IRC logs for #buildstream for Tuesday, 2020-07-14

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WSalmonnanonyme, if the issue is with black rather than pylint you can just ask black to "fix" you code07:23
WSalmon`tox -e format-check` will just check your code but `tox -e format` will "fix" it07:25
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douglaswinshiptristan, WSalmon: thanks for the advice. I tried both tox and black, and got the same results.10:25
douglaswinshipOddly, I didn't get the same results when I tried using Black from inside vim. That's what threw me off when I first looked at this.10:26
douglaswinshipCalling Black from inside vim seems to be stricter, it was enforcing a shorter line-length limit, and made more changes.10:27
WSalmonso by using tox you make sure you have the "right" consistent version of black and use the right config10:27
douglaswinshipI thought there might be some config involved, yeah.10:30
WSalmoni thought we had a config, eg line length etc but i cant see it in the tox10:30
WSalmonblack is supposed to have minimal config tho10:30
coldtom WSalmon10:32
coldtombecause python has ~30 standard ways to configure tools :P10:33
WSalmonoh boi10:33
WSalmonthanks coldtom10:33
douglaswinshipThe pipeline just passed on
douglaswinshipSo I think it's ready to merge!11:48
WSalmonjjardon, FYI
nanonymeWSalmon, I don't like external tools to "fix" my code. I want to know what the rules are so I can write correct code. It's fine to have automation for normalizing large codebases12:03
nanonymeEspecially when writing a pull request which constitutes of multiple commits, it's quite suboptimal to retroactively fix code to abide to style rules12:04
WSalmoni mean it dose tell you the rule if you really want to do it your self. but i like it for diffs as once you get used to running it the diffs generally get smaller and less about style12:07
douglaswinshipquestion about merge-requests: Should I be setting my MRs to require approval?12:14
douglaswinshipI learnt to use gitlab MRs when i was working on Freedesktop-sdk, and i never had to edit the 'required approvers' number, it defaulted to 1. I didn't even notice it was a setting that you can change.12:15
douglaswinshipBut i've noticed that on buildstream, it defaults to zero.12:15
douglaswinshipIn other news, I've made a separate MR for removing the Aarch64 overnight test, as requested by jjardon.
douglaswinshipWSalmon: that was your commit. Any chance you could add some detail into the description?12:17
WSalmondouglaswinship, looks like a good issue12:20
WSalmonsorry MR12:20
WSalmona little fyi, but dont worry as many people dont do this but if you reply to the comment rather than making a new one then i can just mark the hole lot as resolved,
douglaswinshipWSalmon: THANKYOU!12:27
douglaswinshipFor the longest time, I thought some comments couldn't be replied to, and some could.12:27
WSalmondouglaswinship, that used to be true12:27
douglaswinshipWhen did it change?12:27
douglaswinshipWould be nice if they'd actually put the word "reply" somewhere in the comment, instead of relying on an icon.12:28
WSalmonduno, you used to have to choose about ether a comment or `start a dissuction`12:28
douglaswinshipGlad I've finally noticed it now.12:28
WSalmonbut now you can reply to comments as well as dissuctions12:28
WSalmonif you do `start a thread` then the reply box is already there, but for comments you have to use the tiny reply button12:29
douglaswinshipgitlab is great. But still got some real issues.12:29
douglaswinshipHow would I restart marge-bot on btw?12:48
douglaswinshipDo I just reassign it to her?12:48
coldtomyep douglaswinship12:49
douglaswinshipDoes marge-bot automatically rebase things onto master before merging? Or will i have to do that manually?13:06
douglaswinshipI've not really paid attention to marge-bot before.13:06
coldtommarge rebases before merge13:06
douglaswinshipgood good :)13:06
jjardondouglaswinship: I think we want to fix the aarch64 job, not remove the job13:47
douglaswinshipjjardon: as you said, it's an independant piece of work, from !198714:00
douglaswinship!1987 is the main thing I'm trying to get through14:00
douglaswinshipI separated out WSalmon's commit, and gave it its own MR, because I didn't want to just cut it out of my MR and remove it entirely.14:01
douglaswinshipThat seemed inconsiderate to WSalmon's work.14:01
* jjardon looking forward to merge that MR :)14:02
douglaswinshipI'll leave WSalmon / anyone who's invested in fixing that job, to decide what to do with !199414:10
douglaswinship(sorry, doorbell rang in the middle of me typing)14:10
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