IRC logs for #buildstream for Saturday, 2019-06-29

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tlater[m]jjardon ( > Is the CI broken? i have v and are reruns of the exact same job but one has 2 failures and the other has 3 failures00:27
tlater[m]In essence, we have a couple of tests that require time measurement00:28
tlater[m]Since it's a little fickle, they tend to work poorly if we don't have fairly precise timers00:28
tlater[m]In the past we've had trouble with gitlab runners because their fs has second-precision timing00:29
tlater[m]So the suspicion was that our runners changed fs or something. Or maybe updates or something?00:30
tlater[m]In any case, will is tweaking the timing a little, we might be able to resolve it without changing the runners.00:32
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jjardontlater[m]: ah, buildstream runners are not gnome runners, but some setup specifically for this project. You would have to ask valentind or lachlan07:43
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WSalmonoh, i had read the bits of gnome in the urls of some of the old runners in and assuemed they all had something to do with gnome, ok19:13
WSalmonvalentind, lachlan, something seems to have changed with the gitlab runners file systems, can you guys shed any light?19:15
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