IRC logs for #cip for Wednesday, 2017-06-28

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patersoncHello bwh, tosalix14:34
bwhpatersonc: Hi14:34
patersoncDo you know when CIP will start contemplating the next version of the Kernel they want to base the CIP Kernel on?14:35
patersoncI heard that the next LTSI would be v4.14 - will this be too soon for CIP?14:36
bwhNot sure - depends on how well we do at backporting hardware support14:47
toscalixpatersonc: if it would depend on me, I would wait to point the next version15:16
toscalixuntil, at least, we could analyse the features included15:16
toscalixallignment with LTSI is desired, but I pointed at the TSC that I think allignment with Debian would have a bigger impact, given that we will use debian sources and will create a debian based system15:17
toscalixbut my position on this topic is not a strong one. I think that the "consumers", that is Hitachi, Siemens and Toshiba, should determine that based on their needs...and assume the risks/consequences15:18
toscalixI see my role only as "advisor" here15:19
patersoncFair doos. I would have thought LTSI alignment would reduce the backporting load for CIP? (at least for an extra year or two)15:23
toscalixin theory yes15:29
toscalixThe question is, what has more effort involved, backports during one or two years or general maintenance during a debian cycle?15:29
toscalixthe ideal situation... LTSI, CIP and Debian pick the same kernel. What can we do about it?15:30
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