IRC logs for #buildstream for Friday, 2022-04-01

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WSalmonjjardon: seems sensible. i think there was talk that each plugin or group of plugins would have there own repo, ie the docker ones do but unless some one wants to  take that task on for others then we should give this repo a better name.09:01
WSalmonjjardon: there is often talk of avoiding "blessed" plugins tho so i think the name was to avoid these being the blessed ones09:02
WSalmonmaybe could sign post that there fine to use while not being the offical sounding
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juergbijjardon: buildstream-plugins will be the name of the repo of plugins maintained by core buildstream maintainers: (to be moved to the apache group)10:05
juergbiI don't think we should rename the whole collection but it may definitely make sense to move plugins that are considered mature out of -experimental to a new repo10:08
juergbipossibly with grouping as WSalmon wrote, where it makes sense10:09
WSalmonI assume the drive to brake up into more repos was to make it easier for people to just pull in one or two but I know some of the best packages complained about not wanting loads of packages,  I assume on system package could just pick up all the plugin repository in to one package without too much work? Otherwise it might be good to revisite some of these desisions10:13
juergbiwith the improvements to plugin loading (e.g. using junctions), multiple plugin repositories should be less of an issue10:21
juergbiand it may not make sense anymore to package plugins for distros10:22
jjardonjuergbi: that repo is not keeping the git history though, which is not ideal10:30
juergbijjardon: that's a separate point but yes, ideally, we would preserve git history. git is fairly flexible in this regard but it might take a bit of an effort12:49
jjardonjuergbi:  clone the repo as it is, remove everyting you dont want , change name, commit and we should be done?12:52
juergbithen you'd have the whole history of BuildStream core in the plugins repo12:52
juergbinot sure whether that is really desirable12:53
juergbiwould likely be better to preserve only the history of the relevant plugin files (git filter branch, iirc) but may not be worth the effort12:53
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nanonymeYes, please, do preserve history13:08
nanonymeToo much history is better than too little. We don't store blobs in repo, the history is tiny13:09
juergbitristan94: ^^13:12
nanonymejuergbi: that said, I don't see why we would be splitting plugins from -experimental13:32
nanonymeWe already have too many repos which is leading into maintenance issues as every repo needs its own release manager13:33
nanonymeWe should probably gut at least containers repo13:34
nanonymeThere are very few maintainers and the community is tiny. Let's not make things harder than they need to be.13:34
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