IRC logs for #buildstream for Wednesday, 2023-01-04 we should probably start preparing next bst1 release. Seems there were more fixes needed for Python 3.11. CI doesn't work so I'm not claiming we officially support Python 3.11
nanonymeI have absolutely no idea how to get CI sorted out, there's some hysteric incompatibility with grpcio+asyncio+bst19:12
nanonymeBst2 CI is broken in different way on Python 3.1120:07
nanonymeIt is complaining thread count is wrong20:08
nanonymejuergbi: FYI so when we talk about "checkout without hardlinks is slow" we are apparently talking of about 8GB of data being slow to copy22:10
nanonymeSo it is not really as such a surprise22:11
nanonymeI have here an SSD and it's still pretty slow22:19
nanonymejuergbi: win! With reflinks bst artifact checkout took couple of seconds for 8GB22:54
nanonymeThis was with Btrfs22:54
nanonymeFiles have expected permissions22:54
nanonymeI am assuming XFS works in similar way22:56

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