IRC logs for #buildstream for Wednesday, 2019-07-17

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gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1451 (becky/tar_compression->master: Allowing `bst artifact checkout --tar` to use compression) on buildstream
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alexandrufazakastristan: Hey, I played around yesterday a bit and left my thought there. I'd appreciate it if you could take a look whenever you've a moment08:20
benschuberttristan, juergbi: do you have concerncs about moving parts of 'Element' to cython (cf ) ? I'm not speaking about public facing, but part of the internal API when it makes sense (some parts take >1-2% of the runtime in bst show and can be easy optimisations)08:28
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gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert opened MR !1485 (bschubert/fix-missing-variable-provenance->master: _variables: Fix reporting of missing variable) on buildstream
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tristanvalentind, in #910, when you say "Have element c.bst that build-depends on a.bst. It installs a and chmod +x it" you mean... c.bst will do "cp /a /install-root/a && chmod +x /install-root/a" ?08:57
gitlab-br-botIssue #910: Execution rights on an object can corrupt local cache
tristanvalentind, Also is this basically a part of #38 ?08:58
gitlab-br-botIssue #38: Lost file metadata in artifacts and images
tristanif so can we please mark it as such ?08:58
juergbibenschubert: it depends on how hard it makes the code to read with regards to having to switch between the Python and Cython files to follow the code logic08:58
benschubertjuergbi: seems fair. Do you think the changes in the PR are good enough?08:59
juergbii.e., for small helper functions I wouldn't be concerned at all. for core logic it might make sense to port more at once just to keep things together, if necessary08:59
benschubert(I'm biased, having written most of the Cython in the codebase as of now)08:59
gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1484 (bschubert/api-improvements->master: node: Add 'get_str_list' on 'MappingNode') on buildstream
juergbibenschubert: the PR is not for about Element class, though, right?09:00
juergbior am I looking at the wrong MR?09:00
benschubertoups, right, it was utils09:00
benschubertI confused myself09:00
juergbilooks reasonable to me09:01
valentindtristan, It is much worts.09:02
tristanvalentind, Worse but related09:02
tristanvalentind, I.e. this is "The CAS doesnt handle file attributes properly" territory09:03
tristanWe should make sure to keep all of those related together and highly visible09:03
valentindYes. But it break reproducibility.09:03
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tristanvalentind, That is a side effect of this particular issue about the cas not handling file attributes properly, yes09:04
valentindFor #38 is that we do not deal with file attributes. This one is that we deal with one, but incorrectly.09:04
gitlab-br-botIssue #38: Lost file metadata in artifacts and images
valentindAn alternative would be to always use fuse.09:04
tristanvalentind, Yes, I want all of those issues about file attributes not being handles properly related together, exactly09:04
tristanI know... this issue is about buildstream not doing something it claims to do09:05
tristanthe other issues are buildstream not even claiming to do some things which are important09:05
tristanbut still they should be related, they are all the same topic09:05
tristanvalentind, However, there was a direct question I asked you above which you didn't answer yet09:06
tristanvalentind, in #910, when you say "Have element c.bst that build-depends on a.bst. It installs a and chmod +x it" you mean... c.bst will do "cp /a /install-root/a && chmod +x /install-root/a" ?09:06
gitlab-br-botIssue #910: Execution rights on an object can corrupt local cache
valentindtristan, Yes it means that.09:07
valentindIt has to be the same content.09:07
tristanI mean, if that is *really* the case, that means things are broken beyond my wildest expectations09:07
tristanI see09:07
tristanright, so I understood it correctly09:07
valentindtristan, I have written the test in the merge request.09:07
tristanLooks like it was already related to #32409:08
gitlab-br-botIssue #324: Preserve hardlinks in artifacts
tristanOoops no I'm looking at wrong issue09:10
tristanvalentind, Sounds like this should be one of the the highest priority issues anyway, I'll give the MR a lookover in a few minutes09:12
tristanvalentind, We probably need to also backport that the bst-1 branch09:12
benschubertDo we have a place for sharing types across the codebase? I'm thinking about an enum for 'CacheBuildTrees' but can't figure where it should live09:14 ?09:15
gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert approved MR !1480 (juerg/platform->master: Store Platform reference in Context instance variable) on buildstream
benschubertKinnison: is technically public. So expose it as a private there?09:16
benschubertmmh that seems good, thanks :)09:16
* Kinnison is sad we don't have `pub(crate)`09:17
tristanvalentind, Well maybe it's not *that* severe, while the idea is itself alarming this probably actually happens almost never right ?09:20
valentindWhen it happens, it is really puzzling.09:21
tristanweird, /me still confused as to what's happening, looks at patch09:21
valentindI think it does happen. But it is rare.09:21
tristanyeah, did it actually happen to you ?09:21
valentindI do not remember.09:21
valentindIt is also difficult to see.09:22
valentindI do not remember how I found it.09:22
valentindIt was a long time ago.09:22
tristanOk so the exec bit is stored in metadata but linking it is the only problem09:28
tristanI see09:28
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tristanAnd your patch avoids hardlinking executable files iiuc09:28
valentindIt hardlinks executables together, and non executables together. It does that on the local cache. Not on remote server.09:30
valentindSo there is still some hardlinks. But not when they do not have the same "executability".09:31
tristanSounds sensible09:33
juergbiwith casd coming up, we'll have to resolve this there, though...09:33
tristanOk so it will still work with existing artifact caches09:33
tristanDoesnt change the storage format, just how we check out from it09:34
valentindNo, I think you will need to pull again.09:34
valentindBut for the cas server, it is not modified.09:34
juergbiit does change the local storage format but not the protocol09:34
valentindWe could add support for copying files with the .exec suffix to support backward compatibility.09:35
tristanSo if the metadata about executableness is stored in the detached directory information, why would the artifact server have to change ?09:36
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valentindNo, the server would not need to change.09:36
valentindIt is only local cache that changes.09:36
tristanSo we would need to zap local caches basically ?09:36
valentindYes, only local cache.09:37
tristanafter upgrading to a version of BuildStream with this fix, the local cache is invalidated by this09:37
tristanSo we should be able to automate that in some way I guess09:37
gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1483 (bschubert/optimize-downloadable-sources->master: Optimize downloadable sources) on buildstream
tristanOtherwise an upgrade blows up in your face09:38
valentindWe could detect cases where the .exec object does not exist, but the non executable one does, in this case we just copy the file.09:38
tristanjuergbi, As you say, once we use buildbox/casd locally, we will probably be able to get rid of all of this, and handle it differently right ?09:39
juergbicasd has the same issue right now09:40
juergbiI'm not really fond of merging this now before casd support, though09:40
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tristanThat was going to be my question09:40
tristanjuergbi, is that work currently in flight ?09:40
Kinnisonis it worth merging it to the 1.4 branch?09:40
tristanKinnison, bst-1 - yes *definitely*09:40
juergbiwe should not merge it before it's also solved in master, though, imo09:41
tristanThat I disagree, we're not backporting casd to bst-1 I think09:41
juergbicorrect (afaict)09:41
juergbihowever, merging bug fixes first to stable branch is generally a bad idea, imo09:41
tristanThe fact that master has a problem which is waiting for a different kind of fix should not block us from fixing the issue in bst-109:42
juergbiassuming they are not urgently needed09:42
tristanI think this is pretty severe, it almost never happens but in the off chance that it does, it causes a maddening experience09:43
juergbiit leads to potential storage format conflicts when switching between versions09:43
* tristan can imagine being the downstream user who ends up duplicating all of this research on their own, to find that it's a known issue upstream that they held back from fixing09:43
juergbiI agree that we should fix it, but I'd like to avoid such diverging branches09:43
* tristan imagines being pretty peeved with said upstream09:44
tristanYeah we have to consider how local CAS's are going to be compatible with eachother, that is the other bit09:44
tristanI don't know that it is reasonable to imagine that a BuildStream 2 local CAS will be sharable with BuildStream 1, although it seems desirable09:45
tristanRather, the question should be: Are we prepared to commit to that compatibility ?09:45
KinnisonThe roots are already non-shareable09:45
Kinnisonso cache cleanup from one would potentially upset the other09:45
juergbiyes but also not conflicting09:45
juergbithat's true09:45
tpollardbuildstream2 can't talk buildstream1 artifacts09:46
tpollardlocally anyway09:46
tristantpollard, Right but that's rather orthogonal I think09:47
tristanI mean the artifact format itself changing doesnt prevent the same cache from storing artifacts in multiple formats09:47
tristan(i.e. BST_ARTIFACT_VERSION if that is what we're talking about)09:48
tristanjuergbi, If cleanup of BuildStream 1 and BuildStream 2 cannot play fair together, it's unreasonable to think that we could possibly share the same local cache for the separate BuildStream 1 and BuildStream 2 projects which we work on locally09:49
tpollardI don't see how it would work09:49
juergbiI agree09:49
juergbithat's already not working right now09:49
tpollardeven if the content of the cache is the same (blob wise) bst2 needs protos to understand what it needs from it09:49
tristantpollard, We might be talking apples and oranges regarding your "talk buildstream1 artifacts" statement09:49
juergbi(I assume we don't want to rearchitect cleaning in bst 1 to make it compatible somehow)09:50
tristantpollard, I was assuming you are talking about the format of an artifact (which is revisioned by the artifact version)09:50
tristanjuergbi, I don't really feel like that is worthwhile09:50
tristanBy default anyway, we should just have a separate default config file when builstream 2 hits the pavement09:51
tristanWhich uses a different directory by default09:51
tristanWhich is in my (currently abandoned) set of patches to make BuildStream 2 safely parallel installable09:51
tristanWhich I probably have to revive soon09:51
tristanjuergbi, Policy wise about fixing issues in master first; I agree in general that we should do that in practice, but not in the case that we can fix a fairly severe issue for users and we are intentionally holding off in master09:53
tristanSo I would much rather move forward with fixing this in bst 109:53
tristanWhen I find issues in the field, I usually fix both, but this is a special case where master wants a different fix that is blocking on something else09:54
juergbiup to you. I don't think this is actually hitting users as the worst case is an unneeded executable bit, which I wouldn't expect to be a real issue in many situations. we should definitely fix it for deterministic results09:56
juergbihowever, I might be missing a use case where it has real impact, so maybe it's safer to merge it to bst-109:56
tristanjuergbi, Right, I just don't think we should be holding back in the case where the fix in master is (A) Not going to be packportable/applicable to bst-1 anyway... (B) Being held back in master pending other work10:09
tristanThe severity of the issue is not as relevant, but we have someone providing a patch now, it doesnt usually mean that after postponing something, we'll still have someone providing a patch later too10:10
tristanin most cases, we just fix both even if the fix differs10:11
gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1485 (bschubert/fix-missing-variable-provenance->master: _variables: Fix reporting of missing variable) on buildstream
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alexandrufazakasCan anyone have a look at #178 and help me out a bit to see how we should be moving forward10:31
gitlab-br-botIssue #178: Publish documentation for each stable branch + current development (master)
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gitlab-br-botbeckyella16 opened MR !1486 (becky/fix_comand_typos->master: Fixing typos: comand corrected to command) on buildstream
gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1480 (juerg/platform->master: Store Platform reference in Context instance variable) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-bottpollard approved MR !1486 (becky/fix_comand_typos->master: Fixing typos: comand corrected to command) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert opened MR !1487 (bschubert/node-enum->master: Add a 'as_enum' on Scalar nodes to help with constraining inputs) on buildstream
benschubert^ tristan about our enum converstation. Is that what you had in mind?11:21
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tristanbenschubert, I had envisioned it slightly differently but this does look quite perfect yes :)11:25
benschubertperfect, then let's wait for review and merge this :) thanks!11:26
tristanbenschubert, Specifically, I thought maybe we'd define the enums as `class Foo(Enum)`...  with values like: = 1, Foo.baz = 2, ... etc11:26
benschubertah, we can also do that11:26
tristanbenschubert, And I would have used the class attributes11:26
tristanto validate11:26
tristanI mean, either way works11:26
benschubertwe do define the values with `class Foo(Enum)` though, I might not be understanding the first comment :)11:27
benschubertand for validation, the class attributes are used:
tristanRight, well you define them as `class Foo(str, Enum)`, and insist that enum values must be strings11:28
benschubert(slightly hidden in that case, but we retrieve the enum value as a return so that's a win)11:28
benschuberttristan: ah, they don't need to11:28
benschubertan IntEnum or plain Enum would work11:28
tristanbenschubert, Oh so my understanding is that the scalar string value right now needs to be the *value* of the enum member11:29
tristanbenschubert, I would have just used the *name* of the enum member11:29
benschubertah that's correct11:29
tristanI mean, what looks better when writing code ?11:30
benschubertwe do use capitables for names, so we would either need to use lowercase or break all configs11:30
tristanRight, we would have to use lower case indeed11:30
tristanI mean, maybe this way is also nicer11:30
tristanThe way you have it now11:30
tristanbenschubert, I'm a bit ambivalent on this point but we should choose the easier to use, more intuitive to understand API, whichever that is11:31
tristanMaybe lets go with your approach but... lets add an example to the as_enum() API docs11:31
tristanShowing how the enum must be specified11:32
tristanerr, declared I mean11:32
benschubertGood point, I'll add this in the docs after food :)11:32
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lachlanHi, I'm working on benchmarking buildstream and I'm currently getting a fall over in tests due to a Cython compilation error:
juergbilachlan: this was a bug in that particular commit. was fixed in the meantime but you probably can't benchmark this commit without applying a patch11:56
gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1486 (becky/fix_comand_typos->master: Fixing typos: comand corrected to command) on buildstream
juergbifixed by f48d173461aa1bc729474a996f81f218728bb18b afaict11:57
lachlanjuergbi: Yes, unfortunately we test every single patch individually and this one causes the whole process to fall-over. I'm looking at putting protective catches in to skip it.11:59
juergbiwhile we aim for every commit to pass the test suite, we don't currently check/enforce this in CI, so there will likely be such exceptions12:00
gitlab-br-botAlexFazakas opened MR !1488 (alexfazakas/fix-frontend-typo->master: app: Fix "earily" typo) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botcs-shadow opened issue #1083 (source checkout fails when parent directory is not writable) on buildstream
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tristaneek, we never fixed this ?14:32
tristanStrange, I'll see if I can nail it this week then14:33
benschuberttristan: I've got trouble finding in the code where we do actually, do you know?14:33
gitlab-br-bottristanvb opened issue #1084 (stack trace with python 3.7 when exiting client with `^C`) on buildstream
tristanbenschubert, dependency types ?14:38
tristanbenschubert, it appears you've cythonized that :)14:38
tristanbenschubert, in _loader/types.pyx14:39
* tristan notices that `all` is now allowed as a value (same as not specifying `type`), but has not been updated to reflect that14:41
benschubertah right, I will not move this to an enum. Enum have a penalty cost that can be huge (1-2 orders of magnitudes) when accessing values. For everything that is performance critical I would not do that :)14:44
Kinnisonbenschubert: you're kidding?14:45
benschubertKinnison: not at all14:45
* Kinnison sobs14:46
benschubertjust made an experiment by moving 'Consistency' to an Enum, and I saw a 2s penalty, on something of the size of base-files14:46
benschubertJUST to access its content14:46
KinnisonAll my design intuitions are utterly fubar when we get to microoptimising python :(14:47
cs-shadowso.. who wants to rewrite the enum module? ;)14:47
benschubertfor me, python optimisation is half black magic, half sweat and tears :)14:47
alexandrufazakashey tristan, do you have some time to discuss #178?14:47
gitlab-br-botIssue #178: Publish documentation for each stable branch + current development (master)
tristanalexandrufazakas, Ah sorry I didnt get around to you today :-/14:51
tristanI think not... do you have some questions ?14:51
alexandrufazakastristan: It's alright14:52
alexandrufazakasMost of them I left as a comment on the issue itself14:52
alexandrufazakasSo you can have a look when you've some spare time14:52
tristanalexandrufazakas, Looks like you have something decent already though !14:56
tristanalexandrufazakas, fwiw, having to maintain a json file or something listing the releases could be alright, we already have to update another thing on the website after each release (we add a link to the release announcement, which can't really be automated)14:57
alexandrufazakastristan: Hah thanks. It's gotten a bit better today14:57
alexandrufazakastristan: Hmm, so keeping these "master: URL", "1.2.8: URL" etc mappings in a json file?14:58
tristanI'm trying to load it but, we have a release checklist at, so we'd want to update that14:59
tristanalexandrufazakas, yeah well, that could be fine yeah, but I think we can manage to introspect this right ?15:00
tristanHaving a 'master' link is also good of course15:00
alexandrufazakastristan: oh, yeah, I see the "Making releases" section15:01
tristanalexandrufazakas, did you look at ?15:01
tristanIt should really be easy to use that to automatically list all minor points and find the latest micro point for each minor point15:01
alexandrufazakastristan: I only looked at it a bit, wasn't sure where to go from there15:02
tristanBut, I don't know how that relates to looking up artifacts in gitlab15:02
alexandrufazakasYeah, that's the thing15:02
tristanLike, with that script you can find out all the versions and choose the latest of each minor point15:02
alexandrufazakasWe still need to fetch the documentatino somehow15:02
tristanI dont know about the other parts15:02
tristanI would think though, there should be a gitlab automatic url for a tag15:02
tristan(honestly don't know, though)15:03
tristanif it can be automated, that is of course much desirable15:03
tristanbut if it needs to be on the checklist we can surely do that, it's not an onerous affair15:03
alexandrufazakasI see15:04
alexandrufazakasSo that script should help me with getting the tags, basically, right? tristan15:04
tristanthat script would let you get the list of "release tags" (as opposed to any other tags) yeah15:05
tristanit's certainly a good starting point to "find the latest micro point for each minor point"15:05
alexandrufazakasRight, that's what I meant. Sorry, not very used to the terminology15:05
alexandrufazakasSpeaking of terminologi, not sure what micro points and minor points are. Micro's would be 1.2.8, 1.2.7, 1.2.6 etc and the latest (which is the one we're interested in) is 1.2.8?15:06
tristanAlso, you could just ignore odd minor points15:06
tristanalexandrufazakas, I think we probably want to include odd minor points too - or at least the biggest ones15:06
tristanodd minor points reflect development snapshots / unstable15:07
alexandrufazakasSo 1.3.* for instance15:07
tristanalexandrufazakas, {major}.{minor}.{micro}15:07
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tristanalexandrufazakas, major point version bumps reflect incompatible API changes, minor point version bumps indicate API additions, micro point bumps (micro is also referred to as "patch" sometimes) indicate bug fixes which do not change the API at all15:09
alexandrufazakasOh, alright, that makes sense15:10
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tristanalexandrufazakas, in buildstream, we use semantic version and in addition, we indicate stable releases with even minor points... so 1.3.x will be allowed to change and not declared stable until this summer when it becomes 1.4.x stable (which will be completely backwards compatible with 1.2)15:10
tristanalexandrufazakas, When we start making dev snapshots of BuildStream 2, we'll use the 1.91.x range (using an odd minor point)15:11
tristanSo badges in the docs and stuff should still work with that15:11
alexandrufazakasBuildStream 2?15:12
alexandrufazakasBeing 1.2.*?15:13
tristanUh ?15:13
alexandrufazakastristan: I just wasn't sure what buildstream 2 means15:14
alexandrufazakasWhat does the version sound like15:14
alexandrufazakasI think I understand that python script btw15:14
tristanalexandrufazakas, Ok so... right now most folks are working on BuildStream 215:14
tristanIt will be incompatible with BuildStream 1, so it will be a major point version bump15:15
alexandrufazakasOh, okay15:16
tristandon't worry about that anyway15:16
alexandrufazakasSo it's 2.something.something15:16
tristanright, but before 2.0.0 there will be snapshots of it released as 1.91.x15:16
alexandrufazakasI understand15:16
* tristan gotta run now...15:16
alexandrufazakastristan: So what I should try to do now is see fi I can automate this documentation fetching15:17
alexandrufazakastristan: Okay, sorry, we can discuss this tomorrow if you have the time15:17
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gitlab-br-bottpollard opened MR !1489 (tpollard/loaderror->master: Align LoadError() parameter ordering) on buildstream
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valentindWill we rename buildstream module to buildstream2 so we can have both versions installed?18:05
KinnisonI think the intent is to recommend venvs18:38
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