IRC logs for #buildstream for Saturday, 2023-01-07

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juergbinanonyme: buildbox-run is supposed to fail and exit if the mount fails but maybe I missed something08:34
nanonymejuergbi: I was running bst inside toolbox. I don't know if it matters10:27
nanonymeI guess it might if toolbox does not run privileged10:28
abderrahim[m]toolbox runs --privileged but rootless10:28
juergbiunprivileged should be fine as long as it doesn't somehow prevent nested unprivileged namespaces10:28
nanonymeIn any case, even in such case failure should probably just result in the slower FUSE without overlayfs to be used10:29 right, Fedora has plenty new enough kernel that rootless should be fine10:29
juergbiyes, although it's possible I didn't test that fallback path at all10:29
juergbibuildbox-run (verbose/debug) log output might help10:31
juergbimodifying buildstream to run buildbox-run with --verbose and then checking the build log might suffice10:31
nanonymeShould be easy enough now that we have text editor on the container image used10:32
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