IRC logs for #cip for Thursday, 2019-07-18

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patersonctherisen: Good morning08:05
patersoncThe token I gave you was from the parent project - cip-projcet. However cip-playground isn't a child of cip-project; it's completely seperate.08:06
therisenhi patersonc08:46
therisenah, ok. well yes, that explains it ;)08:46
theriseni think the easiest solution is to just register an additional runner for cip-playground.08:47
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patersonctherisen: Makes sense. You said it could run on the same master right?09:10
therisenpatersonc: yes. i've updated the configuration of the auto-scaling group as discussed previously. let's see if it is picked up.09:11
therisenpatersonc: is it possible that you have 10 CI jobs running for 20 hours now?10:09
therisenit looks like they belong to cip-playground/linux-cip-ci10:14
patersonctherisen: Not according to gitlab10:21
therisenok, i'll terminate them then10:24
therisenthese are probably zombie jobs due to the restart of the runner10:24
patersonctherisen: thanks10:25
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patersonc<therisen "ok, i'll terminate them then"> therisen: do you want the runner key for cip-playground?11:08
therisenpatersonc: sure, if you give me the key I can spin up another runner11:30
therisenpatersonc: runner should be up and running (id: dhnMB7JF)12:25
patersonctherisen: looks good. Thanks!12:31
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