IRC logs for #buildstream for Thursday, 2023-01-12

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juergbinanonyme: by default mtime is not captured. buildbox-casd does support optional capture of mtime, which buildstream uses for workspace support but not otherwise06:03
nanonymejuergbi: okay, I was just trying to figure out if local source import cache keys were affected by mtime06:56
juergbiah, no, only content. capturing mtime by default for local files would typically be a problem (e.g. git not storing mtimes either)06:57
nanonymejuergbi: good. Then it's some other reason why for me cache keys aren't persisting as expected07:17
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nanonymejuergbi: I don't suppose you have had another chance to look at the copy_file_range changes?17:33
juergbinanonyme: I've commented. It looks fine to me if we can fix the couple of things I've mentioned18:25
abderrahim[m]<nanonyme> "juergbi: good. Then it's some..." <- I've had this happen to when python created __pycache__ directories in a local source. It could be something similar18:29
abderrahim[m]* python created `__pycache__, * __pycache__` directories18:29
juergbinanonyme: isn't the hasattr("os"...) change wrong?18:44
nanonymeIt is. I wonder where that came from. Maybe stale local changes on different machine.18:45 the problem was that I had a bug with freedesktop-sdk-binary-seed such that one of the things in buildstrap had sandbox arch not set so it defaulted to x86_6418:46 this was problematic because I'm native building things and transferring over CAS18:47
nanonymeErm, s/buildstrap/bootstrap/18:48
* nanonyme is too tired18:48
juergbinanonyme: ah, another small thing, the helper function should be private, i.e. rename it to _copy_file_range18:51
nanonymejuergbi: could also be written more efficiently with Python 3.8+ syntax. But I guess we support older Python atm.18:55
nanonymejuergbi: haha. Linter failed because I used global :D19:00 thanks for the ground-work. This build would not probably exist in this form without it19:18
nanonyme(that is, the "let's fix CAS keys" feature)19:46
nanonymejuergbi: looks like there's some random failure in ostree tracking test20:14

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