IRC logs for #cip for Monday, 2017-05-15

*** rajm has joined #cip06:50
rajmboth outstanding MR's in 2 repos on cip-kernel have been accepted07:04
*** toscalix has joined #cip07:23
rajmand all the cip-project repos have been tagged as v0.908:13
* rajm vagrant up's the release box08:16
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rajmissue #76 has been closed (the lava-tool one) :-)08:36
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rajmbuilding the linux-cip kernel with omap2plus_defconfig09:00
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rajmand the b@d kernelci shows the successful build of linux-cip \o/09:24
toscalixcloser to Gold MAster09:42
toscalixI am updating the tasks deadlines to the new schedule09:44
toscalixrajm: check the numbering convention of the box:
toscalixlast comment, please09:46
rajmtoscalix yes will follow that when we get to packaging09:46
toscalixre-doing task #37 (publishing stage of this release10:14
toscalixre-opened #76 after rajm found an issue while preparing gold master10:28
toscalix#37 done. Post release evaluation task created #8910:50
toscalixwiki page to describe the release process created.11:05
toscalixand the last task related with the release has been created
toscalixhopefully the last one, to keep it simple11:15
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rajmhealth check on BBB works fine on the release box (after a VM reboot) currently having issues with the qemu health check12:46
toscalixups, not good12:48
rajmcould something have changed in qemu wrt debian testing / jessie backports to break things?12:54
toscalixbwh_: can you help here?12:55
toscalixrajm: last time we tried?12:55
toscalixbefore today?12:55
rajmI tried qemu on my testing box last week sometime (iirc) I could boot it and check the date?12:57
rajmthough that box was provisioned prob 2 weeks ago12:57
rajmI shouldn't have argued for keeping the qemu health check in the release (serves me right)12:58
rajmcan we release just focussing on BBB?13:32
rajmat least with the possible necessity of a reboot of the vm this won't affect anyone downloading the package as it will have got past that phase13:34
toscalixrajm: I do not think only BBB is good enough. QEMU is needed, for those who do now have BBB. We reduce the impact significantly13:57
rajmok understood!13:58
toscalix is the issue14:21
* rajm examines the history of the provisioning script just to check that hasn't provoked all those differences in installed packages14:46
rajmno significant changes in there14:58
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*** Jackneill has joined #cip17:48
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