IRC logs for #buildstream for Monday, 2023-06-19

AdrianVovk[m]Does bst not have options that are just strings?17:38
AdrianVovk[m]Or am I missing something in the documentation17:38
AdrianVovk[m]i.e. `bst -o updates-server build boards/amd64/gnome/...`17:39
abderrahim[m]yes, it doesn't18:53
abderrahim[m]I think the reasoning is that you could test all the possible combinations18:53
AdrianVovk[m]So you wouldn't be interested in a string option type?19:02
AdrianVovk[m]My solution for the time being is a yml file with variables that I'll encourage people to change and ignore in git via `git update-index --skip-worktree`21:12

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