IRC logs for #cip for Thursday, 2021-10-21

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jki#startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting13:01
brloggerMeeting started Thu Oct 21 13:01:18 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jki. Information about MeetBot at
brloggerUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:01
brloggerThe meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting'13:01
*** brlogger changes topic to " (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)"13:01
jkiHi everyone!13:01
jkiplease let us know if you are around13:01
jkigreat, let's get started13:02
jki#topic AI review13:03
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jki1. Combine root filesystem with kselftest binary - iwamatsu & alicef13:03
alicefI went on on the CIP core work13:03
alicefwe merged the pull request for using gz compressed rootfs on KernelCI and started testing the isar-cip-core images.13:03
alicefisar-cip-core looks booting up from KernelCI but currently we cannot login as there is a root password13:04
alicefWould be useful for KernelCI to have the isar-cip-core password removed as the other rootfs are doing.13:04
alicefjki: any opinion on this ?13:04
jkithat should be doable, though I don't have a pattern at hand13:04
alicefis ok to remove the password from the isar-cip-core?13:05
jkiwe could do that at least for the testing images being built13:05
alicefok nice. I will try to work on that13:05
jkithe "how" is not at hand for me, but we will find a solution13:06
alicefI also updated the storage fileserver script for making a latest directory (even if probably will not used on KernelCI)13:06
alicefand updated the isar-cip-core images
jkiwould be an Isar topic (if not documented there) -> isar-users ML13:06
jkialicef: great progress, thanks a lot!13:07
aliceflastly not related to cip core, I also started adding missing devices from that are still not on KernelCI (currently testing it)13:08
alicefthat's all from me13:09
jki2. Look into S3 artifact upload issues - patersonc13:09
patersonc[m]No update13:09
jkiok - any new AIs?13:10
jki#topic Kernel maintenance updates13:10
*** brlogger changes topic to "Kernel maintenance updates (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)"13:10
pave1I have reviewed patches for 5.10.74, still reviewing
ulipushed 5.10.70/71 reviews, now reviewing 5.10.7513:11
masamiI sent CVE entry report. There is 7 new CVEs are reported in this week.13:11
iwamatsuI reviewed
masamiI'll send backport patch of CVE-2021-20321 for 4.4.13:11
jkiregarding maintenance efforts: are we still on track with past estimations, roughly?13:14
jkithere were some concerns in the board, though I communicated that esitmations cannot be "exact", specifically here13:14
pave1I see maybe +10% effort compared to previous year.13:15
pave1It may decrease as 5.10 is getting older (and less active).13:16
jkiare there specific reasons for that, like +X% patch rate, release rate etc.?13:16
jkiright, so that natural curve of stable kernels "calmind down"13:17
pave1I expect increase when we enter self-maintainence mode for 4.413:17
pave1Yes. And last year I was reviewing "calm" 4.19, and now I'm reviewing "hot" 5.10 (and 4.19 too).13:17
patersonc[m]When does CIP intend to start cip specific tags of v5.10?13:20
patersonc[m]When some non-LTS patches are added?13:20
iwamatsumaybe it will be decide next long TSC meeting.13:20
jkiyes, that would be good point to discuss13:21
patersonc[m]I guess part of it is whether the board thinks we can afford it13:22
pave1I believe we are ready to do that.13:22
jkian important aspect is that we as WG group can make it clear that we can handle the additional effort with available resource13:22
pave1We are doing reviews anyway, which are the expensive part.13:22
jkithat is an important point13:22
pave1I believe we even checked that all patches in 4.19 tree are in 5.10 tree, too.13:23
jkiin addition, there was and likely still is the expectation of having 3 maintainers working on the kernels13:23
jkiat least being ready to do so if needed (longer absence, additional unexpected work etc.)13:24
patersonc[m]Okay :)13:25
pave1OTOH... I believe we have zero CIP specific changes in 5.10 tree, so ... there's no advantage of using -cip tree.13:25
jkithat is my technical argument as well when people ask13:25
jkimay change, though13:25
jkiand then there is also the psychological aspect of not yet having tagged...13:26
jkistronger commitment13:26
patersonc[m]pave1: Although as you say, we did add the missing patches from v4.19?13:26
jkiat we bit-identical with LTS or are we not?13:27
pave1jki, patersonc: Not sure really. We may have backported patches from 5.11 to 4.19, and those would need to go to 5.10.13:27
pave1so there probably is reason for 5.10-cip already.13:28
jkithen we should stress that13:28
patersonc[m]I've got a feeling we already did that13:28
jkibut also update linux-5.10.y-cip...13:28
patersonc[m]At least, we looked at the Renesas side of things for that13:29
jkiit's 4 months old on git.kernel.org13:29
pave1I checked, and 5.10-cip has cip specific changes, such as 98eb71578 dt-bindings: pci: rcar-pci-ep: Document missing interrupts property13:30
pave1So yes, we should probably update and release that.13:30
jkiI'll add that as new AI13:30
jkiand also adding that try to CI, I suppose13:30
iwamatsuThere was no story that 5.10-CIP was delayed four months ago....13:30
alicef5.10-cip is already on kernelci13:32
jkiah, perfect13:33
iwamatsuAnd merge testing with the latest 5.10 tree is always done.13:33
jkithen it's just about official updating that branch13:33
jkiok - anything else under this topic?13:36
jki#topic Kernel testing13:37
*** brlogger changes topic to "Kernel testing (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)"13:37
jkiall covered before already?13:38
patersonc[m]Nothing from me, I'll had over to alicef :)13:38
alicefi already exhausted my topics on kernel testing13:38
jkithen move on in13:38
jki#topic AOB13:39
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jkiuli: you are working in the group for a while now - do things work for you? any feedback/impressions?13:41
uliworks well for me so far13:42
uliwe are still looking for a better way to distribute the work, i guess13:42
pave1Yes. I looked, and while etherpad does what we need, it is probably easier to just place it into git repository somewhere.13:43
pave1Alternatively we could distribute work based on first letter of patch subject.13:44
pave1We should probably create new repository for this, and agree that commit messages will not be used there.13:44
jkimaybe better on "commit number % developers" ;)13:45
pave1jki: No.13:45
pave1jki: You want series of related patches to go to the same person.13:45
uligit repo sounds good to me13:46
pave1And I guess we all agree on "no real commit messages there"?13:47
pave1Can we create repo ourselves?13:47
jkiformally, we need an approval for any new "project" under cip-project/13:48
iwamatsuor we can use gitlab snippets13:48
jkiwe can start on the playground and migrate later13:48
jkior use snippets if they are fine13:49
pave1I have no experience with snippets.13:50
pave1I guess repository could go under cip-project/cip-kernel/, but we'd want new repo there.13:51
uliis it actually necessary to put it in any "official" place? it's just for internal coordination after all.13:51
jkiiwamatsu: could you propose a workflow based on snippets?13:51
jkiand if you want a git repo instead, again my proposal to create something in cip-playground first13:52
jkithat is "non-official"13:52
iwamatsujki: OK, I will investigate and propose.13:52
jkiany other topics for today?13:56
brloggerMeeting ended Thu Oct 21 13:57:35 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)13:57
brloggerMinutes (text):
*** brlogger changes topic to "Civil Infrastructure Platform Project. Find the logs at"13:57
pave1thank you!13:57
jkithank you all!13:57
jkihave a nice day/evening13:57
iwamatsuthank you!13:58
masamithank you13:58
ulithank you13:58
alicefthanks you13:58
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