IRC logs for #buildstream for Tuesday, 2022-12-13

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juergbinanonyme: buildbox-fuse will deny writes (outside specified directories) for read-only root but it shouldn't affect the file/directory modes06:09
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nanonymejuergbi: x86_64 build-export took about 42 minutes when I combined flatpak_repo commands manually rather than relying on nested batching07:45
nanonymeSo 40 minutes faster07:46
nanonymeI will next see if results are reproducible07:46
nanonymeI don't think nested batching works as well as people think07:48
nanonymejuergbi: if I'm right, removing sandbox.batch() here should speed builds *a lot*
nanonymeFor integration commands07:50
nanonymeSorry, wrong place. It was supposed to be removed from inner layer07:50
nanonymeSo here
nanonymeThat inner batch is redundant. It doesn't have a title, no flags and it is always called from within outer code which has an ongoing batch anyway07:51
juergbiif it's always called within another batch, sure, we can remove it. however, we should also fix nested batching07:52
juergbidoesn't really explain the slowness of integration of e.g. sdl2-net in CI where only a single dependency has integration commands07:53
nanonymeIndeed. It should be fine in that case07:54
nanonymeI'm anyway running another rebuild here
nanonymeI am testing if the 42 minutes is consistent build time or a fluke07:54
nanonymeThe scenario is now basically worst possible where i686 and x86_64 are running in different Docker containers on same VM07:56
nanonymejuergbi: I'm not sure if nested batching isn't working as designed. You cannot possibly combine two batch groups when they have different labels without breaking logs07:58
juergbithe labels of the inner batches could still be shown, just not with separate timestamps07:59
juergbinot really different from different commands running in a single batch07:59
juergbithat's a downside of batching but that's expected08:00
nanonymeI'm also not altogether sure if it's intuitive calling add_commands twice with same label in will actually replace rather than append08:02 is happily using label as a group identifier08:02
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nanonymeUpdate: I ran that exact same code another time. When two instances of flatpak repo build were running on same VM in different containers, duration was more than double of original12:26

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