IRC logs for #buildstream for Monday, 2021-01-18

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tristanjjardon, nanonyme... read-only artifact caches are intended to be supported in project.conf as recommended defaults (can be overridden by buildstream.conf), this afaict doesn't change05:12
tristanalso, as far as I understand, the "storage" service in the "remote-execution" config block, is pretty much the same as an artifact cache, but is not guaranteed to support the indexing of artifacts by artifact name (which is an additional requirement for an artifact cache)05:13
nanonymetristan, so would that storage service in remote execution config block still work in project settings after these changes?07:17
juergbitristan: my 'remote-cache' branch drops the `pull-artifact-files` option07:22
tristanjuergbi, I see, do you expect that to drop soon ?08:33
tristannanonyme, no, the whole "remote-execution" block would be removed from project settings08:34
tristannanonyme, when using remote execution, you basically always need write access to the storage08:35
juergbitristan: need to get #1429 in as prerequisite. I should have an update on that today. however, I think we could pull forward the drop of that option. as per commit message, status quo is problematic, so I consider it acceptable to drop it now even if the replacement takes a bit longer to be merged08:37
tristanjuergbi, in any case, it seems to not cause much of a fuss in my branch, I was more curious as to why it was there and if it should change - I'll just leave it as such, finish up the remaining proposal changes and we can see what to land first08:37
juergbiok. I hope I can also look at all the pending things today but first need to update #1429 on top of benschubert's branch08:38
tristansure, I've got three, some of it brewing for some time08:38
tristanit would be good to land first and then look at
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