IRC logs for #cip for Monday, 2017-01-30

*** rajm has joined #cip08:14
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*** kristerman has joined #cip09:45
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toscalixdonbrown: I like the mail13:45
toscalixI will send the bi-weekly report on Thursday since I will be travelling on friday13:45
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kristermanHi Gwaihir, regarding the build.log url's16:20
kristermanDo we know what the correct url for retrieving them should be?16:21
kristermanI found the part of the code that sets the href attributes for them16:21
Gwaihirkristerman, it's the same path on the filesystem, starting from the root where the files are stored:
kristermanSo we would like to get this instead of :
GwaihirI think so, if the '/build/' part is part of the path where you serve the file, then yes16:27 stands for and stands for?16:28
kristermanhttp:// ?16:28
Gwaihiryeah, your domain:port16:38
kristermanOk, so doesn't this mean that this link:
kristermanwould work when running the webserver locally?16:40
kristermanBecause it is not, I get 404 for this too16:40
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pedroalvarezkristerman: if you get a 404 then I think your webserver is at least running16:50
Gwaihirwell... I have no idea what is running on port 5000, but assuming you have something the show the file system with root at /var/www/images/kernel-ci, it should work16:51
Gwaihirif on port 5000 you have the frontend, as in frontend, it might not work because it is not going to show the contents of the filesystem16:51
kristermanpedroalvarez, yes webserver is definitely running. Gwaihir, so use port 8888 instead?16:53
kristermanhmm ok thnx16:53
Gwaihiryou can use any other port, as long as on the port you use there is something that shows the filesystem, for our use case we use port 80 on nginx with a dedicated domain, but if you have a web server on port 8888, that should work16:54
kristermanI see16:54
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