IRC logs for #buildstream for Sunday, 2023-03-19

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nanonymeJürg Billeter: does buildbox-casd persist hardlink information?20:07
juergbinanonyme: no, CAS doesn't currently have any provisions to persist hardlink information (outside a non-standard 'NodeProperty')22:07
nanonymeShould it? It seems like a useful thing to have22:08
nanonymeI guess it might not work without assumption of buildbox-fuse anyway though22:10
juergbinanonyme: not sure it's really important (except for exactly matching the result of building outside BuildStream)22:10
juergbiin the context of build outputs, it's typically just an optimization22:11
juergbie.g. for hardlinked binaries that change their behavior depending on argv[0]22:11
nanonymeHmm, right but won't not implementing hardlinks actually break those?22:12
juergbias it's content-addressable storage, it would be fairly simple to create hardlinks of binaries based on matching digests, if that's desired22:12
nanonymeUnless someone manually breaks hardlinks and replaces them with symlinks during build22:12
juergbiI could see BuildStream needing some support for that, though, but it might not need a REAPI extension22:12
juergbiit won't break but it could lead to excessive package sizes if there is no deduplication when packaging22:13
nanonymeHmmmm, right, true. The check for name would still work22:14
juergbii.e. I consider it mainly an optimization issue, although a potentially crucial one22:14
juergbiif improvements are necessary, it's probably best to consider it based on a concrete use case22:15
nanonymeI wonder if it would actually make the non-buildbox-fuse staging faster22:17
nanonymeIn cases where we have hardlinks and large files22:18
juergbiI think the only reasonable staging without FUSE is the use of reflinks22:31
juergbiin which case, hardlinking a few binaries wouldn't provide a significant performance benefit22:32

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