IRC logs for #cip for Thursday, 2021-09-09

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jki#startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting13:02
brlogger_Meeting started Thu Sep  9 13:02:10 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jki. Information about MeetBot at
brlogger_Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:02
brlogger_The meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting'13:02
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jki#topic rollcall13:02
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jkihi everyone13:02
jkigreat, almost full-house13:03
jkiis chris going to join?13:03
jkianyone missing?13:03
jkiwell, let's start nevertheless I would say13:05
pave1Yep :-).13:05
jki#topic AI review13:05
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jki1. Combine root filesystem with kselftest binary - iwamatsu & alicef13:06
jkiany news?13:06
patersonc[m]I don't think so13:06
alicefInvestigating on how to expand the cip-core for make kselftest work on the user space13:06
alicefexpand cip-core space13:07
jkiok - i know it's being used already, I suppose you saw the recipe13:07
jkibut I don't have details either -> maybe contact our mentor colleagues13:07
jkie.g. via isar ML13:08
jkiany new AIs?13:08
jkiI think I forgot one from last week:13:09
jkiAdd lava URLs to wiki page13:09
jkipatersonc: think you wanted to check that, right?13:10
patersonc[m]I can't remember the details for this13:12 and add to wiki once ready13:13
alicefjki: is already ready13:13
patersonc[m]Ah okay13:13
patersonc[m]I'll get that done13:13
jkiother AIs?13:14
jki#topic Kernel maintenance updates13:14
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pave1I have reviewed patches queued for 5.10.62/63/64.13:15
ulifixed a couple of minor issues in the scripts in cip-kernel-config and lts-commit-list13:15
masamiThere is 3 new CVEs in this week.13:15
masamiCVE-2021-3715, CVE-2021-3759, CVE-2021-40490 are new CVEs.13:15
masamiThese CVEs have been fixed in the mainline and some stable kernels.13:15
masamiCVE-2021-3739, CVE-2021-3743, CVE-2021-3753, CVE-2021-38198, CVE-2021-3444, CVE-2021-3600 have updated.13:16
masamiThey have been fixed in the mainline and some stable kernels.13:16
jkialso for all our CIP kernel versions?13:18
jkior how do those report map on our kernels generally?13:18
masamijki: not all cip kernels are fixed.13:19
pave1jki: We don't have to do anything this week.13:19
pave1jki: CVE-2021-3759: is missing cgroup accounting -- DoS only if you have shell.13:20
jkistill learning the meanings ;)13:20
masamijik: This report is based on mainline and stable kernels.13:20
pave1CVE-2021-38198: is KVM nastyness. It is unclear if we want to track this one. Anyway someone backported it to 4.14, so things are improving.13:21
jkiok - move on?13:21
jki#topic Kernel testing13:22
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alicefcip KernelCI production can now be seen at https://cip.kernelci.org13:23
patersonc[m]We've been working on various topics for the KernelCI kackfest13:23
alicefsmc (spectre meltdown check)13:23
alicefgot merged and is now working on production13:23
alicefcurrently some cip configuration are used on staging kernelci (currently only for qemu arm and x86-64)13:23
alicefconfiguration are from
alicefpatersonc[m] and I are currently fixing the kernelci pages links about and reference about CIP13:24
aliceflike and
alicefcurrently I'm working with the help of patersonc[m] on making kernelci work with the isar-cip-core images13:26
alicefalso I'm adding iec-security-tests as kernelci test13:26
jkiok - i think / hope the preconditions are fulfilled13:26
jkilike being able to generate to right images (tarballs etc.)13:26
alicefthat is what I'm working on yes13:27
jkiif something should be missing, we have other isar layers generating for lava, e.g.
alicefmmm ?13:28
alicefif something is missing we cannot just add it to the isar-cip-core ?13:28
jkiyes, sure13:28
jkithat link was just another source of inspiration13:29
alicefI didn't know about xenomai-core13:29
jkior ask on the list, we could help so that you don't need to learn isar first13:29
jkiand isar-cip-core13:29
alicefcurrently I'm making the script for deploying the images to kernelci fileserver13:29
alicefusing the kernelci api13:29
jkiok, that is surely specific13:30
alicefjki: thanks that would be helpful13:30
jkidrop an email with question, my colleague Quirin can likely help as well (he did that for xenomai)13:31
alicefcreating tarball ?13:31
jkiincluding that, yes13:31
alicefyes ok13:32
jkikas[-container] build ...:kas/opt/targz-img.yml13:32
alicefthere are no other updates for me13:32
jkiok - anything else for this topic?13:33
alicefon isar just need to be enabled from .gitlab-ci13:33
alicefnot at the moment13:33
jki#topic AOB13:33
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ulione thing13:34
ulii'm a "developer" member of all projects on gitlab now, but the master branches of cip-kernel-config and lts-commit-list are set to "protected"13:34
uliapparently that means i need extra-special permissions to push there13:34
uliwho do i bother about that?13:34
pave1You definitely need permissons for lts-commit-list.13:34
jkihandling that13:35
uliok, thanks13:35
jkihow is cip-kernel-config maintained so far?13:36
jkimulti-maintainer? MRs?13:36
pave1iwamatsu is marked a13:36
pave1as a maintainer.13:36
jkiso he will merge to master?13:36
pave1I believe I have committed directly to it, but he's the one responsible...13:36
jkithen let's clarify this with him13:37
jkimaybe write him an email, uli?13:38
ulican do13:38
pave1I believe Ulrich should get access there (same as lts-commit-list), but in this case it might be polite to ask before commiting.13:38
jkilts-commit-list already done now13:39
jkigood, any other access issues to clarify?13:39
ulinot from me13:39
jkior other AOBs?13:40
pave1We should probably create shared whiteboard somewhere to coordinate patch reviews.13:40
pave1Not sure if git is suitable for that...13:40
pave1Ideally something that can be easily scripted...13:40
pave1If someone has quick idea, speak now, otherwise I'll write email to the list.13:41
jkiwould issue tracking work (with email feeding)?13:41
pave1I think I'd avoid email for this.13:41
pave1I was thinking more like wiki page. We don't really need history, we just need shared place where people can write to easily.13:42
jkiwiki is generally with history...13:42
pave1jki: I know. I guess we can live with history but don't need it.13:43
jki...and is actually in git, if using one from gitlab.com13:43
jkibut maybe start with describing the workflows you have in mind13:43
pave1Ok, lets do that over email?13:43
jkifine for me13:44
jkianything else for today?13:44
jkithank you all, have a nice day!13:45
brlogger_Meeting ended Thu Sep  9 13:45:47 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)13:45
brlogger_Minutes (text):
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pave1Thank you! ...and stay safe.13:46
masamiThank you! bye!13:46
ulisee you13:46
jkiyou too, bye!13:46
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