IRC logs for #buildstream for Wednesday, 2020-06-24

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benschubertjuergbi: if ever I'm looking into the coverage update. Interestingly, py38 works flawlessly for coverage 5.1+07:18
juergbibenschubert: oh, it's not affected by the cython-related internal error seen with py37?07:19
benschubertonly py36 and 37 are affected07:19
juergbibenschubert: could we easily have different coverage versions for py37 and py38?07:19
benschubertnot easily07:19
benschubertand given the workaround, I think it's not too bad :)07:20
juergbisure, if all it takes is a dummy inline function07:20
juergbipip might actually even understand something like07:21
juergbicoverage == 4.4.0; python_version < '3.8'07:21
juergbibut better to move to coverage 5 for all python versions07:22
benschubertyeah, I'm not sure it's worth :)07:22
benschubertbecause we might want to combine the results07:22
juergbigood point07:22
benschubertoh wait, more interesting: it passes on my laptop but not on CI for py3807:23
benschubertSo.... my fedora docker image is actually what makes it pass? wut07:23
benschubert for the CI job07:23
juergbithat's a slightly different error message, isn't it?07:25
benschubertmmh true, I definitely remember having the other one before, what did I do for this....07:26
benschubert though07:27
juergbibenschubert: I'm seeing the same error as in CI, also only at the end07:33
juergbithat's with a pristine build of Python 3.8.307:33
juergbino, my own build07:34
benschubertI'm also python3.8.3 from Fedora07:34
benschubertand no error07:34
* benschubert wipes his venvs07:34
juergbicoverage 5.1, fresh tox venv07:34
juergbiand with parallel testing07:34
juergbiwas your run with `-n` as well or without?07:35
benschubertoh without!07:39
benschubertok let me try with07:39
benschubertI forgot that we need to explicitely add the -n07:40
juergbiwithout -n tests are taking ages07:41
benschubertright, I've added it, let's see how long it takes :)07:41
benschubertand if I can reproduce07:42
tristanCan we simply not support coverage for python versions < 3.8 ?07:47
tristanWe don't really have python version specific code blocks, so we only need a report for every possible 3.8 CI run07:48
benschuberttristan: seems like it's the "-n" that triggers the bug, so py38 working on my machine was a read hearing07:48
juergbibenschubert: I even get the error with py38 and non-parallel testing07:49
juergbihowever, in that case I get the old 'Can't add file tracer data for unmeasured file'07:49
juergbiso there the inline workaround would probably help07:49
benschubertyeah I'll look more in details07:50
benschubertjuergbi: I think you are right we have yet another error there08:19
benschubertHowever it seems to me related to multiprocessing08:20
benschubertI'll park that or now08:20
tristanOk, the eagle has landed !08:23
tristanIf a branch lands in the middle of the juncle and noone is around to hear it... ?08:24
tristanI think this one makes a sound ;-)08:24
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tristanSo I have this failing pipeline on master09:43
tristanjjardon, "mesg: ttyname failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device" <-- is that possibly because of this new lack of "permanent runners" (whatever those are) ?09:43
jjardontristan: that is a windows machine ...09:44
tristanI've retried that job once and it yields the same error, I guess that device really doesn't find that ioctl to be appropriate :-S09:44
jjardonno related with permanent runners, but a misconfiguration of that runner, probably09:44
tristanSo... the windows machine is permanent ?09:44
tristanWho can fix that ?09:44
* tristan wonders if his pipeline is the first one to fail there09:45
jjardonI think we should put the runner as "not run untagged jobs"09:45
tristanIs it that we don't block pipelines in CI for the wsl job but we make it mandatory in master ? That would be bad...09:45
tristanMaybe it's not failing for that reason too09:46
jjardonI'd say job that need a windows machine should use a explicit "win" tag09:46
tristanfatal: unable to access '': Failed to connect to port 443: Connection refused09:46
tristanThat seems to be the reason it fails09:46
jjardonmmm, seems like a glitch of that specific runner09:47
jjardonany idea who is maintaining that windows runner nowadays?09:48
juergbiI've asked benbrown to give a kick to the WSL runner09:48
tristanIt looks like indeed, the wsl thing doesnt run on MRs09:49
tristanIt shows them as manually launchable09:49
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juergbiyes. I think the reason was that we only have one or two WSL runners09:49
juergbiit would hold up our pipelines09:50
tristanThis essentially means: (A) We land branches without running WSL tests, adding important documentation updates... (B) Docs don't get updated because deployment of docs is gated on WSL passing09:50
tristanI see :-S09:50
juergbiit may make sense to mark the job as allow_failure in master as well09:51
juergbiuntil we have a more scalable WSL runner story09:51
tristanMmmm, I'd be fine with that, or fix the WSL runner, not necessarily to be fancy or anything, but to not "stop working"09:51
juergbiit's a Windows client machine...09:52
tristanSo we can't guarantee that it works... cause it's windows, fair point ;-P09:52
juergbimaybe we could run it on azure with a managed Windows system. don't know whether they might even offer free access for open source projects09:53
juergbibenbrown has restarted the WSL machine, so let's retry09:53
tristanthanks benbrown :)09:54
tristanYeah that seems to have done it09:54
juergbilooking better now09:54
tristanmaybe the CI should start with a clean boot ;-)09:54
juergbior maybe nightly reboot or so09:54
juergbiusing a Windows server container would probably be the best option09:55
juergbibut we need Windows Server for that09:55
juergbiand someone that maintains it (or handled by azure or similar)09:56
tristanI'm guessing "mesg: ttyname failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device" is from ncurses09:56
tristanAnd will be fixed in a WSL update09:57
juergbiI don't know how extensively WSL1 will be updated given that WSL2 is now available10:02
juergbiWSL1 will remain supported for the time being, afaik, however, I wouldn't expect lots of feature additions anymore10:02
tristanAh, I'm not familiar with what the difference is10:06
tristanJust thinking that as WSL evolves, it will handle the syscall table better (more completely)10:07
tristanThis seems like just a case of WSL calling out BuildStream for it's foul language (calling our ioctl's "inappropriate")10:07
juergbitristan: WSL1 is Microsoft's reimplementation of the Linux kernel (syscall) ABI. a bit like reverse wine except operating at the kernel/syscall level10:10
juergbiWSL2 is a real Linux kernel transparently running in a VM10:11
tristanhmmm, looks ambitious10:14
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tomazjjardon: ping13:51
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jjardonnice one tomaz14:21
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douglaswinshipThere's a design pattern that I'm sure I've seen for plugins, where you specify elements as build-dependencies, and then you specify some of the same elements by name, in the config section, to say "use _this_ element for this aspect of the build process, and use _that_ element for that aspect of the build process", so you treat the elements in different ways.15:18
douglaswinshipBut I can't remember where I saw it used.15:18
douglaswinshipI suppose a script element works that way, in a sense.15:19
douglaswinshipBut can you only do it with script elements? Or can I write a user-defined plugin that would do it?15:19
coldtomoci and flatpak-repo do this iirc15:19
douglaswinshipcoldtom: thanks!15:19
WSalmondouglaswinship, a script element lets you place diffrent artifacts in to diffrent locations insted of just placing all the dependencies in to the root of the sand box, its called `layout` if you wite your own plugin you can customise this in the python15:27
WSalmondose anyone know anything about htis over night tests, dose this image need renaming? or is there more going on? this error seems to be in master and my branch
WSalmondose anyone know anything about htis over night tests, dose this image need renaming? or is there more going on? this error seems to be in master and my branch
abderrahim[m]I guess so15:34
abderrahim[m]you can try the latest image while you're at it15:34
WSalmonso as far as i can tell, we dont make any no x86_64 docker images?15:52
WSalmonas part of
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