IRC logs for #cip for Thursday, 2021-11-25

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jki#startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting13:00
brlogger`Meeting started Thu Nov 25 13:00:27 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jki. Information about MeetBot at
brlogger`Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:00
brlogger`The meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting'13:00
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jkihi all!13:00
jki#topic AI review13:04
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jki1. Combine root filesystem with kselftest binary - iwamatsu & alicef13:04
alicefkselftest as been enabled on KernelCI for CIP and the pull request merged13:05
alicefso we should see kselftest checks from now on13:06
alicefmain target is 5.10 as under 5.10 are not currently supported by kernelci13:06
alicefthe staging kselftest result can be seen here:
alicefI'm currently testing preempt_rt checks on the rt branches and sended a pull request for enabling it13:08
jkihow to the results compare to what should be expected?13:08
alicefabout kselftest ?13:08
alicefwhat you should expect ?13:09
jkiyep, on that page you shared - known failures?13:09
alicefif you see in the available test plans, you should see also kselftest_* entry13:10
alicefand if you click on each one you can see the board/configuration that are working or giving warning13:11
jkiso, orange generally mean that a board is not available?13:11
alicefno means that some test got a warning13:12
alicefor failed
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alicefit means that partial test set couldn't pass13:16
jkiok, so the expected result would be all green, and those others need to be looked at?13:16
jkiand how do we compare here to the corresponding LTS version?13:16
alicefon the kernelci mainling list we are also getting the cip report with regression or improvements13:17
alicefis not comparing with LTS version. is comparing with previous cip test13:17
alicefcurrently is just started to test kselftest on cip kernel13:18
alicefso we don't have a base for understand if we had regression or not13:18
jkiok, understood, thanks13:19
alicefbut by testing more we will some more information of what is happening13:20
alicefwill have13:20
alicefI don't remeber if currently cip-dev is getting any kernelci mail13:21
jki - this one e.g.?13:21
jkibut none anymore since then13:22
alicefright. I think it need to be fixed13:23
pave1alicef: yes, cip-dev was getting it at some point.13:23
pave1alicef: but I don't think we need to get those mails.13:23
pave1alicef: Without detailed understanding of kernelci they are just noise.13:23
alicefwhy not ? are not useful information ?13:23
pave1alicef: I tried to understand them at one point and could not figure out what is wrong.13:24
alicefthat are the same mail format that also linux kernel is getting and using13:24
pave1alicef: It is not just the mail format. Lets take as an example.13:25
pave1alicef: Sleep failure on some HP notebook we don't use. Is it just a fluke or real failure?13:26
pave1alicef: And if it is real, how do we debug it?13:26
pave1alicef: If you could select some real-looking failure that looks worth fixing, maybe we can work together to fix it? That would teach me how to work with that...13:27
alicefthat is still one of the many problem that it could catch13:27
alicefdosen't mean that all problems are useful or fixable but some are13:28
iwamatsudo we need check results on kernelci? I think it is necessary to check the test result on the cip side before kernelci.13:28
alicefand you can get some good information about regression13:28
pave1alicef: Yes maybe there are some good reports. But at least I'm lost in the kernelci reports and would need help if we tried to address some.13:29
alicefalso KernelCI is testing on the same board of cip side13:30
alicefas KernelCI is using lab cip13:30
alicefand that makes cip side work redundant13:31
iwamatsuBut kernelci does not use seme kernel config and same rootfs, right?13:31
alicefas is not filtered only to lab cip. you can get also board and notebook results that are not on lab cip13:31
alicefiwamatsu: it does better than cip side13:32
patersonc[m]Is it not easier to work out regressions from the automated KernelCI emails then it is from looking through every single LAVA job as you have to now in the CIP setup?13:32
alicefcip side rootfs is not updated instead kernelci side is using isar-cip-core13:32
alicefand also updating it13:32
alicefand 4.19 kernel config are getted correctly from the cip gitlab configuration repository13:33
iwamatsualicef: right. we need to update rootfs for testing.13:33
pave1patersonc: I'm just looking for green marks in gitlab :-). Maybe kernelci would make the job easier, but I just don't know how to use it.13:33
alicefkernelci is already doing it13:33
alicefcip side core image are really old and not much relevant anymore. if you want to move to isar-cip-core13:34
alicefalso cip side is "afaik" not using configuration from the cip configuration repository13:35
jkiare really all boards we have in our lab also available to kernelci?13:35
alicefbut using the configuration from inside the kernel tree13:35
alicefalmost all. some are in progress of activation13:35
iwamatsuyes, I thought it probably needed to work with the cip-core team. Until now, it was prepared by the kernel team...13:35
alicefsended a pr for that13:35
jkiok, good13:36
patersonc[m]iwamatsu: This is what Alice is working on13:36
alicefI setted kernelci mostly following as your request13:36
jkiso, then then major issue is understanding kernelci, like your results were understood?13:36
iwamatsupatersonc: I see.13:37
alicefmostly is reading them and checking what is possible to fix and discard what you are not interested13:38
patersonc[m]pave1: The green marks just say that a LAVA job got to the end. It won't tell you if there are regressions in the actual tests.13:39
patersonc[m]We'll have to do a proper walk-through of the KernelCI GUI13:39
patersonc[m]The KernelCI project would appreciate any feedback to improve it13:39
alicefpatersonc[m]: I think reading mail should be the first priority, as mail are more explicit about what is failing and regression13:40
pave1alicef: Could we get someone from testing team read the KernelCI reports and tell us if we have something to fix for now?13:41
jkiso, we only tested CIP boards, kernelci is now testing other boards as well - could step #1 be filtering out errors from those others for now?13:41
iwamatsuWould we like to add a test result comparison function to the result display of gitlab?13:41
alicefpave1: I think just keep a eye on what is failing and what is possible to fix is enough13:43
alicefI don't know what you can and cannot fix13:43
pave1alicef: If we have regression between 4.19.X and 4.19.X-cip, we definitely want to fix that.13:44
alicefso after sending commits to 4.19 you should check the mail from cip about 4.1913:44
pave1alicef: If we have a regression between 4.19.X and 4.19.X+1, we probably care, too.13:44
iwamatsupave1: agree.13:44
alicefit will write found regression something about this13:44
jkiso, what would be the next step?13:47
iwamatsuI can prepare a comparison between 4.19.y and 4.19.y-cip.13:47
alicefit will write something like 144 runs, 1 regressions13:47
alicefa found13:48
alicef[cip-dev] cip/linux-4.19.y-cip sleep: 8 runs, 2 regressions (v4.19.209-cip59) #kernelc13:49
jkiiwamatsu: thanks, recorded13:49
alicef[cip-dev] cip/linux-4.19.y-cip baseline-nfs: 19 runs, 3 regressions (v4.19.209-cip59) #kernelci13:49
alicefand from now on you should get more as we are starting to implement more test cases13:50
pave1alicef: One problem is that it seems to be generating regressions between v4.19.200-cip10 and 4.19.210-cip11, while we'd need report between 4.19.210 and 4.19.210-cip11.13:50
jkii think we need lts->lts+1 AND cip->cip+113:51
alicefregression from completely different tree ?13:51
iwamatsuWe can do it if we know LAVA job id for each kernel.13:52
jkiand then we can do the cross-comparison lts-cip13:52
alicefmaybe you can check lts report for 4.19.210 and compare it with 4.19.210-cip11 ?13:52
alicefyes probably that should work13:52
jkiok, so are settled? iwamatsu will do that initial comparison, and then we discuss how to continue?13:56
iwamatsujki: ok13:56
alicefok. iwamatsu san feel free to ping me if you need help with the comparison.13:57
iwamatsualicef: thanks.13:57
jkiperfect - thank you all!13:57
jkicontinue? :)13:57
jkialicef: just don't forget to refresh your PR for isar-cip-core so that we can close that13:58
jki2. Look into S3 artifact upload issues - patersonc13:59
jki#topic Kernel maintenance updates14:00
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pave1I did reviews: 5.10.80, 81, 82.14:01
ulireviewing 5.10.8014:01
masamiThis week there is 2 new CVEs. I backported patch for CVE-2021-4001 to stable/5.10.14:02
masamiiwamatsu: pavel: thank you for your review.14:02
iwamatsuI reviewed 5.10.81 and 5.10.82-rc14:03
jkiis the new workflow with its wiki pages already established?14:04
iwamatsunot yet. I will prepare and report in ML.14:05
jkiok, thanks!14:05
jkianything else for this topic?14:05
jki#topic Kernel testing14:06
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jkiwe can likely skip this :)14:06
patersonc[m]yep :P14:06
alicefwe already discussed14:06
jki#topic AOB14:06
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jkianyone anything?14:07
patersonc[m]Extended TSC tomorrow :)14:07
alicefwhat is the situation with pr about patersonc[m14:07
patersonc[m]alicef: PR?14:09
alicefabout PR for the kernelci panel for organizing CIP14:09
aliceflike tweet or similar14:09
jkiPR like public relations, not pull request :)14:09
alicefyes ! sorry14:10
jkiNeal would take input on that and tweet that14:10
alicefnice thanks14:10
jkianything else?14:10
alicefi think would be nice to tweet about kernelci/cip effort14:10
jkiyes, please make a proposal, alicef!14:11
jkithen let's close?14:13
brlogger`Meeting ended Thu Nov 25 14:13:20 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:13
brlogger`Minutes (text):
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pave1Thank you... and stay safe.14:13
alicefthanks you14:13
jkithank you all, and "see" you tomorrow!14:13
jkiat least some of you14:13
iwamatsuthank you14:13
masamithank you14:13
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alicefiwamatsu: going back to the talk about comparing results. i think is not so simple as just getting the lava job diff14:14
alicefkernelci is dividing lava jobs for each tests14:15
alicefprobably checking differences from the kernelci emails is more fast14:16
alicefas is more of a resume of all tests14:16
iwamatsuI see. thanks.14:17
iwamatsuI plan to implement it in a CIP test environment first. At the same time, check the data structure of kernelci's.14:17
alicefis divinding results for each test/configuration and board14:17
alicefso you have a massive amount of jobid14:17
alicefthe best is just comparing lts-lts+1 kernelci email with cip-cip+1 kernelci email14:18
iwamatsuhaha, right,14:19
alicefshould be pretty straightforward to do lt14:19
alicefas the mail format is same14:19
alicefjust lts is using a different configuration from cip14:20
alicefso maybe you could maybe have difference from that14:21
alicefkernelci is using also same configuration as lts14:21
pave1Sorry, have to go, bye!14:22
aliceffor cip14:22
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alicefso you can just choose what you want to filter from the email14:22
alicefbut we can also filter from kernelci as patersonc is doing currently with some test14:23
alicefif you have any improvement or suggestion i'm glad to ear it14:23
patersonc[m]alicef: What tasks do we have outstanding to add to
alicefdefine outstanding14:24
patersonc[m]Things we'd like to do but haven't created a ticket for yet14:24
alicefmmm what as been discussed today?14:25
aliceflike some way of comparing different tree results?14:26
patersonc[m]Yea maybe. I wonder if that is something KCI would be interested in14:26
alicefi doubt14:26
alicefas could be easily done by comparing email14:27
patersonc[m]Maybe a use case would be to compare the android trees to Linux ones14:27
patersonc[m]Something not discussed - adding support for more CIP specific build configs. At the moment I think you only added defconfigs?14:27
alicefno 4.19 is using cip configuration from gitlab repository14:28
alicefah right yes we could use more configuration from that cip repo14:30
patersonc[m]That's what I meant. But maybe that would add too much load. Other trees don't seem to test many configs?14:30
patersonc[m]We should also expand that to 4.4 & 5.10 branches methinks14:31
alicefi don't know. we need so many configurations?14:31
patersonc[m]That's a question for jki pave1 iwamatsu I think14:32
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