IRC logs for #buildstream for Thursday, 2019-07-11

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gitlab-br-botLaurenceUrhegyi closed MR !1415 (laurence/update-contributing-guide->master: Adds a Committer Policy section to CONTRIBUTING.rst) on buildstream
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juergbitristan: any thoughts on this?
laurencejuergbi, would be good to raise as a follow up issue and not block that patch landing, if possible09:29
juergbiI think I'll rather move the corresponding commit to a separate branch/MR as it's mostly orthogonal to the rest09:29
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tristanjuergbi, The merge request says "configuration for disabling blob fetching with RE", but only adds the "whether to build all dependencies" configuration option ?09:44
juergbitristan: no, that's just one commit09:44
tristanjuergbi, I agree that it would make sense to split that into two parts (first add the "all" build option and then do the other one ?)09:45
juergbithat extra option came up in our discussion about disabling blob fetching09:45
tristanoh strange09:45
tristanWhen I show the whole file on gitlab it shows me only one change to userconfig.yaml09:46
juergbithe other is in remote-execution section which is not in userconfig.yaml as it's handled more dynamically09:46
juergbi(similar to artifact servers)09:46
tristanEh ?09:46
juergbihowever, maybe we could actually put the new option into userconfig.yaml, that shouldn't be an issue09:46
juergbithat's already the case in master. I'll try whether I can fix this up09:47
juergbitristan: any opinion on new userconfig group `build` vs. top-level option `build-all`?09:48
tristanYeah not sure why we'd want to start fragmenting the config... is it because we're giving the user too many knobs and buttons ?09:48
juergbino, I think it wasn't completely intentional. originally, the remote execution config was incorrectly only supported in project.conf09:49
tristanjuergbi, I agree with you on that09:49
* tristan commented such on the issue09:50
juergbiand it was handled similarly to artifact servers, and artifact server nodes are handled dynamically because they are in a list09:50
juergbiok, ta. might make sense to call the key inside the new group `all-dependencies` instead of just `all`09:51
tristanjuergbi, lets fix it to be consistent then09:51
tristanif we can open an issue for that right away that'd be great09:51
tristanjuergbi, I'd go another step09:51
juergbiok, will either open an issue or directly fix it09:51
tristanjuergbi, If you want to ask raoul to split it into a separate MR it might make more sense for redesign though09:52
juergbiyes, makes sense. raoul might not have time for this but I'll take care of it09:52
tristanjuergbi, what about something like a value which can be 'all' 'run' or 'build'09:52
tristanlike a --deps thing, expressing what you expect to be building09:53
tristanthen we could remove `bst build --all` and have `bst build --deps all`09:53
juergbihm, does deps 'build' even make sense for 'bst build'?09:53
tristanyeah it does09:53
tristanjuergbi, For instance I wanna build something new09:54
tristanOr... maybe it doesnt09:54
tristanI *has* in the past, it might be irrelevant09:54
tristanjuergbi, point is people want to be in a state where they can try to build something which is either new or failed09:54
tristanbut current releases dont give them the ability to delete an artifact09:54
juergbihm, I don't see the connection to deps option09:55
tristanjuergbi, I think the goal posts certainly change in BuildStream 2 regarding that question09:55
juergbithe default is to build targets and their (transitive) runtime dependencies - and build dependencies only as needed09:55
juergbi--all builds all dependencies09:56
tristanYeah it's hard to say... I think it may also be from a BuildStream developer perspective we wanted that09:56
juergbinot sure what --deps build would do. skip unneeded runtime-only dependencies?09:56
tristanI.e. as long as "BuildStream works perfectly", you don't need to rebuild the same thing over and over and debug what went wrong09:56
juergbiI'm still not seeing the connection between the deps option and the rebuild use case09:57
tristanOk... in bst 1 - there is no such thing as cached failed builds09:57
juergbithe latter should be covered by bst artifact delete, but it seems orthogonal09:57
tristanYou have a failure in CI09:57
tristanI mean I guess you could just build the target which failed, that's true09:57
tristanmaybe you just want to run `bst shell --build` later on and know that you wont need network connectivity though09:58
tristanI.e. you "Wanna get your cache in a state where you have everything ready to build 'foo'"09:58
juergbiah, not building target itself either09:58
tristanYou know the other stuff is not gonna fail, cause it succeeded in CI... so you run `bst build --deps build foo.bst` and go grab lunch09:58
juergbithat might make sense in some cases09:59
tristanyeah Scope.RUN includes the target09:59
tristanScope.BUILD does not09:59
juergbiprobably rather niche use case but it's not unreasonable09:59
juergbiright, I forgot about that09:59
benschuberthey tristan, juergbi I documented the new 'MappingNode' class on, I'll tackle the other classes ASAP, but I'd appreciate early reviews on the documentation style if you have time! Might be better to check it out and view the built documentation09:59
juergbiwill try to take a look later today10:00
juergbitristan: ok, I'm happy to aim towards run/all/build. bst build --deps run would be slightly different from other commands as it would still include build dependencies that are needed, of course. but that shouldn't be an issue10:01
juergbitristan: we could add a userconfig option with just `run` (default) and `all` first, and tackle `build` and the CLI syntax switch separately. could also do all at once, I suppose10:02
tristanjuergbi, right, it could be documented as the build/run scope only relative to the target (build-of-build-of-build dependencies are always on demand unless `all` is specified)10:02
juergbiyes, that makes sense10:03
juergbimostly matching the other commands except the on demand indirect build dependencies10:03
juergbiI don't think anyone will ever want to put deps `build` in userconfig, but we should still support it for consistency with CLI10:05
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gitlab-br-bottraveltissues opened (was WIP) MR !1466 (traveltissues/cache-key-changes->master: changes to __cache_key_dict) on buildstream
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traveltissuescan i please get reviews on and
gitlab-br-botjennis opened (was WIP) MR !1449 (jennis/update_ready_for_runtime->master: Remove __update_state_recursively()) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botshashwatdalal opened issue #1075 (Stack elements permit `build-depends`) on buildstream
gitlab-br-botjuergbi opened issue #1076 (Add remote-execution section to userconfig.yaml) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-bottraveltissues approved MR !1452 (raoul/994-further-re-testing->master: Further RE testing) on buildstream
gitlab-br-botshashwatdalal opened issue #1077 (Build skipped when element has duplicate build dependencies.) on buildstream
gitlab-br-botjuergbi opened issue #1078 (Replace bst build --all with bst build --deps all) on buildstream
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KinnisonI can look in the morning16:51
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gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 closed issue #1043 (Configuration option for disabling blob fetching with RE) on buildstream
gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1402 (raoul/1043-disabling-blob-fetching->master: Configuration option for disabling blob fetching with RE) on buildstream
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benschuberttristan: when you have time:, the public API is done, still need the private one17:23
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tristantristan_, ping18:05
tristantristan_, I don't see your xchat pid on my computer... would you please pop up a notification on my desktop so I can kill the duplicate instance of hexchat ?18:07
* tristan only sees one18:07
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tristanwhoa that was weird, some GNOME 3.30 bugs I guess18:10
gitlab-br-botvalentindavid opened (was WIP) MR !1146 (valentindavid/local-cache-exec-leak->master: Deduplicate files in local cache with or without exec rights) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botvalentindavid opened MR !1471 (valentindavid/chroot_fixes->master: Some small fixes in chroot sandbox) on buildstream
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