IRC logs for #buildstream for Tuesday, 2019-07-09

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gitlab-br-botjjardon opened (was WIP) MR !1327 (jjardon/aarch64_fedora30->master: .gitlab-ci.yml: Use fedora30 for aarch64 overnigth tests) on buildstream
gitlab-br-botaevri opened (was WIP) MR !1455 (aevri/vulture->master: Remove some unused code) on buildstream
gitlab-br-botaevri opened (was WIP) MR !1454 (aevri/rm_artifacts->master: _artifact: rm unused _artifacts member) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert approved MR !1454 (aevri/rm_artifacts->master: _artifact: rm unused _artifacts member) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botjennis approved MR !1454 (aevri/rm_artifacts->master: _artifact: rm unused _artifacts member) on buildstream
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jennisWow aevri, that's a lot of unused code!09:17
aevriHehe yeah, that's not even all of it :)09:18
aevriI'm suspecting that Marge may be asleep.09:22
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* jennis investigates 09:28
jennisaevri, apparently she's not asleep :/09:35
aevriThanks for looking! I can see she's done something just now09:37
KinnisonPerhaps she only just had her coffee?09:37
* tpollard imagines Marge on Squishee09:42
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gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert merged MR !1456 (bschubert/node-provenance->bschubert/new-node-api: Yaml improvements around provenance) on buildstream
gitlab-br-botjuergbi opened issue #1070 (Reset global _yaml state between tests) on buildstream
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alexandrufazakasIs there anywhere BST checks the dependencies' versions?10:45
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tlater[m]alexandrufazakas: What do you mean by dependencies in this context?10:52
alexandrufazakastlater: Uhh, plugins I guess? I was looking at
tlater[m]Right, so this is a bit more nuanced :10:53
tlater[m]ostree is a dependency of some plugins for buildstream10:53
tlater[m]Originally we used to check when buildstream was installed whether ostree was installed with the right version10:54
tlater[m]And not allow people to install buildstream if it wasn't10:54
tlater[m]My guess is that over updates and such those checks didn't work10:54
tlater[m]In any case, in the mean time, ostree has moved out of the default plugins10:55
tlater[m]This means that we'll really need to make that check happen somewhere in the plugin10:55
tlater[m]alexandrufazakas: Have you tried reproducing that first? I suspect it might not even be an issue anymore.10:56
alexandrufazakastlater: No, I actually didn't know how to do that10:56
tlater[m]alexandrufazakas: Looking at the issue, this is actually an issue for buildstream 1.2.310:57
tlater[m]So you'll need to use the old BuildStream version10:57
tlater[m]And write a bugfix for that :)10:57
alexandrufazakastlater: I see, aight10:57
alexandrufazakasThank you :D10:57
tlater[m]To reproduce that bug, grab this repository:
tlater[m]And build what jjardon built in the issue10:58
tlater[m]At that point it will basically just be looking into the plugin code and adding a check for that ostree version :)10:58
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alexandrufazakastlater: Are you sure that's the right repo?11:03
tlater[m]alexandrufazakas: honestly, no, but it's an educated guess11:03
tlater[m]You might have to use a different branch from that repo11:03
tlater[m]Ah, alexandrufazakas, it's this:
alexandrufazakasI've just cloned that one haha11:05
tlater[m]Or rather, this:
alexandrufazakasYeah, this one I cloned ^11:05
alexandrufazakas`Failed to load Source plugin 'git_tag': The 'buildstream-external' distribution was not found and is required by the application` is what I get when doing the same thing11:06
tlater[m]alexandrufazakas: You need to install the plugins, too11:07
alexandrufazakasMakes sense. Thank you tlater11:08
tlater[m]^ Those are additional plugins you need for some things11:08
tlater[m]alexandrufazakas: While you're at it, mind jotting down notes about everything you stumble over?11:08
* tlater[m] wants to see how newcomers experience building a new project for UX reasons11:09
alexandrufazakastlater: Notes regarding what exactly? Getting the plugins was fairly straight forward and I think I get the same stacktrace with gnome-build-meta now11:10
tlater[m]alexandrufazakas: Every little stumbling stone like "oh, wait, it's not working, what do I do now?"11:10
alexandrufazakasOr not11:10
alexandrufazakastlater: Sure11:10
tlater[m]It's important to get that newcomer experience as seamless as possible11:10
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gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert opened MR !1460 (bschubert/node-provenance-2->bschubert/new-node-api: Replace 'node_get_provenance' by method on 'Node') on buildstream
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o tristan11:20
tristantlater[m], I've been wondering if `utils.get_host_tool()` should have more parameters11:20
tristanOne option might be just a string... describing what to do to install that plugin's dependencies11:21
tristanAnother option might be a dictionary, with the ID from /etc/os-release as keys, and strings explaining what specifically to do to install that dependency on your distro (with a default just explaining what is missing)11:22
tlater[m]Oh, I like that11:22
tlater[m]It'd be horribly messy to get cross-distro instructions11:22
tlater[m]But a nice hint that points to the repository or something would be cool11:22
tristanif we had a dict then we could say "apt-get install git" on debian based distros, like that11:23
tristanand default to some explanation when you are somewhere like windows11:23
tristanPossibly also have a similar function to just explicitly raise an appropriate error11:24
tristanif for instance, importing the ostree gir bindings doesnt work11:24
gitlab-br-botLaurenceUrhegyi opened issue #1071 (Committers list should align with Gitlab users and permissions and be fully automated) on buildstream
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aevriI take it back, I think the Marge activity I saw was really my own. She's not merging this one, even though it's ready:
tpollardno activity for 16 hours11:47
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* tlater[m] ponders if writing a regex for rst to avoid dependencies is a good idea11:52
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WSalmonHi benschubert I was wondering if you would have a chance to have another look at my feedback to you points on some time soon? just so long as its some were on your todo :) thanks12:03
gitlab-br-botaevri opened issue #1072 (Add 'Vulture' to our automated testing) on buildstream
aevri3 things from me waiting on Marge12:22
tristanIt really takes time and effort to maintain that hair do12:24
benschubertWSalmon: I'll look at it in the afternoon12:37
WSalmonthanks benschubert12:41
laurencenb all - monthly irc team meeting will begin in 58 minutes, over on #buildstream-meetings13:02
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jonathanmawtristan: I've made the requested changes to !140913:27
gitlab-br-botMR !1409: Separate frontend state handling from core state
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jonathanmawI got slightly peeved about some CI failures, but I either fixed it and forgot about it, or rebasing against master made it disappear13:31
jennisaevri, i'll see if anything can be done about that13:39
aevrijennis, thanks!13:40
benschuberthey tristan should I split the yaml stuff between (public) and (private), and keep the yaml stuff cleanly separate from the nodes?13:54
tristanbenschubert, I'm a bit ambivalent, it seems to me that the remaining yaml stuff is very small, perhaps mostly can live as private function in ?13:59
tristanI say that without looking at the branch, though14:00
laurencemonthly irc team meeting will begin in 1 minute, over in #buildstream-meetings14:00
benschuberttristan: remaining yaml is roughly 3-400 lines of code. I'm happy to keep everything in one file, but might be slightly more confusing :)14:01
tristanbenschubert, in general, if it is really not much left, it would be better to move it to as private functions (or Node classmethods ?)14:01
tristanthat sounds like a significant amount14:01
tristanthen maybe keep it in _yaml indeed - point was mostly lets not make things harder to find14:02
gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1327 (jjardon/aarch64_fedora30->master: .gitlab-ci.yml: Use fedora30 for aarch64 overnigth tests) on buildstream
jennisOk found the problem...14:30
jennisSo !1327 was assigned to both Marge *and* to Javier,  and from the looks of the debug data, she was looking at the first MR for buildstream, !1327, failing because herself and Javier were assigned, and then skipping to the next repo14:31
jennisaevri ^14:31
jennisUnassigning Javier "just worked"14:31
aevriAha, good to know, thanks!14:32
aevriI wonder if she can be coaxed to comment in that situation14:32
* tlater[m] has seen this on one of his branches before, too14:33
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jennisI've filed an upstream issue for now:
gitlab-br-bottlater opened MR !1461 (tlater/auto-committers->master: Add a script to automatically update committers) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1440 (aevri/win32_tempfilename->master: _artifact: use win32-compatible named temp file) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1454 (aevri/rm_artifacts->master: _artifact: rm unused _artifacts member) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert opened MR !1462 (bschubert/node-cleanup->bschubert/new-node-api: _yaml: Remove code duplication on '_new_node_from_*') on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1409 (jonathan/frontend-separation->master: Separate frontend state handling from core state) on buildstream
gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1455 (aevri/vulture->master: Remove some unused code) on buildstream
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