IRC logs for #buildstream for Sunday, 2020-10-04

*** tristan has joined #buildstream06:11
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*** benschubert has joined #buildstream09:29
nanonymebenschubert, I'm regarding rebased test branch being rebased from time to time: I'm not entirely sure that is happening.12:26
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*** benschubert has joined #buildstream13:44
benschubertnanonyme: woops just saw your message. What do you mean? Which branch?13:45
nanonymebenschubert, you said Freedesktop SDK team has a test branch with bst master. I was commenting on that. I don't think there's any rebase policy13:56
benschubertAFAIK, it used to be rebased when a previous element's sources became unavailable, since it would fail our tests with it. You are right that it's not regular13:58
*** tomaz has joined #buildstream13:58
tomazanyone confirm that buildstream 1.6 changed the way the user configuration file specifies the artifacts storage directory?13:58
tomaz$ cat ~/.config/buildstream.conf | grep artifa13:58
tomazartifactdir: /data/Projects/Buildstream/build/artifactdir13:58
tomazbut it filled up my ~/.cache (and that gave me issues as I do not have a lot of space on that partition)13:59
tomaztldr: had to create a linux usbstick using my wife's computer to be able to login on my computer as not even a login worked anymore because of lack of space on home14:00
tomazand manually wipe out the cache folder.14:00
tomaznot happy.14:00
tomazstill not sure what happened, I build everything again and the cache used is in the right directory.20:34
tomazstill not happy as now I think we have a hard to catch error.20:34
* tomaz out for today20:35
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*** benschubert has quit IRC21:06

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