IRC logs for #buildstream for Wednesday, 2020-09-30

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tomazjuergbi, valentind: here is the result of the issue I'm having with QtX11Extras, I tried to make as small as possible:
tomazbuilding the folder locally produces the libraries that I want, using bst build, that creates a empty folder for the artifact.07:46
tomazthis is a working qt5 element:
tomazthis is the one that's not working:
juergbitomaz: can you also upload the build log from the (not working) buildstream job?07:47
tomazI don't see errors there, but maybe something internal that I"m not used to.07:48
tomazand `bst checkout qt5wayland.bst --deps=none` successfully retrieves the correct artifacts.07:50
benschubertIn your build log the 'build' action took 0 seconds? That might be a clue. Could you open a shell and try running the same commands in sequence to see what happens?08:00
benschubertit says both times "nothing to do for 'first'" then 'nothing to do for 'install'"08:01
tomazbenschubert: when I open a shell for that element, the folder that opens has zero files.08:10
benschuberttomaz: `shell -b` sorry (build shell)08:10
tomazah, thanks.08:11
tomazbenschubert: any way I can *nuke* the buildshell and start from scratch?08:21
benschuberttomaz: getting out of it and in again is probably the easiest to have a clean state08:22
tomazso nothing I do there is saved, ok.08:23
benschubertcorrect, should have mantionned that before :/08:24
tomazok, just to be sure that I *really* have a problem with that element, I downgraded from qtwayland 5.15.1 to 5.15.0, and I have the same error: a successfull compilation where nothing is build.08:27
tomazthe log is the same.08:27
tomazstrange thing is qmake runs, and a make is issued, locally (on my local machine), that produces the libraries I want.08:28
tomazon the build shell  the source is... hm, weird? if I generate a makefile using qmake on a specific folder, things are build, but not with the root qmake file.08:28
coldtomone thing that has caused stuff like this for me in the past is buildsystems not respecting INSTALL_ROOT/DESTDIR for `make install`08:30
tomazjust for comparisson: a manual run of the buildtools & make, on the bst build shell for that element:
tomazand here, the same files freshly extracted from the tarball, but running locally, same commands, different outputs:
tomazand also making sure that qtwayland works without issues with the same commands, ugh.08:42
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tomazok, I got something, but I don`t know how to solve this on buildstream. from the build shell if I run `mkdir build; cd build; qmake ..` things does not work.08:49
tomazif I run `qmake` in the root folder, things does not work either.08:49
tomazbut if I go two levels up (cd src/x11extras), run qmake there, and make, things work and I get a compiled output08:49
tomazaparently - for some reason - out of source build does not work *within* buildstream, but works for me on my local machine08:50
tomazhmmmm. *maybe* I found something.08:52
tomazqtConfig(xcb) {08:53
tomaz  SUBDIRS += x11extras08:53
tomazmakes sense. now I need to force qt to be build with xcb.08:53
juergbiah, yes, makes sense. although I would have expected a message from qmake about a missing dependency08:57
juergbiI guess it's still more tailored towards a monolithic build08:58
tomazit's not a missing dependency when it's a optional dep on buildtime =[08:59
tomazwhat I missed is a way for qmake to be verbose.08:59
tomazI'm rebuilding qt with -xcb08:59
tomazthankfully qt 6 is being ported to cmake instead of qmake09:00
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juergbitomaz: for qtx11extras it's not really optional, though. it's just optional when looking at qt as a whole. so the behavior makes sense when building qt in a monolithic way but not for the x11extras module on its own, imo09:07
juergbigood to hear that they're moving away from qmake09:07
tomazjuergbi: yeah, I agree with you.09:10
tomazthey invested in qmake for too long, and it was hard to admit it was a broken tool.09:14
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tomazjuergbi: compilling qt with -xcb (and adding the proper dependencies) fixed.09:40
tomazthanks, I was quite crazy here. :)09:40
tomaznow I just need to rebuild every qt library besidex x11extras :P09:42
tomazand now... boost.11:35
tomazany plans for a "vscode plugin" that can introspect and auto-complete things like `components: blah/<autocomplete-here>` or `variables: <autocomplete>`11:49
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tprestonis buildstream-external (installed with pip) compatible with both bst 1.4 and bst master (1.93.5.dev0)?13:05
tprestonI see this error: project.conf [line 15 column 4]: Pip package buildstream-external does not contain a plugin named 'git_tag'13:05
coldtomtpreston, nope, you'll need bst-plugins-experimental for master13:08
tprestonok that seems to work, now I get. freedesktop-sdk.bst [line 6 column 14]: Unexpected key: track_tags13:11
tprestonWill crack on with that another time though, working on this outside of work13:11
tprestonthanks coldtom13:11
gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !2077 (juerg/push->master: Pull missing artifacts in `bst artifact push`) on buildstream
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