IRC logs for #cip for Friday, 2018-09-28

*** patersonc has joined #cip06:09
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* rajm runs the daily health on the BBB with an email to the list. 08:48
rajmanother lavacli job runs ok on the iwg20m - schedules a health check with notify...08:53
rajmalso I intend to close the clock is correct after a suspend - I assume that's due to my now running vagrant 2.1.2 (and will document that on that ticket - and on the wiki)08:59
rajm*on the wiki?08:59
patersoncHi rajm. Is the iwg20m working 100% of the time now?09:01
rajmso far ;-) 6 consecutive successes09:02
rajmthere'll be a MR shortly09:03
patersoncAre there any plans to add a new version of B@D to to include the iwg20m?09:05
rajmI don't think so - but checks with toscalix ^^09:07
* rajm closes #8709:14
toscalixpatersonc: the main goal right now is to move the tool to containers. I did not expect to have the board working09:32
toscalixnow that it is....09:32
toscalixI woudld be fine with being able to use it by provisioning the tool09:32
toscalixreleasing will take us an effort I would prefer to put into moving into containers09:33
toscalixrajm: can we make the tool work with the board by default  if you provision with Vagrant?09:35
toscalixand if we can, is it a matter of days or weeks?09:35
patersoncWhat is the target release date for the containerised version?09:36
rajmtoscalix once the MR is in it should be straightforward09:36
rajmhere's the MR
toscalixbwh: do you mind to review it?09:44
toscalixpatersonc: maybe your colleague can do it too09:44
rajmand I'll send out that email09:48
rajm..and does so!10:20
rajmI intend to run a fresh provision of b@d today from that branch and check that the iwg20m is ok10:25
toscalixrajm: will you be able to send a summary of your progress to the mailing list today?10:55
toscalixIf not, please let me know so I adjust for the TSC meeting on Monday10:55
rajmapart from the iwg changes?(but including them) ok will do11:00
rajma fresh provision of b@d and the iwg20m health checks ok :)11:41
rajmtoscalix - that's a summary for this week? - as I sent a summary last friday12:17
patersoncHi rajm. Do you know if base-uboot.jinja is installed by default on the lava master? Or is this something you've added in B@D?12:45
rajmpatersonc: base-uboot.jinja2 should be there by default12:46
patersoncThanks. Do you modify it at all?12:47
rajmno any overriding happens in renesas-iwg20m.jinja212:48
rajm(if that's the device you're thinking about)12:48
patersoncThat was my understanding - just double checking.12:50
toscalixrajm: ah, yes, right12:53
toscalixevery other week12:54
rajmso I should leave the summary until next friday?12:54
* rajm updates the known issue page in the light of the closing of #8713:05
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patersoncHello rajm13:18
patersoncIs this repo still in use?
rajmnope it is dead!13:22
patersoncOkay :)13:24
patersoncReplaced by
rajmyes - I can't remember the history on that repos but the links from should be up to date13:26
rajmso yes on your link13:27
toscalixthat repo was the one used for the early development of B@D, before the integration with kernelci13:55
toscalixremember that one is based on debian and the other one in ubuntu13:56
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