IRC logs for #cip for Monday, 2016-11-28

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toscalixrajm: there are two merge requests in gitlab pending:
toscalixwhat is their status?10:06
toscalixit seems there are conflicts for one of them and the other is delayed10:06
rajmWanted to postpone the delayed one as it mentions the webserver externally which we haven't yet got working10:09
toscalixhummm... let me think a little what to do with these cases10:10
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rajmThe conflict is because of a merge on friday that leapfrogged this one I'm intending to drop it and resubmit10:10
toscalixI think that the second one, with the conflict, requires that you guys act on it10:13
toscalixeither close it or assign a task to somebody to resolve the conflict10:13
toscalixclick on the commit and there is a menu on the right for it10:14
toscalixit would require also an assignee10:14
toscalixit cannot be in a "limbo"10:14
toscalixand it cannot be approved10:15
toscalixif it is a WIP merge, edit is and you find the help on how to deal with it (adding WIP in front of the title)10:16
toscalixIn summary, donbrown and you will have to invest time in learning about gitlab10:17
toscalixthe repo details10:17
toscalixRepository section10:17
toscalixsome of the actions from the command line has specific ways of being managed in the user interface10:17
rajmok, I'll close it and then the change can be done cleanly10:21
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toscalixYopshi added all the stable kernels to the linux-cip project10:32
toscalixnow it is very herd to manage any activity on the cip-kernel10:32
toscalixI asked him why he did that and suggested to have the stable kernels in a different project, if they are needed for anything10:32
rajmmerge now closed and a new one opened
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toscalixrajm: thanks11:24
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toscalixAh, Yoshi answered me that he was trying to fix the issue with mirroring bwh CIP kernel repo12:13
toscalixsame issue I had on Thu/Fri12:13
toscalixand by mistake he mirrored many kernel repos12:13
toscalixso topic clarified12:13
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toscalixrajm created the initial milestone:
toscalixplease refer to it in your commits14:41
toscalixI already added in the current ones14:42
toscalixso for the future14:42
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