IRC logs for #cip for Monday, 2017-02-20

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kristermanHi Gwaihir, I was wondering if you could help with a lava-related question15:05
Gwaihirkristerman, fire the question, I'll see if I can help or not :)15:05
kristermanfirst of all, have you ever got this log when trying a health check on bbb?:
kristermanSeems like tftp configuration is not correct, tried to find how I can set serverip, but didn't get any answers from lava channel15:08
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kristermandonbrown, have you installed lava-dispatcher on host machine?16:31
donbrownYes, let me do some digging and see where that IP address is set.16:33
kristermanif this is your laptop's ip, then the problem for your setting should be that the files are downloaded on master rather than worker16:40
kristermanduring a test job, can you check where the files are created?16:40
kristermanfor me it's on master16:40
kristermanI can see them on /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp during test16:40
donbrownOK, I'll check that out and let you know16:40
Gwaihirkristerman, sorry, got sidetracked... unfortunately cannot be of much help with that, did you try asking in #linaro-lava?16:42
kristermannp, yes I did16:42
kristermanBut havent got an answer yet, it seems that I need to change the ip for tftp server16:43
kristermanbecause it is trying to download from ip running vm16:43
toscalixkristerman: should we have the three of us a meeting tomorrow?16:44
kristermanyes, I am free at all times16:44
toscalixcan you meet late like last week?16:44
toscalixso we meet the three of us?16:45
donbrownI can do 6amET/11am GMT16:45
donbrownOh, wait16:45
toscalixdonbrown: I am in US pacific time16:45
donbrownthat would be 3am for toscalix16:45
kristermanI can do one at night16:45
kristermanI don't have a problem16:45
toscalixcan you guys sort it out and invite me? I will show up16:46
donbrownOK 4pm ET / 9pm GMT / 1pm PT - Does that work for you?16:47
toscalixit does16:47
donbrownAwesome. Chris, please send out the invite since I don't have a CT calendar16:47
kristermanwill do16:48
donbrowntoscalix: was my internal "Try it out" Email OK?16:48
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toscalixdonbrown: yes16:50
donbrownCool. Thank you!16:50
toscalixlet's see if any codethinker has time to try it out before the release on wednesday16:50
toscalixI believe rajm is trying it16:51
kristermanyes, no one will be able to try it today16:51
kristermanbecause network is very slow, and kernel repo large16:51
donbrownGood Point16:52
rjekVBox and Vagrant sadly made it non-negotiable for me16:52
donbrownChris, you didn't include the Google Hangout link. Are we using the Team one?16:53
kristermanah one sec16:53
kristermandonbrown, are you assigning your host a static ip?16:54
donbrownSorry rjek. We went with what the Siemens guys started with, but we have adding alternatives to VBox on our list of things to do.16:54
donbrownYes, I am looking for the config file where I do that for tftp16:54
kristermanmy VM's IP is set to
kristermanI am starting to see a pattern here16:55
donbrownYes, that's it!16:56
kristermanHOwever, I have changed that file, and still it uses the old one...16:57
kristermanI am close16:59
donbrownCan you do a uname -r and paste it here? I don't know why I'm not getting the standard shutdown message17:03
kristermanlogged in on board you mean?17:04
donbrownyes, from the BBB17:04
kristermanone moment, rebooting after failed test17:04
kristermanso I get what is happening, for me I am having the problem of the board trying to get files from VM, which is not connected serially to board, and for you, the host is not set to download the files17:07
kristermanWe will be 100% sure when you check the tmp/ dire17:07
donbrownCool. That is the difference on the shutdown message. I have: 4.4.30-ti-r6417:07
kristermanoh my17:07
donbrownthat's ok, I can set it back to your version17:08
donbrownRunning a new test now and I'll monitor the tmp directory17:09
donbrownYes, I have 5 files in the tmp directory during the test17:12
kristermanhost or guest?17:13
donbrownsorry - Guest - our KCI/LAVA VM17:14
kristermanthat's the problem then17:14
kristermanwhen you try and install lava-server, you get a prompt (standalone or for remote service)17:14
kristermanand we install the standalone, whereas we are working remotely (server and worker are separate machines)17:15
kristermanso maybe there's the solution17:15
donbrownYes, if you saw in my standup I said that we are not installing all of LAVA - We needed to just apt-get install lava - not lava-server17:15
kristermanis there an easy and quick way to forward serial port?17:15
kristermanYes I saw it17:16
donbrownChange your to read sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install qemu-kvm libvirt-bin lava17:16
kristermanthat could make it work in just vm17:16
donbrownser2net forwards a serial port to an IP port17:16
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CTtpollardhi o/17:43
donbrownHi CTtpollard. What can I do for you?17:43
CTtpollardJust thought I'd join :) the single board use case could be useful for me once the targets are expanded17:44
kristermanhi CTtpollard ! have you downloaded the repos?17:46
kristermandon't hesitate to ask for whatever you get stuck upon installation17:47
CTtpollardI'll be leaving a clone running overnight17:47
kristermangood idea17:48
CTtpollardbut yeh, if raspi & or minnowboards are future targets that would be of interest to me17:49
CTtpollardI don't tend to use BBB (not very well supported in yocto with wayland)17:49
kristermanwell, the way KernelCI and LAVA work, they can work on any devices, theoretically17:51
CTtpollardI know that it's a common lava target though17:51
toscalixCTtpollard: in the context of CIP, rpi is not a target17:51
toscalixwe will have an intel board but is undertermined which one at tihs point17:51
CTtpollardcould minnowboard be an x86-64 target?17:51
toscalixit is so you can take the config from any of the labs17:51
toscalixI do not know at this point17:52
toscalixthe next target is a renesas board17:52
toscalixbut first we need to test cip kernel on BBB on reuglar basis17:52
CTtpollardis the renesas board determined?17:53
toscalixI believe yes17:55
toscalixlet me check17:55
toscalixno, it has not been decided. I have a CIP f2f meeting in a few hours. Maybe the topic arises there17:58
kristermandonbrown, I am convinced that if I change the serverip, health check will complete18:04
kristermanI bridged my vm, and can ping it from other machines18:04
kristermanbut cannot seem to change the default ip to the new one18:04
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kristermanwhich would mean we won't need to be doing anything else to host machine (other than ser2net rerouting)18:05
donbrownkristerman: Alright! Let's do it. It is reporting now correct?18:33
donbrownI am searching all of the config files we use to see if it is something I changed and forgot to document18:38
kristermanhow come you set your laptop's ip to be this one?18:39
kristermanI sent you an email for meeting in the morning too18:40
donbrownWait... is the IP of my KCI/LAVA VM - I misspoke earlier. My laptop is (DHCP from my ISP router)18:40
donbrownCool. Thank you18:40
kristermanokay, so we want it to be our vm's ip, but the one that is accessible from outside, the bridged interface18:41
donbrownYes, if I bridge it, then I get something like, with the BBB at
kristermanhow do you bridge it? and does it finish the test after that?18:42
kristermanI bridged it with this line in Vagrantfile: "public_network", ip: "", :bridge => "eth0", use_dhcp_assigned_default_route: t    rue, ip: ""18:43
donbrownin the Vagrantfile. You add a line  "public network"18:43
donbrownthat looks right18:43
kristermanbut then I still get the old IP18:44
kristermanI did vagrant reload18:44
donbrownI think you need to destroy and re-up it18:44
donbrownI've never used that term before now18:44
kristermanokay tomorrow then18:44
kristermandumb machine18:44
donbrownyes sir. Get some rest. recharge your brain18:45
kristermanthanks, have a good evening18:45
donbrownIce Cream and mindless funny tv shows do it for me.18:45
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donbrownkristerman: The only place I see the hard-coded is in /etc/lava-dispatcher/lava-dispatcher.conf19:16
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