IRC logs for #cip for Wednesday, 2018-11-21

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toscalixas an anecdote, I am installing an updae of my desktop today including the v4.4.162-78.109:57
toscalixof the Linux kernel09:57
toscalixa package from openSUSE Leap which is still being maintained09:57
* rajm runs a health check on iwg20m with an email to the list.09:58
* rajm runs a health check on BBB with an email to the list.09:58
rajmlooks like I wasn't really connected when I irc'ed these earlier09:58
rajmthe fresh provision I created last week is still not showing builds in kernelci - I'm doing a cut down provision to see if I can see what's going on10:15
rajmI see there's a [emerg] 28491#28491: host not found in resolver "False" in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ in /var/log/nginx/error.log which I don't see in pre provisions10:59
rajms/pre /other/11:00
rajmI'll open a ticket for it!11:03
* rajm opens
rajma box provisioned on Nov 8th is fine so any breakage has happened since then11:14
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mungaiprajm: Hello, did you ever find a solution to this issue?
rajmmungaip: no I didn't manage to resolve that11:35
mungaiprajm: okay thank you11:37
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* rajm adds comment to #203 identifying the kernelci-backend commit that's causing our problem13:33
rajmthough the commit comment suggests that some kernelci instances with much data need to not have that limit - Gwaihir  ?13:37
Gwaihirrajm I'm not so sure it's exactly that line that causes the problem you are seeing, that change is for test reports sent via email, the problem might be where utils.db.find is defined that has changed, and there are a few places where that function is called, need to pinpoint from where it is called for the build view13:43
rajmyes I read that comment and was puzzled as to why that caused the failure - I did a fresh install on Nov 8 which was ok and one on 16th where problem was apparent - will look further - thanks!13:45
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rajmhmmm, reverts change, restarts webserver - build still visible, restarts VM and build still visible, result being cached somewhere?13:55
Gwaihirrajm yes, could be if there is the redis server running and it is being used as a cache13:58
rajmok, I'll try a fresh build with that change14:00
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rajmyes a completely fresh build of the VM and making that change before running the webserver fixes it, I'll look at other calls to utils.db.find14:48
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