IRC logs for #buildstream for Tuesday, 2019-09-03

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gitlab-br-botjuergbi opened MR !1576 (juerg/synthetic-file-index->master: node.pyx: _SYNTHETIC_FILE_INDEX must not be module-private) on buildstream
KinnisonA direct back port won't be possible since it was done when we'd already changed the yaml internals a lot06:03
KinnisonBut it shouldn't be complies to replicate on the branch06:03
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gitlab-br-botjuergbi opened MR !1577 (juerg/fork->master: Replace safeguard for fork with multiple threads) on buildstream
juergbiKinnison: if you're in the mood for reviewing more flaky test fixes:
* Kinnison loads08:01
jjardonbochecha: probably yes; can you open an issue please?08:01
gitlab-br-botvalentindavid opened MR !1578 (valentindavid/update-requirements-1.4->bst-1: Update requirements for 1.4) on buildstream
Kinnisonjuergbi: How expensive is constructing a CASRemote each time it's used in that context manager mechanism>08:13
juergbiKinnison: hm, the branch is not creating more CASRemote instances, is it?08:14
juergbiit just uses it as a context manager to ensure its resources are released08:14
* Kinnison expands up more context and realises you weren't removing instantiation from __init__ methods08:15
juergbiin general, CASRemote construction itself is cheap but .init() is relatively expensive (remote check)08:15
* Kinnison nods08:15
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Kinnisonjuergbi: One nit in the remote execution bit08:17
KinnisonYou create `channel` inside the `with CASRemote` block, and then use it afterwards -- is that normally accepted in Python coding, or should really the use of it be scoped inside the `with` block too?  I realise variable scoping in Python is a bit 'special' but it tweaks my 'variables should be lexically scoped ideally' nerve08:18
juergbiKinnison: which method/line?08:20 line 45108:21
juergbithat's not created in `with CASRemote` block08:21
juergbiit's in a different method08:21
KinnisonOh FFS, gitlab is doing a VERY bad job at giving me context08:22
KinnisonI apologise08:22
KinnisonToday I am clearly not good at reviewing :(08:22
juergbiyes, context is often a pain on gitlab, I typically review non-trivial things locally08:22
KinnisonMmm but then giving feedback is a pig to find how to feed it back in08:22
* Kinnison misses code-review-on-mailing-list08:22
gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert approved MR !1459 (chandan/mypy->master: Add type hints to public API code) on buildstream
juergbiyes, have to switch between local diff and browser for this :-/08:23
KinnisonOkay, over-all I dislike the number-of-threads thing, but I get why you need it; otherwise 👍08:24
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gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert approved MR !1576 (juerg/synthetic-file-index->master: node.pyx: _SYNTHETIC_FILE_INDEX must not be module-private) on buildstream
gitlab-br-botdanielsilverstone-ct approved MR !1577 (juerg/fork->master: Replace safeguard for fork with multiple threads) on buildstream
juergbiyes, I was also not too happy that I needed this but I don't really see another way for xdist/execnet. thanks for the review08:26
gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1459 (chandan/mypy->master: Add type hints to public API code) on buildstream
juergbisensible error messages instead of hangs in case of future background threads should be worth it08:26
* Kinnison nods08:27
bochechajjardon: will do08:42
benschubert_juergbi: agreed, I do like the PR in general :)08:45
jjardonbochecha: FYI:
Kinnisonvalentind: That MR confuses me09:08
Kinnisonvalentind: You say in the description we still need 0.1509:08
Kinnisonvalentind: but the MR updates to 0.1609:08
Kinnisonvalentind: Also you probably want to say >= 0.16, <= 0.17 (or whatever the pip syntax is)09:08
valentindThat was in the past.09:09
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valentindKinnison, Do we know that it will not work with 0.17?09:09
Kinnisonvalentind: I think ruamel explicitly don't guarantee things across minor updates yet09:09
Kinnisonvalentind: But if you're happy with it as-is then I wouldn't block it :D09:10
valentindKinnison, I do not think we should be strict here. We can always install another version. The problem was to forbid 0.16. We should not do that.09:10
* Kinnison withdraws conern09:11
valentindAnd it was known that later 0.15 was broken for us.09:11
KinnisonEverything went bangsplat inside ruamel though09:12
Kinnisonin your pipeline09:12
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valentindI have to look at why it fails.09:14
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tpollardanyone having an issue with running the tests on master and virtualenv?09:21
bochechavalentind: updating to 0.16 like this doesn't require any change in the code? I thought 0.16 was incompatible with 0.15 and that was why bst was blocked :-/09:22
tpollardI'm getting "ERROR:   py37: InvocationError for command /usr/bin/python3 -m virtualenv --python /usr/bin/python3 py37 (exited with code 1)", I've reinstalled virtualenv with pip too09:25
benschubert_bochecha: that was what the ruamel developper were saying in their docs, turns out that the way we used it didn't break... yet09:27
bochechabenschubert_: ah, cool09:28
bochechaa happy accident then :)09:28
qinustyCan anyone provide some insight why buildstream requests the output directory that it does for remote sandbox builds? Currently it appears to request the entire contents of the sandbox rather than just the working directory where the elements, project.conf and outputs will be09:31
valentindbochecha, apparently we needed one line fix.09:42
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* tpollard switches away from pip3 venv 09:45
juergbiqinusty: this is something that we should try to optimize. however, in some cases we need the whole tree (e.g., integration commands in one action followed by actual build in a separate action) and with buildbox-fuse it's fairly cheap09:51
juergbiwithout fuse it might not be that cheap, so we should look into optimizations. but it should still work09:52
qinustyOkay, I'm just curious due to some of the nuances of Buildbarn which place some arbitrary restrictions on file paths :/09:52
qinustyIf whole tree is sometimes required I will find a workaround09:53
juergbiqinusty: is the issue still that buildbarn doesn't support `../*` paths at all or is there a separate issue with requesting the whole tree?09:54
qinustyI'm working on an upstream fix for the issue09:55
jjardonvalentind: mmm, is it needed to install gcc to install bst 1.4?
benschubert_jjardon: ujson will require GCC yes09:56
juergbiqinusty: it might not be that difficult to modify buildstream to start with a working directory at the input root and then issue a `cd`09:56
juergbiwe already insert `cd` for following commands that require different working directory09:57
qinustyThe issue is more about the output directory09:57
qinustyAs buildstream wants the entire tree09:57
juergbiwell, if the working directory was the top-level, the output directory could then simply be '.'09:57
juergbii.e., no need for '..' anymore09:57
qinustyAh yes09:57
qinustythat could work09:57
* qinusty hadn't considered fixing buildstream since buildbarn doesn't meet the spec09:57
KinnisonSurely buildbarn should be fixed to be compliant to the protocol though09:57
juergbiyes, I agree09:58
jjardonok, thanks benschubert_09:58
valentindjjardon, maybe install ujson on the docker image.09:58
qinustyHowever that could be a temporary fix juergbi. Effectively bringing buildstream into similar behaviour to bazel09:59
* Kinnison fears that if we do that, there'll be no impetus to get buildbarn fixed09:59
Kinnisonand then someone else will hit the same problem09:59
* qinusty will hack around for another few hours on buildbarn10:00
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qinustyIf I can't see a fix which would produce a viable upstream patch, then I'll attempt a buildstream patch for the issue and detail the upstream issue @ buildbarn10:01
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jjardonvalentind: yeah, I will simply use the same docker image as in fdsdk10:05
jjardoncoldtom: is there anything missing at ?10:07
Kinnisonqinusty: Please @ me if you do any github stuff related, so I can keep track.  @danielsilverstone-ct on github10:07
coldtomjjardon: not as far as I'm aware10:07
jjardonbenschubert_: do you have any other comment about ?10:08
qinustyThere is an issue raised currently at Kinnison. Will @ you if I make an MR or something10:08
coldtomwhat is the behaviour of buildstream when there are multiple of the same junction? e.g. i junction project A and project B, but project B junctions project A10:09
coldtomdoes project B build against the version of project A i have junctioned?10:09
benschubert_jjardon: let me have a look10:09
juergbics-shadow: interesting approach. definitely more convenient than clicking through the artifact10:10
* cs-shadow is glad someone else also finds it useful :)10:11
gitlab-br-botvalentindavid merged MR !1578 (valentindavid/update-requirements-1.4->bst-1: Update requirements for 1.4) on buildstream
benschubert_jjardon: review done, there is still quite some work to do :)10:19
jjardonbenschubert_: tvm :)10:20
gitlab-br-botvalentindavid opened MR !1579 (valentindavid/news-1.4.1->bst-1: Update NEWS) on buildstream
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jjardonbochecha: ^10:28
bochechajjardon: yes?10:32
jjardon1.4.1 coming with support for ruamel >= 0.1610:33
bochechajjardon: already 1.4.1? o_O10:34
bochechaor you mean valentind's MR was merged so when it comes out 1.4.1 will have that?10:34
gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1577 (juerg/fork->master: Replace safeguard for fork with multiple threads) on buildstream
valentindbochecha, We are preparing the release.10:35
valentindWith just that fix.10:35
jjardondepend on a specific unstable version of that library is annoying for other distros as well10:39
benschubert_jjardon: I think ruamel 0.15.54 that we had before is still compatible, we could whiletelist it too maybe?10:43
jjardonbenschubert_: sorry, not sure I understand what you mean by that?10:58
jjardonany idea why still shows 1.2.8 as the latest?10:58
benschubert_jjardon: there is no reason for us to require ruamel > 0.16, we can also allow the previous version we had (0.15.54)10:59
benschubert_which might help other distros10:59
jjardonbenschubert_: I think a code change is needed , so not sure we can allow both10:59
benschubert_jjardon: your PR to bump to 0.16:
benschubert_doesn't seem so :)11:00
jjardonbenschubert_: ah yeah, in master was totally fine11:00
jjardonbenschubert_: do you want me to revert that?11:01
benschubert_On master? No, that perfectly fine on master :)11:01
benschubert_For bst 1.4, I will let other answer, I don't have problems, we are working from master branch internally11:01
gitlab-br-botjjardon opened MR !1580 (jjardon/badge->master: README.rst: Point badge to latest bst 1.x release) on buildstream
jjardonbenschubert_: seems this small change was required when bumping the required version:
benschubert_jjardon: which does not break previous version I would think?11:05
gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1579 (valentindavid/news-1.4.1->bst-1: Update NEWS) on buildstream
jjardonbenschubert_: ah, I see what you mean, I will prepare a MR11:15
jjardonbenschubert_: used to be ruamel.yaml < 0.15.52, you mean to change that to ruamel.yaml > 0.15.52 ?11:17
benschubert_ah no, that would not work11:18
benschubert_but maybe <0.15.52 | >0.16<0.17 ?11:19
jjardonmmm, Is that syntax valid on requirements.txt? "," is "AND" but not sure about the "|"11:23
jjardoncs-shadow: hey, I think you have access to the pip account? can you upload 1.4.1 there please?11:23
benschubert_jjardon: I'm not sure actually, would have to check the spec ;)11:25
cs-shadowjjardon: can do. Unfortunately the pypi keys are on my personal laptop so  I'd be able to do that later today once I get home11:26
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* cs-shadow will look into automating this on BuildStream repo similar to some of the others11:26
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jjardoncs-shadow: ok, thanks!11:32
juergbiHTTP test server / netrc tests still causing issues. let's simplify that code11:44
gitlab-br-botjuergbi opened MR !1581 (juerg/http-test-server->master: tests/testutils/ Drop queue to avoid lingering thread) on buildstream
bochechavalentind: oh wow, don't feel like you have to release just for me /o\12:29
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* tlater[m] wonders why jquery found its way into his buildstream directory13:09
tlater[m]Eww, includes it in its package13:10
gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1580 (jjardon/badge->master: README.rst: Point badge to bst-1 branch) on buildstream
jjardonwould it be possible to have a 1.9.x snapshot of current master? last one was 1.3.0 and it can be a bit confused now that 1.4.0 is out13:52
valentindThere was supposed to be an IRC meeting now according to my calendar.14:03
valentindBut there is nobody around.14:03
valentindIs it canceled?14:04
KinnisonLaurence said he was unable to run it as he is in hospital14:05
Kinnisonbut I don't think anyone else stepped up to run it14:05
valentindAlso tristan is not around14:06
valentindSo I suppose it is canceled.14:06
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ironfootI'm trying to use the overlap-whitelist configuration15:28
ironfootbut I see:
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juergbiironfoot: in 1.x or master?15:43
juergbithere was a fix in master to support/expect absolute paths but I'm not sure whether that was ever backported15:43
juergbiif you're on 1.x, you may have to remove the leading slash15:44
juergbibut in that case we should probably backport the fix. see !96815:44
gitlab-br-botMR !968: Allow absolute paths in whitelist
ironfootaha, I'll do that15:44
ironfoot(remove the leading slash)15:44
ironfootthat worked, thanks juergbi!15:48
ironfootI feel like backporting a breaking change could be difficult15:48
juergbiironfoot: as per above MR, in 1.x we would support both for backward compatibility15:50
gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1581 (juerg/http-test-server->master: tests/testutils/ Drop queue to avoid lingering thread) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-bottraveltissues opened issue #1118 (ProvenanceInformation has no attribute `toplevel`) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-bottraveltissues opened MR !1582 (traveltissues/1118->master: Fix typo in node attribute) on buildstream
gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert approved MR !1582 (traveltissues/1118->master: Fix typo in node attribute) on buildstream
traveltissuesty benschubert_16:50
benschubert_traveltissues: good catch :)16:51
benschubert_I'm surprised it even compiled...16:51
traveltissuesi ran into while debugging workspaces via cas things16:51
traveltissuesi was also surprised16:52
tlater[m]grmbl, I never got to figuring out how our docs are supposed to be published16:55
* tlater[m] needs to reverse engineer this bash script16:56
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bochechaheh, now that I can build 1.4.1 in Rawhide against ruamel.yaml 0.16… I can't build it in Fedora 30 which has 0.15 of course!19:30
bochechaI'll just drop the version requirements for the package, since bst is clearly compatible with both versions19:31
bochechaalright, 1.4.1 is on its way in Rawhide, F31 and F3019:55
jjardoncool! thanks bochecha20:29
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