IRC logs for #cip for Thursday, 2019-05-16

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szlin#startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting09:00
brloggerMeeting started Thu May 16 09:00:14 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is szlin. Information about MeetBot at
brloggerUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.09:00
brloggerThe meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting'09:00
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szlin#topic rollcall09:00
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szlinplease say hi if you're here09:00
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szlin#topic AI review09:01
*** brlogger changes topic to "AI review (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)"09:01
szlinAI: Send list of binary packages to cip-dev - kazu09:01
szlinkazu_: thank you!09:01
szlin-> Done09:01
szlin#topic Kernel maintenance updates09:01
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szliniwamatsu: pave1 give the floor to you09:02
pave1I did some more reviews.09:02
pave1More importantly, I created scripts that allow me to tell when the same patch was reviewed in 4.4 / 4.19, so it is easier to mark it as already reviewed.09:03
pave1Results are in lts-commit-list repository.09:03
iwamatsupavel: thanks09:03
pave1We should at some point decide where to put such scripts.09:04
szlinpave1: thank you!09:04
pave1But from the conference call... it seems that more pressing issue is that we should actually do some kernel releases :-).09:04
patersoncpave1: iwamatsu: I had a question about the patches from Fab09:05
patersonciwamatsu-san has asked Fab to do a v2 on the novel patches, however I think they have already been applied by pave109:06
patersoncHow should we continue?09:06
pave1Yep, sorry about that. I guess I was a bit too quick there.09:06
iwamatsupavel: no problem. I guess we use force push.09:07
patersoncNo worries :)09:07
szlinpave1: could you share the script? not sure if you already did.09:08
patersoncOkay. I'll ask Fab to repost the whole series then to make it easier for you.09:08
pave1iwamatsu: If we decide to rollback the repository, we should do it ASAP (because it will cause problems for people pulling it in the meantime).09:08
iwamatsupatersonc: OK, thanks.09:09
patersoncpave1: Agreed09:09
patersoncWe should work out a way to avoid this in future though.09:09
iwamatsupavel: Agree. I will rollback now09:09
pave1iwamatsu: Thanks!09:09
szlinany other topic?09:10
pave1szlin: Yes, I can. I guess easiest option would be to put it directly into lts-commit-list repository.09:10
szlinpave1: yes, please09:10
pave1szlin: ok ;-).09:10
szlinpave1: thank you for your great effort09:10
iwamatsupavel: and about your scirpt of reviewing, I think you can use -commit-list repository.09:11
szlinBen shared the news with MDS and other speculation issues09:11
iwamatsupavel: OK09:11
sangorrindo we need to update microcode?09:11
sangorrinthe latest seems old:
pave1sangorrin: If you run Intel CPUs in production then yes, microcode update is needed AFAICT.09:12
sangorrinok, I will wait until it is published then09:13
szlin#action Upload check script to lts-commit-list repository - Pavel09:13
szlinany other topic?09:13
pave1In the emails, there was a question when to do the -cip kernel releases.09:14
pave1I'd say it does not matter much _when_ we do it, as long as we do them relatively regulary.09:14
pave1But it sounds like we should do one now.09:14
pave1iwamatsu: Can you do the release (and perhaps document steps doing so)?09:15
pave1Or should I attempt to do a release? Or is there good reason release should wait?09:15
iwamatsupavel: OK, I will release 4.4 and 4.19.09:16
pave1iwamatsu: Thanks!09:16
szliniwamatsu: do you have the time table?09:16
iwamatsuI will start working after this meeting.09:16
szlin#action 4.4 and 4.19 kernel will be released - iwamatsu09:18
iwamatsuszlin: for release? I can release it tomorrow morning at japan time.09:18
szliniwamatsu: got it, thanks.09:18
szliniwamatsu: can you prepare the release document for us?09:18
sangorrinmaybe it would be good to release 4.4 after the spectre test09:18
sangorrinBen mentioned that he didn't test it much09:19
pave1sangorrin: I'd prefer to do the release now. I've seen the patches...09:19
iwamatsuszlin: sure09:19
szlin#action Prepare the CIP kernel release document - Iwamatsu09:19
szliniwamatsu: many thanks!09:19
pave1..and there's 260 of them. That will take some time.09:19
fujita[m]iwamatsu: I have a question09:19
sangorrinpave1: OK09:20
pave1We'll probably want to do another release after it settles down, but I'd not slow it down now.09:20
iwamatsusangorrin: 4.4.180 is not release yet. We need to release this version.09:20
fujita[m]Can we assume 4.19 is suitable for 32bit Arm arch?09:20
fujita[m]Currently no 32bit arm boards are used for 4.1909:21
szlin#agree Release CIP kernel 4.4 without MDS and other speculation patches09:21
iwamatsufujita[m]: Yes, I think so. 4.1909:22
iwamatsu4.19 is also used by other ARM SoCs.09:22
fujita[m]Understood. Thanks09:22
szlinany other topic?09:22
szlin#topic Kernel testing09:23
*** brlogger changes topic to "Kernel testing (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)"09:23
iwamatsuIf renesas does not support aarch32 in 4.19, we may need to consider other ARM SoCs as real hardware.09:23
patersonciwamatsu: The iwg20m and iwg22m are present in the v4.19 Kernel, but Renesas doesn't have a BSP using that Kernel09:24
iwamatsupatersonc: 4,4.y only use?09:25
patersoncI guess there is no reason not to support iwg20m in cip-core with v4.19, so we can probably still test the CIP Kernel09:25
patersonciwamatsu: Our RZ/G1 BSP uses CIP v4.4. The RZ/G2 BSP uses CIP v4.1909:25
pave1fujita: What SoC do you use? I believe best option would be to test a similar configuration.09:25
fujita[m]Renesas can also propose another boards for 4.19 if you want.09:26
iwamatsupatersonc: I see.09:26
pave1fujita: 32-bit vs. 64-bit is only part of the problem... There is a lot of drivers involved.09:26
fujita[m]Currently, we are using RZ/G1 and G2 series SOCs09:26
sangorrinpatersonc: we should use cip-core not renesas bsp (as a project)09:26
pave1fujita: Aha, ok.09:26
patersoncsangorrin: Agreed09:26
fujita[m]sangorrin: I also agreed09:27
fujita[m]pave1: correct09:27
szlinany other topic?09:28
szlinfor kernel testing09:28
patersoncFor testing...09:29
patersoncAs mentioned in the TSC we now have an RZ/G2M board in the LAVA lab09:29
patersoncGood for v4.19 testing09:29
patersonciwamatsu: I see you've already run a test - great09:29
sangorrinpatersonc: do we have spectre/meltdown tests?09:29
patersoncsangorrin: Not at the moment09:29
szlinpatersonc: thank you for your work :D09:30
patersoncszlin: It was all mungaip :)09:30
sangorrinpatersonc: i will try to add them when i get some time09:31
szlinmungaip[m]: :D09:31
patersoncsangorrin: Great09:31
szlinany other topic?09:31
szlin#topic CIP Core09:31
*** brlogger changes topic to "CIP Core (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)"09:31
patersoncsangorrin: If you get time, can you submit a PR to
sangorrinpatersonc: yes09:32
szlinThe CIP Security WG plans to provide the essential packages (est.)two weeks later09:32
kazu_szlin: thank you for the confirmation09:32
szlinkazu_: give the floor to you09:32
sangorrincip-core will need more resources to deal with the requirements from cip security09:32
szlinsangorrin: do you mean human resources?09:32
sangorrinthere are many things to add: microcode loading, encryption, integrity, secure boot?, apparmor..09:33
sangorrinyeah, we need to collaborate between both groups09:33
szlinlet's loop these two groups09:33
sangorrinszlin: sure09:34
szlinwe can have a discussion with it, I can arrange this.09:34
szlinkazu_: sangorrin is it ok for you?09:34
kazu_szlin: Yes09:35
szlin#action Arrange a meeting between CIP core and CIP security WG - szlin09:35
szlinany other topic?09:35
kazu_In the above mail, I proposed the next steps to decide supported package list. I need to decide the due date for additional discussion, it should be before the next TSC meeting.09:35
szlinkazu_: thank you for the update09:36
szlinany other topic?09:36
szlin#topic Software update09:37
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sangorrinNo updates, we will have a meeting next week.09:37
sangorrinIf someone wants to participate in the group/meetings let me know.09:37
szlinsangorrin: is it a public or private meeting?09:37
sangorrinit is open to any CIP member09:38
szlinsangorrin: I see, could you send the invitation email to cip-members?09:38
sangorrinok, I will ask Christian09:39
szlinsangorrin: thank you.09:39
szlinany other topic?09:39
szlin#topic AOB09:39
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szlinany other business?09:39
brloggerMeeting ended Thu May 16 09:40:06 2019 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)09:40
brloggerMinutes (text):
*** brlogger changes topic to "Civil Infrastructure Platform Project. Find the logs at"09:40
szlinthank you all!09:40
pave1Thank you!09:40
kazu_Thank you09:40
sangorrinxie xie!09:40
fujita[m]Thank you09:40
iwamatsuthank you!09:40
pave1sangorrin: Are you running Intel CPUs in production?09:40
pave1Do you use hyperthreading? Do you run untrusted code?09:41
sangorrinI disable the HT on the bios09:42
pave1That's probably good idea at the moment. I'm using "l1tf=full" on kernel command line, which disables HT as a side effect.09:43
sangorrinoh, good to know, I will note it down09:43
sangorrinour systems are usually not directly connected to the Internet, but just in case.09:44
pave1sanorrin: For the spectre/meltdown, it is okay to be connected to the internet, but it is dangerous to run untrusted code.09:45
sangorrinyou mean sometthing like javascript?09:46
pave1Yes, like javascript.09:46
pave1Or cloud provider running VMs from customers, or shell provider giving access to strangers.09:47
sangorrindocker can be also an issue if it was used09:47
sangorrinspecially if you dont have your own registry09:47
sangorrinfortunately Ive always disabled HT because it causes some real-time issues09:48
pave1Yes. It is good to have the issues fixed.09:48
pave1But the complex CPUs are so complex that new issues can be expected in future :-(.09:49
sangorrinpave1: thanks for the advice!09:50
pave1You are welcome. Sorry for bad news...09:51
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