IRC logs for #cip for Thursday, 2019-05-23

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szlin#startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting09:00
brloggerMeeting started Thu May 23 09:00:02 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is szlin. Information about MeetBot at
brloggerUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.09:00
brloggerThe meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting'09:00
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szlin#topic rollcall09:00
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szlinplease say hi if you're here09:00
szlin#topic AI review09:00
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szlin1. Upload check script to lts-commit-list repository - Pavel09:00
pave1I've just issued the command to do the upload :-).09:01
szlinpave1: thank you09:01
pave1It is there now, but it will need more work. So far it is more of a python library that needs to be called from python.09:01
szlin2. Release 4.4 and 4.19 kernel - Iwamatsu09:02
szlin3. Prepare the CIP kernel release document - Iwamatsu09:02
szliniwamatsu: would you like to update this AI?09:03
iwamatsuWe released 4.19.13-cip2 and 4.4.176-cip32.09:04
szliniwamatsu: thanks, but this topic related to the release document of CIP kernel09:05
iwamatsuI wrote a brief explanation in the email. Do we need more explanation?09:05
szlinIIRC, pavel requested to have release procedure for CIP kernel09:06
szlinpave1: please correct me if I'm wrong09:07
pave1Correct. If you point me what email it is, I guess I can take a look and transform it into README somewhere.09:07
iwamatsuI see.09:09
iwamatsuPlease give me some time.09:09
szliniwamatsu: thanks, I will keep this AI09:09
szlin4. Arrange a meeting between CIP core and CIP security WG - szlin09:09
szlin-> Done09:09
szlin#topic Kernel maintenance updates09:09
*** brlogger changes topic to "Kernel maintenance updates (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)"09:09
szlinIwamatsu-san released kernel 4.19.13-cip2 and 4.4.176-cip3209:09
szliniwamatsu: pave1 would you like to update the status of kernel maintenance?09:10
pave1szlin: I did review 4.19.38 and 4.19.45. Nothing much else to report.09:10
szlinpave1: thank you for your update09:11
szlinany other topics?09:12
iwamatsuszlin: I reviewed the released kernel patch (4.4.157).09:12
szliniwamatsu: thank you.09:12
iwamatsuAnd I restart failed-patches tracking.09:13
iwamatsuI create new repository for this, and pushed.
iwamatsuThis is based on a script created by Daniel. There are still many problems.09:14
szliniwamatsu: I suggest it would be better to have license declaration09:15
iwamatsuszlin: OK, I will add license file09:15
szliniwamatsu: thanks09:15
pave1iwamatsu: Let me take a look. I wonder if it would make sense to have single repository for lts commit lists etc...09:16
szlin#action Add license file in classify-failed-patches09:16
szlinpave1: fair enough09:16
szlinany other topics?09:16
pave1iwamatsu: And I guess we should find better way to reference patches than their sumary line.09:16
pave1iwamatsu: But we'll probably not solve that now over irc.09:17
bwhYou should usse the first 12 digits of the commit hash too09:17
iwamatsupave1: Indeed.09:18
pave1bwh: Commit hash of the upstream commit, agreed.09:18
szlin#agreed Use commit hash instead of summary line in "failed patches"09:19
szlin#topic Kernel testing09:19
*** brlogger changes topic to "Kernel testing (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)"09:19
patersoncThree topics from me today.09:19
patersoncThe stability of lab-cip-renesas has improved since we switched out a dodgy remote power switch.09:20
patersonc#info: Michael (Siemens) has released gitlab-cloud-ci. A tool which makes it possible to setup a Kubernetes cluster in an AWS instance, driven by GitLabCI.09:20
patersoncLooks like a good tool for us, however I wonder how much AWS would end up costing.09:20
patersoncI don't know how good GitLab's shared (free) runners are, so have started looking into GitLab CI in more detail to test.09:20
patersoncLet me know if anyone has any experience/thoughts.09:20
patersoncIt looks like Daniel has taken a quick look.09:21
szlinpatersonc: are you using gitlab ce or gitlab ee?09:21
patersoncszlin: Whatever CIP's LAVA account is09:22
szlinpatersonc: got it, thanks.09:22
bwhpave1: I understand that running CI "in the cloud" is usually rather expensive09:22
szlinany other topics?09:22
bwhI mean patersonc ^09:22
patersoncbwh: That's my worry. As Daniel suggested we could trial it. There is probably a tool in AWS to estimate though.09:22
patersoncFor things that aren't updated much, perhaps the free runners would be good enough.09:23
pave1patersonc: Or maybe try gitlab's shared runners, first, and see how it works?09:23
patersoncpave1: That's what I started looking into last night09:23
patersoncThe alternative is a member company shares a server for the GitLab runner09:24
patersoncAny more comments? Or should I move on? (1 more topic)09:25
szlinlet's move on09:25
patersoncIt looks like it is going to be hard for all member companies to set up their own LAVA worker for their reference platforms,09:25
patersoncso I am investigating setting up/getting some quotes for a new external LAVA worker to host all CIP reference platforms.09:26
patersoncThis means that members can just send boards to a central place to be added to a lab.09:26
patersoncDoes anyone have any specific requirements for this new lab?09:26
patersoncOne thing I'm not sure on is what kind of uptime guarantees we need. For example, are we happy for a lab to be down for a few hours? A day? ...09:26
patersoncThe other is bandwidth requirements09:26
patersoncAny thoughts?09:27
szlinpatersonc: I suggest you can send the investigating email to cip-dev09:27
patersoncszlin: Sure09:27
pave1We are releasing kernels two times a month. So I guess downtime of few hours should not be huge problem for us.09:28
pave1Bandwidth: It seems that LAVA does a lot of "lets grab this filesystem image from this url and apply it".09:28
patersoncThanks pave1 . Let's continue this discussion after the meeting.09:29
pave1that is going to eat some bandwidth, and maybe we should have images close to the lab..09:29
pave1patersonc: ack.09:29
szlin#action send investigating email for kernel-testing lab to cip-dev - patersonc09:29
szlinany other topics?09:29
patersoncNot from me09:29
szlin#topic CIP Core09:29
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szlinany topics?09:30
szlin#topic Software update09:30
*** brlogger changes topic to "Software update (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)"09:30
szliniwamatsu: I saw you sent the ITP email with libuboot*09:31
szliniwamatsu: and "libubootenv" was uploaded a week ago09:32
szlinany other topics?09:32
iwamatsuszlin: Yes, I did.09:32
szliniwamatsu: thanks09:32
szlin#topic AOB09:32
*** brlogger changes topic to "AOB (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)"09:32
szlinany other business?09:33
brloggerMeeting ended Thu May 23 09:33:14 2019 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)09:33
brloggerMinutes (text):
*** brlogger changes topic to "Civil Infrastructure Platform Project. Find the logs at"09:33
szlinthank you all09:33
pave1Thank you!09:33
iwamatsuthank you09:33
patersoncpave1: Uptime: I agree we can live with the outages for a bit. Do you think we can stretch to 12 or 24 hours? Or would that cause havoc?09:34
patersoncFingers crossed we'd still have the lab at Renesas09:34
pave1patersonc: I guess even 24 hours is okay from my point of view as long as lab is more up than down :-).09:35
patersoncIndeed. If it's 24 hours down every week then that's not good ;)09:35
pave1I mean, we agreed to try to release kernels at given days, but...09:36
pave1...these are stable kernels, they are not really moving quickly (and they should not be).09:36
patersoncI'm reticent to say something like 99.9% uptime though. I hate that phrase ;)09:36
pave1...if we can't test we delay...09:36
patersoncI guess we can get various estimates and see what we can afford.09:37
pave1If we can afford more testing, I'd rather spend it on testing upstream "when we can"09:37
pave1rather than guaranteed-testing-cip-kernel-within-hours.09:38
patersoncDo you mean running our tests on mainline?09:38
patersoncI don't think this would add much cost, as most of the time our infrastructure will be idle anyway.09:39
pave1If we can catch bug in -next... it saves a lot of work for everyone. If we can catch bug in mainline, we are still not affected. If we can catch bug in -stable... it is still better than catching it in -cip :-).09:39
* patersonc needs to get CI setup...09:40
pave1patersonc: It is mostly human cost, yes... boards are expected to be mostly idle.09:40
patersoncAnother option as well is to allow KernelCI to submit jobs to our lab(s).09:41
pave1patersonc: Problem may be that all boards may not be able to run all the branches. Mainline, -next and -cip should work, but -stable may not have the neccessary hardware support.09:41
pave1patersonc: I'm not familiar with KernelCI.09:41
patersoncTrue, but we can filter what boards are tested with what.09:42
patersoncKernelCI mainly run boot tests on 100's boards every commit upstream, on lots of branches.09:42
pave1patersonc: But I guess there are other items on my wishlist than "testing infrastructure is available 24/7" :-).09:42
patersoncThey also run some DRM/V4L2 tests, but hope to expand09:42
pave1patersonc: I guess boot testing would be quite useful for us.09:43
patersoncWe'd also be doing the same of course if we start testing mainline/next ourselves09:44
patersoncBut KernelCI is a good place for collecting all of the results09:45
pave1I'm not sure how much work is it to "test each mainline commit" vs. "test -next and -mainline daily".09:45
patersoncGood point09:45
patersoncMaybe KernelCI doesn't test every commit, I'm not 100% sure09:46
pave1Daily testing would be adequate from my point of view.09:46
pave1...but keeping test farm busy for a while with test would be nice test of the farm, and of stability of those boards, so may be worth doing too :-).09:46
patersoncWe'd have to get the CI build side of things sorted though ;)09:47
patersoncRegarding bandwidth, it is possible to use a cache, which will reduce bandwidth for static images. I just haven't got round to trying yet09:47
pave1Maybe bandwidth is not really a problem. The boards are not that fast and you probably have faster than 100mbit line to the internet...09:48
patersoncpave1: You'd be surprised ;) Still, for the new lab bandwidth requirements are something the provider would need to know09:49
pave1Looking at the kernelci stuff... Yes, that looks quite nice.09:50
pave1Ok, so lets say... There's 10 boards in the lab, each test takes 5 minutes and needs to download 100MB image .09:51
patersoncThey are about to setup a LF project, which CIP may join09:51
patersoncIs 100MB enough? Arm64 defconfig modules are 200MB on their own09:52
patersoncI'm not sure what x86 images are like09:53
pave1If I assume 100MB image, that is 33mbit AFAICT.09:55
pave1With 1GB images, that would be 300mbits.09:56
pave1At some point local caching and rsync (and similar) tricks start to make sense.09:56
pave1But I thought existing tests were smaller than "all defconfig modules".09:57
patersoncProbably. That's a worst case I think09:58
patersoncIt depends on what configs we plan to test09:58
pave1We may do bigger test once in a while, but normally testing modules that can't be inserted on target system makes little sense.09:59
iwamatsuI am sorry if I'm wrong.09:59
iwamatsuCan we not store kernel data etc in local storage?\09:59
patersoncIndeed. And boot testing probably doesn't need any09:59
patersonciwamatsu: There is a way to do this, but it would take some coordination between the different labs as they'd all have to have the exact same setup/versions.10:00
patersoncYou never know where a job will end up.10:00
patersoncBut anyway, with caching enabled the only thing that will need to be updated often is probably the Kernel image being tested.10:01
pave1..and that should be <10MB. So 3mbit line ;-).10:02
iwamatsuI see.10:02
pave1Hmm. If we are thinking about kernelCI, perhaps asking people already running kernelCI instances for their bandwidth (and other) requirements makes sense?10:04
patersoncYep. Already on it :)10:09
pave1iwamatsu: are you around?10:30
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toscalixpatersonc: storage server with Gb link to the lab and cache for the most common remote images/branches to test. I have seen this approach before ;-)12:55
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pave1see you...12:57
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