IRC logs for #cip for Thursday, 2017-05-18

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rajmjust need to add the links and the deployment is complete #8607:39
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toscalixrajm: do you have a minute?08:29
toscalixabout the known issues page08:30
toscalixthere are two type of content that goes there08:30
toscalixknown issues and how to workaround them08:31
rajmok - needs some more workarounds?08:31
toscalixand other kind of things a user might face and that are not issues but we provide some guidance on how to approach them08:31
rajm(to the ones I added yesterday?)08:31
toscalixthe first kind of content08:31
toscalixthe issues+workarounds08:32
toscalixthis page should be only a summary, a plce where you can check them all. Details should be on tickets08:32
toscalixso everything should be on the tickets and here we only summarise them08:32
toscalixso users have them in a central place and do not have to go over the whole ticket, specially if the have many comments08:33
toscalixwe include the link to the comment with the detailed instructions of the workaround08:33
toscalixWhat I read in the wiki page is exactly the opposite strategy08:33
toscalixworkaround is being described in the wiki page08:33
toscalixand I cannot see it in the ticket08:34
rajmI thought the issues page was fairly succint - are you saying some are too wordy?08:34
rajmthough workarounds is in the title of the page?08:34
toscalixnothinng is too wordy08:34
toscalixthis is about which one is the central place that holds the info and will be updated and which is the summary for users that is not meant to be updated08:35
rajmso I need to copy some of the workarounds into the tickets where they are missing?08:35
rajmand link to the ticket (where missing) in the wiki page08:35
toscalixIn general, I would like to see less content in the wiki and more content in the tickets08:36
toscalixwhen talking about known issues08:36
toscalixthat is the strategy that will reduce the maintenance effort08:36
toscalixwiki is expensive when it comes to maintenance08:36
toscalixI have no concrete suggestion on any specific known issue. I leave that to you08:37
rajmOK I'll trim and link, I had a work through unclosed tickets session yesterday and populate the issues page - I'll look at it08:37
toscalixThis is the typical case in which the integration of the ticketing system and the wiki reduces the maintenance costs08:37
toscalixwhich we do not have here08:38
toscalixso we need to be carefull which these situation or we will need to put too much effort to keep them on sync08:38
toscalixwith these...08:38
toscalixI went through the known issues last night and called my attention, that is all08:39
toscalixback to writing promo content08:39
rajmdo you want me to focus on this or to get the links into #86 so we can email and close that ticket first?08:40
toscalixkeep following the plan I will mention this in #4408:41
toscalixand you will go over it later08:41
toscalix#86 is priority one08:41
rajmok focussing back08:42
rajmthere's a tick box for hashes in the acceptance for #86 the box hash as well as source hashes should go there? What about the gpg signature files?08:48
toscalixeverything that will go on the download page08:48
toscalixah, great, I cannot see the ticket description with my current firefox version08:50
toscalixafter the last gitlab update08:50
toscalixI love the world of browsers and web08:50
toscalixit is so respectful with users08:50
rajmso it needs a new tick box/section called gpg signatures?08:52
rajmoh wonderful (on firefox & gitlab) :-(08:52
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rajmI've assumed in the links in #86 that the link addresses identify what they are sufficiently or would you like them to be annotated or the address hiding behind a description of each? toscalix09:13
toscalixin the download page we will add them as links of a description09:14
toscalixso you can do that now so the download page can be done by someone else or you can do it then so you have to do the download page09:14
toscalixbut no, the links are not self explanatory for a first time user09:15
rajmok so #86 looks ok to you? and i'll followup the GM declaration with an announcement that the deployment is done?09:16
rajmah I think it need sthe links as visible so I'll preface each with a couple of words description09:17
toscalixthe links have to be visible here because we need to copy/paste them to the wiki09:20
rajmthough you could do that via 'right'click and copy link address (but having them visible is also imho too better)09:22
toscalixyou rule09:33
toscalixjust think that they need to be copy pasted, that's all09:33
toscalixthe main goal is to not forget any09:33
rajmI think they're all done now, looks to the email09:34
toscalixrajm: when communicating the end of a stage, it is a good practice to advance which one is the next one and a link to where it is described. Since we do not have the release howto yet, point people to the ticket...09:40
rajmOK I'd got a mention of the documentaion as being next but will add the link09:43
toscalixcheck the answer I gave to your previous communication mail as reference09:44
toscalixfeel free to give to it your own touch09:44
rajmIt's now likely to be after the meeting just so I can check it thoroughly09:45
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rajm#86 is now closed and thus deployment is complete10:57
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* rajm has updated/reorganised the setup deployment pages will find a coffee and then review them and hopes he hasn't lost anything13:38
toscalixI am writing the blog post13:40
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toscalixrajm: is falling in love with docuwiki, I guess14:25
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toscalixrajm: for tomorrow/monday
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toscalixre-formatted the titles and notes on page
toscalixsame applies for the deployment page16:41
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