IRC logs for #cip for Thursday, 2018-05-03

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rajmBBB healthcheck runs with email to the list07:58
rajmthe renesas HC however.... :-(08:14
rajmthough again replacing our initramfs with the yocto core-image-minimal-iwg20m gets the HC to run08:23
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szlinHere is the proposed agenda for the meeting:08:38
szlinKernel patch review status08:38
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rajmbut a second attempt at running test (again using core-image-minimal-iwg20m) with lava-tool fails09:00
szlintime for CIP-dev IRC weekly meeting09:00
moxavictorhi everybody09:00
szlin#topic Roll Call09:01
* szlin please say hi if you're here09:01
moxavictorwho know to review kernel patch faster ?09:02
szlin#topic 1. Kernel patch review status09:02
szlinI have sent the status of review email in kernel 4.4.12909:03
szlinWe did not see any problematic patches09:03
toscalixszlin: do you mean you guys reviewed the patches sent to the mailing list?09:03
toscalixdirectly in the 4.4-stable mailing list?09:04
szlinnope, in cip-dev09:04
szlinas Ben said before.09:04
szlinEmail content09:05
szlinThe following items in 4.4.129 are reviewed and mark as LGTM:09:05
szlin6f051f8986a8 writeback: safer lock nesting 4533f7e1785f watchdog: f71808e_wdt: Fix WD_EN register read09:05
szlinb7b4411c8990 clk: mvebu: armada-38x: add support for missing clocks09:05
szlin60f6c860c258 HID: core: Fix size as type u32 0ab6b8c91ecf usb: dwc3: pci: Properly cleanup resource09:05
toscalixah, so you sent the summary09:05
szlin318a306c53d1 ARM: dts: at91: sama5d4: fix pinctrl compatible string 31118e88019f ARM: dts: at91: at91sam9g25: fix mux-mask pinctrl property09:06
szline23007895028 usb: musb: gadget: misplaced out of bounds check 085c9c4b9e7e cdc_ether: flag the Cinterion AHS8 modem by gemalto as WWAN09:06
toscalixgot you09:06
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szlinAfter this review, victor has a question that "how to review kernel patch in a efficient way"09:07
toscalixmoxavictor: since bwh is not here today, I am afraid you will have to send a mail to cip-dev asking the question09:08
moxavictorgot it09:08
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szlinwe will continue to review the patch - 4.4.130 and send out the review summary to cip-dev.09:09
patersoncszlin: Am I wrong in thinking v4.4.131 has already been released?09:09
szlinyes, 4.4.131 was released 16 hours ago09:10
szlinThe release cycle is so quick09:10
toscalixyou cannot pretend to beat the big guys, this is about learning09:10
szlintherefore, victor has that question - how to review kernel patch in a efficient way09:10
toscalixI would not focus at this point to be up to date09:11
toscalixpick up some of the latest patches, and if it takes longer for you, fine09:11
szlinthat's my thought, stay tuned.09:11
toscalixif you detect a bug, you check if somebody else did already, and that's it09:12
toscalixthe process is based on having many users testing the patches, not neccesarily the reviewrs themselves09:13
szlinreview the patch step by step and no hurry09:13
toscalixbugs landing in 4.4-131 were discovered in 4.4.50, for instance09:14
moxavictorso, we don't need to review every commit ?09:14
toscalixI would focus first in those which areas you understand and have more control over. You would be more likely to discover issues there09:14
patersoncmoxavictor: Perhaps just review patches relevant to your interests/experience for now?09:14
toscalixand expand your knowledge little by little09:15
toscalixthis is about adding value, not about review coverage09:15
moxavictorwe can learn what to review patch ?09:16
toscalixreviewers and maintainers read a lot of docu09:16
toscalixto do the reviews09:16
moxavictorcoding skill ? kernel software architecture ?09:16
toscalixI see reviewers as experts in the kernel development and maintenance process, with a good general overview of how the kernel is structure and works and then they have one or two areas where they excel09:17
toscalixtechnical areas09:18
toscalixin the rest, they most likely have to read documentation09:18
toscalixthey usually know more about problematic areas09:18
toscalixthat has required a lot of review lately09:18
moxavictorwhere we can read it ?09:18
toscalixI am talking from my experience managing kernel hackers09:19
szlinfor development process:
toscalixI am not aware of a document about these things. Include this in your question to Ben. I asked him some time ago but maybe there is a new blog post out there useful about these topics09:20
moxavictorgood, could I get the blog home page ?09:21
toscalix... but maybe...09:22
toscalixI mean, I haven't seen anything new/good about this. I would ask Ben if there is something recent09:22
toscalixthere was not last time I asked him, a few months back09:22
szlinany other questions for patch review?09:25
szlin#topic Miscellaneous09:26
szlinanything to discuss?09:26
moxavictorno question09:28
szlinthanks all09:28
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* rajm was about to look at #160 and gets an error on provisioning - trying again with a clean pull from master09:47
rajmyup - a fresh provision from master is broken I assume a lava update is the problem - creates issue09:58
* rajm creates
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* rajm finds
toscalixrajm: something changed upstream?10:56
rajmyes that's it ^^10:56
rajmso 2018.4 is now in stretch backports10:57
* rajm goes to find lunch maybe brain will be better at working around this afterwards10:59
toscalixcan you make the provisioning point in the mirrors to the tag of the previous versions, so it works while you investigate the impact of the new changes?11:12
rajmthat would be a quick temp fix11:19
toscalixthat is the advantage to mirror the repos, we control that our "product" is always working11:21
toscalixit should always be working11:21
toscalixso until you figure out what upstream change broke our product...11:22
rajmthough lava is being installed from stretch-backports so its only mentioned in our repos rather from the lava dev sources - so need to get a specific version from there11:31
toscalixdo we need to revisit the repos we are mirroring maybe?11:34
rajmwe're not mirroring anything as far as lava is concerned - or am I missing something?11:36
toscalixshould we?11:36
toscalixthey change fast11:36
toscalixso at least, when evaluating issues, we have a mechanism to not break the tool11:37
toscalixsince we are not releasing images anymore11:37
toscalixwe cannot point people to a working image as we used to11:37
rajmand build from source - I suppose that would indeed make things more robust11:37
toscalixthe same strategy will apply when usig containers11:38
rajmok let me see what's involved11:39
toscalixevaluate it and tell me what you think. bwh might have a better suggestion11:40
rajmalso I'll subscribe to lava-announce - thought I had but clearly not!11:46
* rajm sees very early in install a failure of rng-tools to run, think that install was added at an early stage in the development and wonders if it can be removed12:36
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* rajm finds a shortage of info on installing lava other than from a debian repos but continues looking13:17
toscalix"shortage of info". I love it, let's keep this level of politeness14:44
rajmI hadn't seen the INSTALL file at that point ;-) ;-)14:46
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