IRC logs for #buildstream for Friday, 2023-04-14

nanonymeJürg Billeter: I created branches in forks with your changes since they weren't rebased. I will see if I get it working any better this time18:30
nanonymeMmmm, the earlier behaviour still reproduces19:10
nanonymeLemme see how it behaves in CI19:22
nanonymeJürg Billeter: not just me. Same error happens in freedesktop-sdk CI
nanonymeAny chance you test that image to see if it reproduces for you too?19:29
nanonymeIiinteresting. Actually with x86_64 there is "operation not permitted" with no fallback19:35
nanonymeBut on aarch64 and ppc64le (which probably have newer kernel), it just silently fails to stage anything19:36
nanonymeI think these containers are in fact privileged so it shouldn't be that either19:43
nanonymeAha, right. So shell just fails silently for me. But with build I got     `2023-04-14T19:22:33.685+0000 [315:140687131164672] [buildboxrun_bubblewrap.cpp:499] [INFO] Failed to mount overlay filesystem: std::system_error exception thrown at [buildboxrun_overlaystageddirectory.cpp:74] [generic:1], errMsg = "Failed to mount overlay", errno : Operation not permitted`20:00
nanonymeWait, maybe this is a cached failure20:00
nanonymeIt was20:01
nanonymeIndeed so now it fails with no output20:01
nanonymeOr rather, no output from buildbox but there's no /bin/sh in sandbox20:02

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