IRC logs for #cip for Wednesday, 2017-06-07

*** bananadev has joined #cip04:46
*** patersonc has joined #cip06:17
*** patersonc has quit IRC07:10
*** patersonc has joined #cip07:10
*** rajm has joined #cip07:13
*** rajm has quit IRC07:56
*** rajm has joined #cip07:57
*** kristerman has joined #cip08:35
*** CTtpollard has joined #cip08:50
*** patersonc has quit IRC10:25
*** patersonc has joined #cip10:26
*** bananadev has quit IRC11:40
rajmhealth check on the BBB ran ok this morning, am currently looking at scripts for an internal workshop on the release14:45
*** rajm has quit IRC15:49
*** kristerman has quit IRC16:52
*** patersonc has quit IRC16:58

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