IRC logs for #cip for Monday, 2017-05-08

*** patersonc has joined #cip06:43
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rajmmorning - health check runs ok - after 2 failures - first because the bbb wasn't booted when I started the vm and it runs immediately automatically, second because my devicedictionary contained localhost for bbb01 rather than my laptops ip address - because I'd made it deliberately generic (and wrong) in order to create a good export of the vm07:50
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*** toscalix has joined #cip08:04
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toscalixrajm: good morning08:57
rajmmorning toscalix !08:57
toscalixI have the bi-weekly cip stc call today. Any news I can share beyond what I reported a few days ago to the mailing list, and your comment?08:58
toscalixbwh: around?08:58
toscalixearly for bwh I think08:58
rajmthat's we're using lava-tool (rather than lava-ci) to submit tests on the bad-sd vm (and sucessfully) donbrown's issues with tftp?09:01
toscalixdo you get the results already?09:03
rajmyes though I'm only running the health check which downloads kernel from linaro rather than the locally built one09:04
toscalixwe need to change that, right?09:04
rajmyes, hoping for guidance from bwh about building on the vm for bbb09:06
toscalixhe is at the office this week. Please tell him ;-)09:07
rajmyes donbrown emailed him on friday (via cip-dev)09:08
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toscalixsaw it09:16
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*** christoskaramits has joined #cip10:07
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toscalixCIP TSC call ended14:37
toscalixrajm: updated the license task15:46
toscalixone important point is that tests will not be licenses as AGPL15:46
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*** toscalix has quit IRC17:09

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