IRC logs for #buildstream for Monday, 2022-12-05

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juergbinanonyme: the advantage of overlayfs on top of buildbox-fuse would be that only reads would be handled by buildbox-fuse and writes would be redirected to a regular filesystem (or tmpfs). avoiding the write performance hit of going through FUSE07:18
nanonymeSounds definitely worth an experiment07:19
juergbinanonyme: with setuid buildbox-casd, hardlink staging would be possible, avoiding the FUSE performance hit but making staging itself more expensive07:19
nanonymeBut no more expensive than it was on bst1?07:20
juergbino, would likely be similar07:21
juergbithere are various disadvantages of hardlink staging, though. no deterministic mtime, files cannot be modified. also e.g. chmod will fail on staged files. and the executable bit handling is problematic07:21
nanonymeSo problematic for integration commands still07:22
nanonymeOkay, maybe it's not worth spending time on07:23
juergbiI'd rather not go down that path. overlayfs on top of (read-only) buildbox-fuse sounds pretty nice to me. reflinks would be another sensible option, if you can use a supported filesystem (although the staging performance is likely a bit worse than hardlinking)07:23
juergbisupporting reflinks in buildbox-casd would probably be fairly simple. but it only makes sense if is actually usable in CI07:25
juergbiimplementing overlayfs support is not as simple (would have to think more about the details)07:26
nanonymeWe suspect we could get XFS on x86_64 quite easily. Need to think about aarch64 and other runners07:41
nanonymejuergbi: why read-only buildbox-fuse?07:43
juergbinanonyme: with overlayfs all writes would be redirected to the upper (regular filesystem or tmpfs) layer, effectively making the lower buildbox-fuse layer read-only07:44
nanonymeOh yeah right07:44
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nanonymejuergbi: how much work do you expect it to be to have a pilot on nested overlays?10:14
juergbinanonyme: nested overlays as in one layer per dependency artifact?10:15
nanonymeNested as in layer on top of buildbox-fuse10:15
juergbiah ok. it might actually not be all that complicated but it's possible we would run into a blocker I haven't considered yet10:16
juergbimaybe I could take a quick stab at it next weekend10:17
juergbithe trickiest part is probably capturing the modified rootfs10:21
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nanonymejuergbi: would it be part of buildbox-fuse or separate14:28
juergbinanonyme: I'd expect it to be part of buildbox-run-bubblewrap14:29

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