm64, we take them14:06
jkibut we will not invest more than that - we don't have the mandate by CIP14:06
jkiif users want to change that: become a CIP member an vote for it!14:07
jkiI think the key is being transparent, not overpromising anything, rather accidentally over-delivering from time to time14:08
pavelOk, so:14:08
pavela) Have we decided at maintaining 4.4-stable and 4.4-stable-rt separately?14:09
pavelb) Will we do some kind of announcement when Greg anounnces 4.4.x closes?14:09
pavel        b1) Who does the announcing? :-)14:09
pavelc) Does it make sense to ask CIP TSC if we want to become stable maintainers?14:10
jkiI think we will not be able to sell c) to the TSC14:11
jkiat least I feel like I would lack enough arguments14:11
jkidoing a) in a separate tree, explaining via b) how that works, may be worth to present to the TSC14:12
pavelOk, that makes sense.14:12
jkithe announcement should be sent by the CIP kernel maintainer(s)14:13
jkion the wording, we can work together14:13
pavelOk, that works for me.14:14
jkiI will try to present that idea on next week TSC call14:15
pavelThank you! :-)14:15
jkiok, we are overtime :)14:16
jkianything else here?14:16
pavelYep, sorry about that :-)14:16
jkinp, it's an important topic14:16
jkimove on in...14:17
jki#topic Kernel testing14:17
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alicefI updated some KernelCI patches14:18
alicefone that is needed for enabling lab-cip devices not yet enabled on kernelci14:18
alicefbut some of them are offline/not working14:18
alicefso I will discuss about putting them online with patersonc[m]14:19
alicefjki: is not only one14:19
alicefbut yes also denx-lab14:20
alicefother PR refactor is about preempt_rt14:20
alicefI see in staging that we we are already getting rt test results correctly14:21
alicefso will be enabled after the next review from kernelci14:21
jkiok, great14:22
alicefbaseline-cip-nfs is the test with isar-cip-core by the way14:23
alicefthat's all for me14:24
jkianything else?14:24
jki#topic AOB14:25
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jkianyone anything here?14:25
brloggerMeeting ended Thu Jan 27 14:26:52 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:26
brloggerMinutes (text):
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pavelThank you, and stay safe! :-)14:27
jkithank you all, specifically for the extra time ;)14:27
uliyou're welcome :)14:27
jkihave a nice day!14:27
masamithank you14:27
pavelNice snowstorm outside, have a better day! :-)14:27
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