IRC logs for #buildstream for Monday, 2019-08-19

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gitlab-br-botcoldtom opened issue #1107 (Filter elements do not preserve integration commands) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-bottraveltissues approved MR !1547 (jennis/add_dep_name_to_cache_key->master: Add the name of build deps to the strict cache key) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botjuergbi opened issue #1108 (Consolidate helpers to run tests in subprocess) on buildstream
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tme5hi everyone, so, i've started to sketch out some of the work for the local sourcing of downloadablefileplugins10:08
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gitlab-br-bottlater approved MR !1547 (jennis/add_dep_name_to_cache_key->master: Add the name of build deps to the strict cache key) on buildstream
tme5the first two parts of my email proposal, i think, are uncontroversial? should I just make the changes and MR and then you will decide at review?10:15
tme5just wondering how to ensure you are happy with it :)10:15
juergbitme5: maybe ping tristan when he's around to check whether he is happy with your ML reply. just making the changes and opening an MR is fine, of course. however, if there is no consensus on the approach yet, there is a risk that larger changes will be required before a merge10:21
gitlab-br-bottlater approved MR !1548 (jennis/add_project_to_proto->master: Add project name to the proto and the cache key) on buildstream
tme5juergbi, alright, thank you!10:24
juergbibenschubert, jennis, tlater[m], traveltissues: thanks for your review of !1499. I've addressed or at least replied to all current comments. Can you please check the threads that you started?10:25
gitlab-br-botMR !1499: Use buildbox-casd for CAS access
traveltissueslooking now10:25
benschubertjuergbi: on it!10:25
jennisjuergbi, will do it soon :)10:28
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benschubertjuergbi: would it make sense installing the buildbox binaries in the docker images directly?10:38
benschubertinstead of pulling them everytime?10:38
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juergbibenschubert: they are already built as part of the docker image CI. not done in every buildstream CI run10:40
juergbiwith the exception of WSL as that doesn't use docker, there the binary is downloaded and installed in buildstream CI10:40
juergbior are you suggesting to download and install the buildbox-casd binary when creating the docker images instead of building it from source?10:41
benschubertOh I see, the pulling is only for the WSL run, I misunderstood the ci config :)10:42
benschubertI didn't realize it was not for all tests10:42
benschubertjuergbi: I have no further comments on the MR, once the others are happy with it, I am!10:44
juergbigreat, thanks10:45
juergbiI think Kinnison also wanted to take a look when everything pending is resolved10:45
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* Kinnison would like to; but is also okay for it to merge without that if he'd be a blocker10:52
* Kinnison has meetings through until 14Z00 today so wouldn't be able to look before then10:52
juergbiKinnison: if you have time to review it at some point today, I can certainly wait. let me know10:59
* Kinnison shall plan to review around 14Z00 and will let you know before then if it'll not be possible11:00
juergbithere seems to be a CI issue with integration-tests-base.v1.x86_64.tar.xz downloads from digital ocean11:00
juergbiI'm seeing: File downloaded from has sha256sum 'cfc626ca2f2d5186a056969e0df7c38d12e88652346d8d6a1ce653bb9f650ac4', not '3eb559250ba82b64a68d86d0636a6b127aa5f6d25d3601a79f79214dc9703639'!11:00
juergbiin multiple jobs with varying hexstrings for the first sha256sum11:00
juergbimanual download locally seems to result in a file with the right sha256sum, though11:01
tlater[m]juergbi: Sounds more like there's a problem with buildstream11:03
juergbiit seems to happen in multiple branches, though11:04
tlater[m]Maybe we're accidentally ignoring some sort of abort signal and writing a half-complete file?11:04
juergbiit could definitely be a buildstream bug but it just started happening11:04
tlater[m]We can't get access to the artifacts directory on one of the runners, can we?11:04
tlater[m]Check what the local tar looks like...11:05
jennistlater[m], traveltissues, if you're ok with it, I'll close the first MR and just merge the second, as it includes the changes of the first?11:05
traveltissuesjennis, ga11:05
tlater[m]jennis: Yup11:06
jennistlater[m], this will address your BST_ARTIFACT_VERSION bump discussion11:06
tlater[m]Not entirely11:06
tlater[m]I'm talking about the whole renaming parts of the cache key thing, removing the empty dictionaries and hardcoded values.11:07
gitlab-br-botjennis closed MR !1547 (jennis/add_dep_name_to_cache_key->master: Add the name of build deps to the strict cache key) on buildstream
benschubertjuergbi: I'm also seeing this on a branch I just rebased, that was passing last week11:07
tlater[m]But well, I've reconsidered how quickly I think we can resolve that, so feel free to merge anyway.11:07
laurencejennis, thanks for the benchmarks updates! the dates format on the second table is a bit confusing11:08
benschubertbut the bug doesn't happen all the time11:08
tlater[m]juergbi: Maybe we should run  a couple tests on master11:08
laurencejennis, looking at it, I think the very bottom row should be at the top??11:08
benschubertjennis: thanks for the update!11:09
* tlater[m] wonders if someone's got ahold of our machine and is trying to feed us malicious base images11:09
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gitlab-br-bottraveltissues approved MR !1499 (juerg/casd->master: Use buildbox-casd for CAS access) on buildstream
laurencewe seem to be getting slower with more builders...11:10
tlater[m]Not consistently, laurence11:11
* tlater[m] is happy to chalk that up to noise11:11
tlater[m]We are getting slower in general though11:11
benschubertjennis: on mybinder, is it possible to see the commits info still? It doesn't show the popup11:14
jennislaurence, no11:16
jennisbenschubert, should show the commit when you click on it11:17
jennistlater[m], sorry, are you happy to merge with just the one BST_ARTIFACT_VERSION bump11:17
tlater[m]jennis: Yeah, that's ok11:18
jennislaurence, ah, I just forgot to change the dates on the last row of that second table /o\ turns out my triple checking was not enough11:18
jennisbenschubert, oh the MR number is missing on the information... I will change this11:19
benschubertcheers :)11:19
benschubertnow it works, after realoding11:20
laurencejennis, ah ok, it's just the dates11:25
jennisbenschubert, you should now see the MR number too11:28
benschubertjennis: thanks a lot!11:29
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jennistlater[m], traveltissues, I've assigned to marge11:41
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tpollardhitting the checksum issue a lot12:20
tpollardlocally and in the pipelines12:23
juergbioh, happening locally as well? interesting12:28
tpollardsource determinism tests seem to be the first to hit it, and just hang indefinitely for me12:29
benschuberttpollard: that's weird, for me the error is in test_fallback_platform_fails12:30
tpollardI think it can be any tests that triggers a download of that tarball12:31
tpollardI've seen it on the buildtree tests too12:31
juergbiI can't reproduce it locally so far12:33
benschubertOne bug I definitely noticed before is that we silently download failures (like if it's a tarball that does require login and we get redirected to the login page, we'll end up downloading the logging page)12:34
benschubertso we might have troubles reaching the file12:34
juergbitpollard: can you reproduce it frequently/easily enough (running one particular test multiple times) to be able to do some debugging? maybe bisect?12:34
benschubertwhy, I have no idea12:34
juergbimaybe add a bit of code that keeps the file with the wrong checksum somewhere12:35
juergbiso we could take a look what was downloaded instead of the right file. i.e., truncated or error page12:35
tpollardjuergbi: I'll try the next time it happens12:35
juergbior we could at least print out the size of the wrong file as well, I suppose12:36
benschubertKinnison: has been updated to show the correct kind name, if you want to have another look12:39
benschubertand all the source tests are run as part of the pipeline12:39
tpollard so I don't always get it to hit with the git type, but more often than not at least one type will have for test_deterministic_source_umask for me12:42
Kinnisonbenschubert: I'll look soon12:44
Kinnisonbenschubert: Yep, 👍12:51
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Kinnisonjuergbi: I like how -ve this MR is, lots of code gone \o/13:58
juergbiyes, me too :) net negative line count if we ignore the generated code13:59
tlater[m]Kinnison: To be fair, it's all hidden in a magic binary now13:59
tlater[m]But I agree - I especially like that we can now clean caches without giving up on parallelism :)14:00
tlater[m]Is there any reason to avoid creating multiple multiprocessing.Queue?14:03
* tlater[m] sees some code here that's going to great lengths to avoid creating more than one of them.14:03
KinnisonEvery time you make a queue, it uses FDs up14:04
Kinnisonfor as long as it's alive14:04
tlater[m]So if I create and close a couple it's not an issue?14:04
tlater[m]Sequentially, that is14:04
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Kinnisonso long as they're properly chucked away, no issue at all14:05
Kinnisonthe main queue issue we had was that element jobs would create them in __init__ before14:05
Kinnisonwhich meant when you had 70k pull jobs, you ran out of FDs14:06
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Kinnisonbecause the scheduler process tried to create 140k FDs14:06
tlater[m]Hah, no, I'm just looking at a loop of probably 6 that's trying to share a queue for each element, although it's not kept alive for more than a couple of seconds at most.14:07
tlater[m]It's bleeding into the signatures of at least 4 functions, so let's clean that a little :)14:08
Kinnisonjuergbi: a few nits/queries, but otherwise I think that looks excellent.14:25
juergbiok, thanks, will reply14:27
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gitlab-br-bottraveltissues approved MR !1546 (tpollard/frontendelement->master: Don't directly handle Elements and Queues in App) on buildstream
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jennisAre we having CI problems?14:44
jennisCan't seem to reproduce this umask test failure locally and it's only failed on a few of the jobs14:44
tlater[m]jennis: juergbi mentioned some shenanigans with potentially breaking downloads14:44
tlater[m]Sounds like a different issue though14:45
tpollardjennis: yep, fails for me locally often two though14:45
jennisLooks like it might be a download problem: FileNotFoundError14:45
tpollardor any test that fetches the integration tarball14:45
* tlater[m] remembers thinking he should include that tarball in the repo because network issues would happen two years ago14:46
tlater[m]Now you hear me!14:47
tpollardjennis: checksums not matching
tlater[m]jennis: If you want to, the credentials for that server should be somewhere on the wiki14:53
tlater[m]You could double check if something weird's happening :)14:53
tpollardwe've got access14:55
tpollardbut the checksum matches14:55
tlater[m]Have you checked server logs?14:55
tlater[m]Maybe connections are being interrupted14:55
* tlater[m] imagines it's some sort of apache server14:56
tlater[m]Although we shouldn't see the issue that consistently then...14:56
tlater[m]Maybe someone is MITM us14:56
cs-shadowthis may not be related but in the past I've seen such mismatches when the server returns an error pages with a 200 error code, so we end checksuming text like "500 internal server error"14:56
tpollardyep I would suspect it something like that14:57
tlater[m]Oh, that would make sense14:57
tpollardbut I would expect that to be a consistent wrong hash we'd get maybe?14:57
tlater[m]Could contain a timestamp14:57
juergbiI improved the error message in a test branch to include the file size14:58
juergbiand it was 1 and 3 MB in failing tests14:58
juergbiso unlikely to be an error page14:58
tlater[m]That's a big error page14:59
tpollardI'll try to get on the droplet hosting it15:02
* tpollard notes it's not actually a dedicated droplet15:04
tpollardnothing looks out of the ordinary15:07
tpollarddigital ocean's status page isn't reporting any networking problems15:08
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gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1548 (jennis/add_project_to_proto->master: Cache key calculation changes: add project name and name of dependencies) on buildstream
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tlater[m]So, I've been using the fancy new get_enum:
tlater[m]benschubert: I think you'd know more about this?15:45
tlater[m]For reference, here's how I'm accessing that:
benschuberttlater[m]: could you post gitlab snippets? corporate proxies :'D15:50
tlater[m]Ah, sec15:50
benschubertoh, BOTH = "both", INDEX = "index", etc should fix it15:53
benschubertwe match on the value of the enum :)15:53
tlater[m]Ta benschubert, I thought the magic __str__ I found elsewhere did that.15:54
benschubertah no, it's only for display15:55
benschubertIf you have an idea on how to improve the docs, let me know, it would be good to help others :D15:55
tlater[m]I'll have a read and let you know :)15:56
gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1546 (tpollard/frontendelement->master: Don't directly handle Elements and Queues in App) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botjennis opened MR !1553 (jennis/load_artifact_dependencies->master: Add the ability to load (build) deps from an artifact ref) on buildstream
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adds68has anyone ever seen: SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:PEER_DID_NOT_RETURN_A_CERTIFICATE.16:42
adds68when setting up a bst-artifact cache?16:42
adds68I am using a valid certificate provided by lets encrypt16:42
tlater[m]adds68: Are you running the docker image?16:43
adds68tlater[m] yea16:43
adds68tlater[m], i'm also trying to debug it on my machine and passing:
adds68which gives the same error16:44
tlater[m]adds68: give me  a minute, I have a suspicion as to what might cause that16:45
adds68tlater[m], thanks!16:45
tlater[m]adds68: It'll go into http mode if server-key isn't set16:46
tlater[m]Yours is16:46
tlater[m]So i'm not sure after all :(16:47
tlater[m]If you'd like to debug manually, it should be pretty easy to find - it's in the click definition of _cas/casserver.py16:48
tlater[m]I suspect that this:
tlater[m]Evaluates to false somehow16:49
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adds68tlater[m], i wonder if this is needed? root_certificates=client_certs_bytes,16:50
tlater[m]You look to be specifying client certs though?16:51
tlater[m]I've definitely run with those empty before16:51
tlater[m]But well, you obviously can't push then16:52
tlater[m]adds68: IME these kinds of issues aren't actually caused by the server though.16:53
adds68they are definitely not empty, the actual certificate also has LEs root certificate inside as a chain16:53
tlater[m]It'll be some apache default message or somesuch, and you just don't have your ports set up right16:53
adds68i'm not using apache?16:53
adds68or does the cache use apache?16:53
tlater[m]Well, some other service that's returning on a port you don't think is running anything16:54
tlater[m]Have you tried telneting the address?16:54
tlater[m]You can try `telnet localhost 1101`, if you type anything non-ssl the server should throw a warning and disconnect you.16:56
tlater[m]And if you go "hi" it'll start ssling :)16:56
adds68tlater[m], doing telnet to my url on port 1101 or 1102 returns "welcome to nginx"16:57
adds68could that be the case?16:57
tlater[m]You'll need to set up nginx to forward to your bst-artifact-server16:58
adds68hmm i didn't have to do this before, does bst not handle incoming requests itself?16:59
tlater[m]It does, but nginx sits on top of your system and manages all connections17:00
tlater[m]It's a reverse proxy17:00
tlater[m]If you ran bst raw, it'd do things for you17:00
tlater[m]But alas, that's not how your host works :)17:00
* tlater[m] personally runs
tlater[m]But this is way beyond what I can really help you with right now, I don't know your server requirements :)17:01
adds68tlater[m], i just turned off nginx and it still fails17:01
tlater[m]What does telnet say?17:01
adds68tlater[m], it connects, but if i type hi twice, it disconnects17:03
tlater[m]If it's not connecting at all, how did you configure docker to set up your ports?17:03
tlater[m]Ah, that seems correct17:03
tlater[m]Any warnings from the bst artifact server?17:03
adds68tlater[m], once the connection closes, it prints: " SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER."17:04
tlater[m]It's working then17:04
tlater[m]You should be able to point buildstream at that17:04
tlater[m]If that doesn't work, double check your project.conf?17:05
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adds68 WARNING Failed to initialize remote failed to connect to all addresses17:05
adds68That is the error i get back from bst17:05
adds68and every time bst tries, the server prints "OPENSSL_internal:PEER_DID_NOT_RETURN_A_CERTIFICATE"17:06
tlater[m]Is this set up as push/pull?17:06
adds68tlater[m], yea17:07
tlater[m]Oh, wait, I thought that was the client messge17:07
tlater[m]Hmm, did you set the correct CN?17:07
adds68tlater[m], yea subject=CN = cache.alvarezpiedehierro.com17:08
tlater[m]It frankly sounds like you're not using the certbot key, but the auto-generated one, and that your client is rejecting it because the CN is wrong.17:08
tlater[m]If you try to recreate the docker image with -e, does it work?17:09
adds68I suspected that in Docker, but not on my host machine?17:09
tlater[m]You're running bst raw then?17:10
adds68tlater[m], at the moment yes, just to make it easier to debug17:10
adds68the server is provisioned with ansible, so anything on this machine is also used by the docker container17:11
tlater[m]I also assume you've quadruple-checked the client cert already?17:11
adds68as in the cert is actually there?17:12
tlater[m]Well, that the client certificate is correct and there.17:12
tlater[m]Like, removed the old one, regenerated one, readded it, etc.17:12
adds68i assumed for pull, if my certificate is provided by LE then i don't need a copy of that cert on my machine17:12
adds68tlater[m], yea i'm getting close to being rate limited by LE :(17:12
tlater[m]The client will need a certificate to push.17:12
tlater[m]You don't need to regenerate the LE cert17:13
adds68yea which is fine17:13
tlater[m]Just the client cert17:13
adds68i only want to be able to pull as a test atm, push will be done via CI17:13
tlater[m]I'm pretty sure that if you specify push it'll fail to set up the remote unless you have the cert setup correctly, even if you don't intend to push.17:13
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tlater[m]So set up buildstream to treat it only as a pull remote?17:13
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tlater[m]This is why the server is complaining about the client not giving a cert17:14
adds68i've tried that also and get the same error regarding no peert certificate17:14
tlater[m]Ugh, annoying. That might be a bug. Could you try setting up push?17:14
adds68it is tlater[m]17:15
adds68tlater[m], if you remove --enable-push but keep --client-certs then it still assumes you want to enable push17:15
adds68it's my fault and i should have removed both, however just using 1101 seems to be working correctly now17:16
tlater[m]i hope you'll file the bug, too :)17:16
adds68yes, i am wondering though17:16
adds68If i run this via Docker17:16
adds68will i need to have two instances running for port 1101 and 1102 to stop this happening to people who *just* want to consume?17:16
tlater[m]That was the original design iirc17:17
tlater[m]The error messages could be more clear17:17
adds68ack, ok thanks!17:17
tlater[m]But I feel like it'd be pretty easy to make that not happen, and we should document it better...17:18
tlater[m]ta for the patience adds68 ;)17:18
adds68No thanks for your help, it knew it would be something stupid and tripple checked permissions etc17:18
adds68i'll open an issue now to try and explain how i feel into this problem17:19
tlater[m]tyvm :)17:19
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gitlab-br-botadds68 opened issue #1109 (bst-artifact-server misconfigured options) on buildstream
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