IRC logs for #cip for Monday, 2019-03-11

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toscalixthere is some problem with gitlab. I have a notification that our linux-cip mirror has stopped due to too many failures the last few days but it does not allow me to take a look into the repository settings09:30
wagiI got those messages as well09:31
toscalixRepository mirroring has been paused due to too many failed attempts, and can be resumed by a project maintainer.09:31
toscalixLast successful update 3 days ago.09:31
toscalixwill try later09:32
wagiDidn't change anything at all09:32
ironfootIs the upstream repository still there and working?10:44
toscalixszlin: we probably need to rename the linux-cip to something that states that is 4.411:47
toscalixand since it has been announced, I wonder if we need a mirror here of the new 4.19 based kernel11:47
toscalixironfoot: ^^ I believe it is11:48
toscalixiwamatsu: what do you think?11:48
toscalixbwh ?11:49
patersoncHi toscalix , the linux-cip repo has different branches for v4.4 and v4.19. I'm not sure we need seperate repos do we?13:10
toscalixyou are right14:10
toscalixpatersonc: ^14:10
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