IRC logs for #cip for Thursday, 2019-10-17

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szlin#startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting09:00
brloggerMeeting started Thu Oct 17 09:00:01 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is szlin. Information about MeetBot at
brloggerUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.09:00
brloggerThe meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting'09:00
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szlin#topic rollcall09:00
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szlinplease say hi if you're around09:00
szlin#topic AI review09:00
*** brlogger changes topic to "AI review (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)"09:00
szlin1. Provide the cases to cip-testing to build up the test environment - Iwamatsu-san09:00
szliniwamatsu_: are you around?09:00
szlinit seems like Iwamatsu-san is not around. so let's jump to next AI09:01
szlin2. Test LTS (pre)releases directly – patersonc09:01
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patersoncI haven't looked into this further.09:02
patersoncI think this is something we can discuss in the F2F09:02
szlinpatersonc: thanks, could you add this into the agenda09:02
szlinI mean, f2f meeting agenda, the link was provided previously.09:03
szlinpatersonc: thank you09:03
szlin3. Review the proposal from Kudo-san - Kernel team09:04
szlinFor now, we're waiting the patches from Kudo-san09:04
szlinSince Iwamatsu-san is here, let's back to the AI 1.09:04
szlin1. Provide the cases to cip-testing to build up the test environment - Iwamatsu-san09:04
iwamatsuhi all,09:04
szliniwamatsu_: do you have any update on this AI?09:05
iwamatsuszlin: It is just testing by patersoinc, thanks patersoinc.09:05
patersonciwamatsu: Can we have a quick chat after the meeting?09:06
szliniwamatsu: thank you for the update09:06
szlin#topic Kernel maintenance updates09:06
*** brlogger changes topic to "Kernel maintenance updates (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)"09:06
pave1I started reviewing
iwamatsuszlin: I reviewed v4.4.195.09:07
szlinpave1: iwamatsu: thank you very much09:07
szlinI've reviewed some CVEs and sent MR to cip-kernel-sec09:07
szlinany other topics?09:08
szlin#topic Kernel testing09:08
*** brlogger changes topic to "Kernel testing (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)"09:08
patersonc#info I'm working with Iwamatsu-san to get the LTP tests finalised09:09
pave1Speaking of LTP:09:09
patersoncJust need to get the ltp-open-posix-tests working now09:10
pave1I understand some of those are quite long term...09:10
pave1...but I don't expect us to break them very often.09:10
pave1Could we just run them once a week or something like that?09:10
patersoncMaybe, it depends on how long we can wait for tests to run09:11
patersoncI thought we could discuss this in Lyon.09:12
pave1Ok, makes sense.09:12
szlinany other topics?09:12
patersoncWe'll just get everything working for now, then work out how to enable it later09:12
patersonc#info I've added more RZ/G1M boards to the LAVA worker, now we have 4 in total.09:12
patersonci don't think there's anything else from me09:12
szlinpatersonc: thanks.09:13
szlinany other topics?09:13
szlin#topic CIP Core09:13
*** brlogger changes topic to "CIP Core (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)"09:13
kazuNo big technical update in this week, except PDP proposal preparation09:13
kazuI'm concentrating on making ELCE slide and F2F meetings...09:13
kazuTo kernel & testing WG members, could you reply to SZ's mail to determine the time slot for F2F meeting in ELCE?09:14
kazukernel & testing F2F meeting, I meant09:15
kazuCIP Core WG meeting is depending on the result :-)09:15
szlinI plan to discuss this topic in AOB session :)09:15
patersoncI think we should reserve 2 hours btw, just in case09:15
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kazu@szlin OK09:15
szlinany other topics?09:15
kazuNothing form me09:16
szlin#topic Software update09:16
*** brlogger changes topic to "Software update (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)"09:16
suzuki95I've integrated "encrypted update image" function that is supported by SWUpdate into our update mechanism.09:16
suzuki95I'll give a demo about this function and "signed update image" function during ELCE.09:16
suzuki95And now I'm focused on preparing a slide for CIP Mini-summit.09:16
suzuki95That's all from SW Updates WG.09:16
szlinany other topics?09:16
szlin#topic AOB09:17
*** brlogger changes topic to "AOB (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)"09:17
szlin1. As kazu mentioned, please reply the email if you've issue with the time (12:00 - 13:00)09:17
szlin2. Regarding the CIP semi-summit, I suggested to share our experiences in stable patch review in kernel session09:18
patersoncI think we should reserve 2 hours btw, just in case09:18
szlinpave1: is that topic ok for you?09:19
pave1szlin: Yes, I believe that makes sense.09:19
szlinpave1: we can share the experiences and reply the questions from participants afterward09:19
szlinpave1: thank you09:20
szlin(kind of BoF09:20
kazupatersonc so the time should be 12:00 - 14:00 ?09:20
szlinpatersonc: oh yes, we can do that09:20
pave1I guess I should mention: I'll arrive in Lyon at Sunday 27th, so I'll miss Sunday's events.09:21
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szliniwamatsu: Could you please write down the README or some tutorial documents on classify-failed-patches?09:21
bwhSame for me09:21
iwamatsuszlin: OK09:22
szliniwamatsu: wens and I are trying to setup the environment, but not sure if it's correct09:22
szlinany other topics?09:23
brloggerMeeting ended Thu Oct 17 09:23:39 2019 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)09:23
brloggerMinutes (text):
*** brlogger changes topic to "Civil Infrastructure Platform Project. Find the logs at"09:23
szlinthank you all09:23
kazuThank you09:23
szlinkazu: will you attend security meeting?09:23
wensthank you09:23
KaidenYuthank you09:23
suzuki95Thank you09:23
pave1thank you!09:24
kazuszlin Yes, but I will after the both kernel+testing & core meeting finishes...09:24
kazuI'm not sure if it's possible. I hope that zoom available to attend remotely09:24
szlinpave1: bwh: iwamatsu: I assume the proposed time is ok for all of you (12:00 - 2:00, 30th Oct.)09:24
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iwamatsuthank you09:25
szlinpatersonc: are you ok with this time?09:25
patersoncszlin: Sure09:25
iwamatsuszlin: OK, thanks your coordinate09:25
pave1szlin: Yes, that should be okay with me.09:26
szliniwamatsu: since I'm preparing the slide to introduce classify-failed-patches, so it will be nice if you can provide the information09:26
szlinpatersonc: iwamatsu: pave1: thank you!09:26
kazuszlin BTW, regarding the topic 2 in AOB, are you planning to update the abstract in the wiki page?09:26
bwhszlin: Yes09:26
szlinkazu: yes, I will update the column today09:26
szlinbwh: thank you!09:26
kazuszlin Yoshi said that the members can update each topic anytime :-)09:26
szlinkazu: noted, thank you.09:27
pave1patersonc: BTW.. LTP. I realized we are not running any kind of long term tests... And I guess LTP could fill that role.09:27
pave1patersonc: When the boards are idle, it would make sense to load them fully over... period of few days... to see if any random faults pop up.09:28
pave1patersonc: Scheduling that over ELCE would make some sense :-).09:28
szlinback to the f2f meeting topic, the kernel & testing meeting sets to 12:00-2:00, what's your plan for cip-core meeting09:29
szlinkazu: ^09:29
patersoncpave1: :)09:29
kazuszlin OK. The available time slots for Core is 2:00-5:00. I need to ask the members who voted about this again09:30
szlinkazu: sorry for any inconvenience caused09:31
kazuIt would be better to ask in cip-members I think09:31
kazuszlin No worries!09:31
szlinkazu: and...we should go cip-security together09:32
szlin(by taxi09:32
kazuszlin will you go to the hotel? or planning to attend remotely?09:32
szlinKudo-san told me he will take the taxi with us09:32
kazuszlin Oh, I see. It's great09:32
szlinI plan to go to the venue, since it takes only 10mins by taix09:33
kazuIf so, it would be better to hold the Core meeting earlier09:33
kazubefore the security wg meeting finishes...09:33
kazuszlin anyway, thank you for the information about taxi. I will go to the hotel with you :-)09:35
bwhWhy are these meetings so far away?09:36
bwh…from the venue09:36
kazubwh unfortunately CIP cannot reserve more rooms in the venue, and the hotel is the nearest & cheaper one... I guess09:39
kazuIt was a bit late to reserve rooms in the venue09:40
szlinit's around 3.9km from the venue to that hotel.09:40
patersonciwamatsu: we need to do for the v4.19 config as well09:49
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