IRC logs for #cip for Wednesday, 2019-03-06

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wagipatersonc: good morning08:37
wagiI talked to the lava guys. As it turns out, the test plan and 'lava test suite' are two different things08:37
wagithe test plan is part of the test-definition and are run via their own test-runner08:37
wagiLava's test suite are defined in the job description.08:38
wagiOne idea is to write a template for the job description in order to be a bit more flexible08:39
patersoncMornin wagi08:39
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patersoncOkay. That explains it then :P08:39
wagiyes :)08:39
wagiAnd now the linaro guys want my stuff :)08:39
patersoncTake a look at and
patersoncThey both run mutiple test cases, but in slightly different ways08:43
patersoncThe end result is basically the same08:44
patersoncAlthough the second one failed :P08:45
wagiIs there a way to look at the original job submition. The web UI renders the job description useless08:59
patersoncEach job has a blue "definition" button, which links to the above09:01
wagithere is the magic button09:01
patersoncTop right of a test job/log09:01
wagiat look the registers on top of the output09:01
wagigot it09:01
patersoncYou can download the definition or copy it to clipboard09:02
patersoncOr resubmit from the job page and amend directly09:02
wagiRight. I'll try to write a template now...09:03
wagi'Stand back, I am doing jinja2'09:03
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